How to weave flowers from beads: schemes, photos for beginners. How to weave beads trees and flowers?

Flowers in flowerpots look very nice on the windows; various delicious trinkets adorn shelves, cabinets, wall niches. Without decorative elements, the house seems empty, uninhabited. These can be framed photographs, collections of toys, flowers in vases, figurines, and an endlessly enumerable list of possible items. It all depends on the tastes and hobbies of the owners.

how to weave bead flowers

How to weave bead flowers?

But beadworks created by painstaking needlewomen have not left anyone indifferent. Making interior decorations takes a lot of time. Therefore, if you decide to make one of them, start learning simple to learn the basic principles of how to weave flowers from beads. Gradually, you can move on to more complex options for flowers in flowerpots, trees to create comfort in the house. You will be able to give them to loved ones, and โ€œhaving filled your handโ€, perhaps, make jewelry to order and sell. Now this type of business is popular.

how to weave beaded flowers for beginners

Chamomile bead

So what to do first and how to weave flowers from beads? For beginners, a lot of information is on the web. You can learn this, and skills and experience are given only to those who work to improve them. Try making cute bead flowers - daisies. The scheme (how to weave) is very simple, this option will teach you the basics of skill. In addition, on a windowsill in a vase, flowers will delight even in winter.

how to weave bead flowers patterns

Materials for flowers

Before weaving flowers from beads, it is necessary to stock up with the materials required for work. For each product, the corresponding colors, sizes of beads and wire are selected. Usually in patterns for weaving, the required number, colors are indicated. Detailed descriptions of modern workshops help beginners, and you will not have any difficulties in the future to master even the most complex techniques, the main thing is to start! By the way, everything you need is sold in specialized stores for needlework. So you will need:

  • wire (preferably green);
  • yellow, white matte and green beads for leaflets (one pack);
  • floristic paper, which is used for wrapping stems, but you can replace it with threads or do without it if the green wire also looks good;
  • scissors and some devices that in this case are not needed, but for the future special nippers and small pliers with thin ends will be useful for bending and nibbling a wire folded in several layers.

daisy flowers bead pattern how to weave
Weaving technique

Cut about half a meter of wire from the skein and start stringing 25 white beads on it. It is important that they be an odd number. They are needed in order to make a petal.

Leave about 5 cm of wire on one side, and bend the other along with the beads, making a loop. Twist the ends of the petal a few turns. You can make leaflets in two layers, or you can make it a little more luxuriant, creating an additional turnover of beads.

At the long end, re-enter 25 beads and do the same as before. Repeat depending on the number of desired petals, but are usually limited to 7-8 pieces.

Connect the resulting parts together by twisting, you can use pliers. Spread the leaves evenly so that the daisy comes out. To make your flower look as real as possible, you need to make a yellow center out of beads.

It will show more clearly how to weave flowers from beads, a photo with the main stages of stringing and twisting.

Mid camomile

The yellow bed for stamens is done separately. To do this, take 15 cm of wire, make a loop on the edge, stretching the edge through several beads for fixing. String about 30 beads and twist the workpiece in a circle, giving it a round shape.

The remaining free end of the wire must be fixed and pulled into the middle of the made chamomile. Now the flower is like a real one. How to weave daisy flowers from beads , you now know, weave a few more pieces to make a beautiful bouquet. All that remains is to add greenery to the composition, and consider that your first work is ready!

Chamomile stem and leaves

Leaves weave a little harder - herringbone. You can, in principle, create them in the same fast way as the petals, but they will not look so believable, moreover, for you this will be a new lesson for the development of skill.

Take a 45 cm long wire and put on 8 green beads. One end must be deployed and passed through all the beads except the first. On the free ends, alternately dial 4 beads and again return the wire back. Connect both branches with a twist and repeat the action described above a few more times. At your discretion, you can weave many branches of greenery in this way. With this technique, you can adjust the number of thin leaves that are characteristic of real daisies.

An important point! When collecting flowers from beads, evenly distribute the weight on the sides. If there is more weight on one side, the design may be unstable.

how to weave bead flowers

Support for flowers and trees

For more reliable fixing, you can fill the container with gypsum. Dilute dry powder with water. You can use putty and any other hardening mixture that is on the farm so as not to be wasted specifically for pouring. Fix the bouquet in a flowerpot, pouring pebbles into it to the middle, and add the solution (it should not be liquid).

how to weave bead flowers

Pick up a small flowerpot. Sometimes even beautiful ceramic cups with split handles are used. Glue one flower made of beads with silicone glue in place of the former handle, and the mug will serve as a decor for a long time.

Now it became clear to you how to weave flowers from beads, you can use schemes for other species, changing the number of petals, playing with color and size, the number of components, etc. The manufacturing processes are quite similar, and the skills you learned can be used for more complicated options. In the same way, learn how to weave trees and flowers from beads .

Lilac tree

Next time try to make a twig of lilac with your own hands, and possibly a small tree that will remind you of the approaching spring.

how to weave bead flowers

You will need a lot of lilac and green beads. For a small tree, it is necessary to prepare 7-15 lilac branches and three times as many leaves. The principle of operation is approximately the same as with daisies, but instead of flowers - small inflorescences.

how to weave beaded flowers for beginners

The pieces of wire should be 40 cm each. Beads need to be dialed 8 pcs., Pass through the first three and tighten. At the ends again put on 7 beads and pass through the first, tighten.

how to weave beaded flowers for beginners

Thus, we work through the entire inflorescence (the photo will help to understand what and how to do), gradually increasing the number of beads to the base, so that the tops of the flowers turn out to be triangular in shape. By the way, you can use several shades of color to make the lilac more picturesque.

There are three pieces for inflorescences for each, you have to work hard, this is not one evening or one day. A lot of greenery looks much better, so if you manage to weave more, then they definitely will not be superfluous.

how to weave beaded flowers for beginners

25 cm of wire is worn in rows of beads in the following order. Start from the middle row, for this, dial 5-7 beads, return through one, put 2 more on the loose ends. Fasten on the end and continue until the leaf comes out as in the photo. By the way, they can be made of different sizes, because in nature not all leaves on the trees are the same.

how to weave beads trees and flowers

Crown formation

It remains to connect all the elements, as described previously. For each inflorescence, screw three leaves and form 7-15 branches. Wrap each stalk with green thread or floral ribbon.

how to weave beads trees and flowers

The final stage is to connect all the branches. One brush is taken for the middle, it will be the highest point in the tree. On the sides just below you need to arrange four branches, the rest to attach even lower, it all depends on the number of parts, splendor, then decide on your own.

how to weave beads trees and flowers
Spread out all the leaves, the wire is very elastic, and the branches can be placed plausibly. Pick up a flowerpot and fill your new tree with gypsum for stability.


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