Is there a two-headed snake? Two-headed albino snake

In the East, many believe that one who knows the snake, knows the world and the secrets of its creation. The snake amazes the imagination with its exceptional features of behavior and structure. These creatures live on earth, on trees, underground, in water. They successfully mastered the territory of our planet.

Snakes are unusual animals, and therefore, since ancient times, have caused human interest. They do not have limbs, but at the same time they move quickly and hunt swiftly - there is no escape from their throw. Snakes are deaf, but incredibly sensitive; they strike prey with poisonous sharp teeth or strangle it, tightly wrapping it in rings. The snakes swallow their prey whole, their jaws and ribs are incredibly apart. There are many such examples of the originality of snakes.

Two-headed snake - reality or fantasy?

This phenomenon has nothing to do with fantastic stories. A mutation such as the appearance of a second head is common among snakes.

two-headed snake

Where do two-headed snakes meet?

Such individuals of different species are indeed sometimes born on Earth. In nature, they do not survive, although they often live in terrariums for quite some time. It is curious that two heads on a single body do not feel themselves as one being. Each of them tries to grab food from his "colleague" during feeding.

In the zoo of the city of San Diego, the royal two-headed snake (Lampropeltis getula) lived for a long time. Both heads of this creature were in constant fear for life, and as it turned out - not without foundation. One night, one head suddenly attacked another. The resulting conflict allowed the arrival of the zoo minister. He managed to pacify the rebellious heads. The saved snake did not live long. The very next day, the head, attacked, decided to take revenge on the offender - in the fight the snake died.

two-headed snake photo


Under natural conditions, a two-headed snake (you can see a photo of this amazing creature in our article) cannot exist. But still there is one unusual species of reptiles - the calabaria snake.

She impersonates a two-headed individual. And she succeeds. She deceives not only predators, but also people. Calabaria has one head, very small in size, with small, almost invisible eyes. This snake, about a meter long, with its head buried, searches for food in the leaves, while for caution it raises its tail and slowly shakes it threateningly from side to side, as if with its head.

There is a dark spot on her tail, and below it there is another, white color, which very successfully imitates the neck. This trick always works, it distracts and scares the enemy. Local residents are sure that Calabaria is a two-headed snake, and they are very afraid of it. In fact, it is absolutely harmless. There is another characteristic feature of this snake - in danger, it quickly turns into a ball, which is almost impossible to deploy.

Two-headed albino snake

The famous Florida biologist Daniel Parker is a true fan of reptiles. Day after day, he wanders through the nearby swamps in search of curious varieties of snakes.

In his house there are many diverse reptiles. One day, one of his charges, a Honduran milk snake of red-black color, laid eggs in Parker's drawing room, and cubs hatched from them. When the scientist began to consider offspring, at first he did not understand what exactly was wrong with him.

He soon discovered that instead of black and red, the calves were white and red, that is, albinos. In addition, one of them was two-headed. The scientist has not seen such a case in all the years of observation.

In the zoo "Fairy Tale" in Yalta, a two-headed snake appeared. She is rented in Germany. In Crimea, she will live throughout each tourist season. Its insurance value is 50,000 euros.

albino two-headed snake

According to experts, a two-headed snake is born one in a million cases. This is a unique animal - it has two heads, two "sets" of brains, a single belly. One of the goals is usually dominant, the other is more passive. They eat at the same time. When feeding in the zoo, a plastic spatula is installed between the heads so that one does not eat the other.


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