How to make a do-it-yourself cabins frame

The article will talk about how to make a frame of a change house from metal or wood with your own hands. Almost every owner of a country house or a summer cottage is faced with the problem of storing fertilizers, equipment, hoses, etc. Even building materials need to be stored in a change house to prevent moisture or sunlight from entering them. And now we will talk about several options for change houses, which can be translated into reality on your site.

Varieties of change houses

Immediately you need to highlight several types of buildings that can be installed on the site:

  1. Homemade - an excellent option for a summer residence, they can store garden tools, building materials. The advantage of the design is that it is very cheap.
  2. The frame change house is made, as a rule, from a sandwich panels.
  3. Log and beam structures are a good option for a summer cottage.
  4. Panel constructions are usually built for a short time. As a rule, they are built during the construction of a house to store equipment or temporary residence of workers. After that you can disassemble the change house and use the boards for the manufacture of formwork.
Wooden house frame

OSB construction

This is the cheapest and most common type of change houses. You can erect such a design yourself quite quickly. First you need to list what exactly we need for the construction:

  1. For the manufacture of the base, you need to use reinforcement, cement, sand, gravel.
  2. The walls are made of lining, timber, OSB plates.
  3. The roof can also be made of timber. But if you wish, you can lay on it roofing material, slate or any other material.

Foundation construction

The first thing that needs to be done is to prepare a place for the foundation. You need to choose it correctly so that subsequently the structure does not bother you. Before making the wooden frame of the cabins, you need to carefully level and clear the area under the foundation. Moreover, it is necessary to remove the soil layer of about 15 cm. In this case, the structure will be more connected with the surface.

As soon as you do this, you need to make a pillow - pour a layer of sand, gravel on top of it. After that, mount the formwork, its thickness should be approximately the same as the floor height. And after that, you can begin to fill the base. Pour the concrete mortar inside the formwork and put the bolts around the perimeter until it grasps. If this is not done, then the installation of the walls will subsequently prove to be problematic.

Frame construction

And now you can start the construction of walls and the installation of the frame. At the pouring stage, you put the bolts, you need to attach 4 medium-sized beams to them. This is the foundation of the entire building and frame. Only after making a kind of strapping can you put a vertical beam. First, make supports at the corners of the change house, fix them, pay attention to the level.

DIY cabins

A bunch of elements is carried out using the transverse bars in the upper part of the walls. To achieve maximum stability, the holding beams can be driven into the ground. If you can’t do this, you can make wedge-shaped stops. After the first wall is made, the second one can be done much faster, since you will already have practice.

Roofing construction

The main thing at work is the observance of the level, because only one incorrectly mounted beam will lead to the result that you get an uneven design. As a result, the installation of the roof will be much more difficult. For change houses from OSB, the ideal option is a gable roof. To make it, you will need to put beacons on both sides of the structure, which must be connected using a transverse beam. Fastening it must be done using clamps.

Metal frame for a change house

Fastening rafters is best done using metal corners and screws. In the event that the requirements for the building are low and it is small, nails can also be used. It is necessary to focus only on the size of the future design. Now you have made a full-fledged frame cabins with your own hands. As you can see, making it is quite simple.

Covering of a change house

And now let's talk about how to give a change house an attractive appearance. For this, it is necessary to sheathe it, for example, with OSB boards. Such material is ideal for covering both the outside of the walls and the roof. Doors can also be made from these plates. You can use the frame that you built in the previous steps, or you can further strengthen it.

The penultimate step is the roof cladding. In this case, you can use any materials that are convenient for you to work with. It can be slate, metal, as well as OSB boards. But in the latter case, it is necessary to paint them, and also treat them with an antiseptic agent so that the material does not deteriorate during operation.

The frame of the cabins step by step

The last step is to paint the structure. You can use simple paint and an antiseptic, and you can decorate the utility room with the help of lining, siding, profiled sheet.

Shed roof construction

And now we will consider the construction of a change house with a shed roof. Sometimes it happens that a gable roof is inappropriate to use. This happens when a lot of snow is possible in the region in winter. Differences exist not only in the roof, but also in the base.

First you need to choose the place where the construction will be carried out. Be sure to remove the garbage and level the site. The soil does not need to be removed, the foundation is installed on the surface of the earth. But be sure to fill the site with sand and gravel. Next, expose the blocks of concrete around the perimeter of the building. Do not forget that you need to ensure high-quality outflow of water. Around the building you need to make a slight slope so that the water does not fall under the cabins.

Metal cabins frame

Now you need to cover the blocks with roofing material. With the help of a beam and a level, it is necessary to loop around the perimeter of the lower harness. It is recommended to use a beam with a thickness of more than 10 cm. This base has advantages:

  1. The change house is mobile, you can move it or even transport it at any time.
  2. Dryness is guaranteed, and this is one of the most important points when working with wood. In that case, if you make additional processing of the timber, the cabins will be able to serve a fairly long time.

After this, the bars that are installed around the perimeter must be connected with each other and with the blocks of the base. Fasteners can be carried out using anchor type bolts.

How to assemble walls

First you need to install poles in the corners, at the base, fasteners are made using corners. All racks must be connected with horizontal beams around the perimeter. Please note that in the end you should have a change house with a shed roof. Therefore, one wall should be higher than the opposite, about half a meter.

You can also make a frame of metal. For this, profile pipes are used. Moreover, it is recommended to use pipes with a square cross section for vertical columns, and with rectangular pipes for horizontal ones. Such a metal frame for a change house can last quite a long time, especially if all the pipes are treated with a primer followed by painting. Fasteners can be carried out both by welding and by bolts.

Roof manufacturing

And now let's talk about how to make a roof. First you need to make rafters, which are mounted on the roof. The step between the rafters should be approximately 60 cm. Do not forget that there should be visors on both sides of the change house. Therefore, the rafters need to be done more than expected. Fastening is best done with plates, screws and angles. Roofing material is allowed to use any.

The frame of the change house

As for the surface of the floor, you need to do it in two layers. First, the draft is laid, after which the finishing one is mounted. The first layer must be fixed directly to the transverse bars of the base. Next, this floor needs to be covered with a film of polyethylene and lay insulation material.

On top, you can lay the finished floor from boards or OSB sheets. As a result, you will get a change house with a gable roof, which can be moved or moved at any time. It is worth noting that you can order the manufacture of structures in the company "Frame City". Wooden cabins of this manufacturer are popular not only in Krasnodar, but also far beyond its borders.

Using Sandwich Panels

This design is more expensive, but it can be used not only to store tools. You can even live in such a change house if you are building a house. It is worth noting that from such material it is possible to build not only a change house, but also a full-fledged house for a summer residence.

On sale you can find ready-made change houses from sandwich panels, it remains only to assemble them. And you need to do this strictly according to the instructions that are included in the kit. Be that as it may, a foundation is needed for such a change house. You can use one of the designs described above. But the pile foundation shows itself well. In order to make it, it is necessary to hammer four piles strictly in the corners of the structure. And pour a concrete pillow on top.

The second casting is done using formwork. The thickness of the second layer should be about 15 cm. Reinforcement should be used in the construction of the third base layer. This option will be quite good if you are going to build a permanent stationary change house. In the same case, if you have plans to constantly disassemble it and rearrange it from place to place, it is best to use a base on concrete blocks.

Making a frame for a sandwich panel

In order to make a frame for a building, you must strictly follow the installation manual, which is attached to the cabin. It is necessary to observe the installation level of all components, otherwise you will not be able to finish the construction, as the entire frame will be crooked. Strengthen the walls with transverse stiffeners, take into account at the time of manufacture what places will be installed window and doorways. Such a frame of a construction change house will be very beautiful and reliable.

Change house wooden frame

If you seriously approach the matter, then the installation can take no more than 3 hours. This is provided that you have at hand all the necessary materials and tools. The roof of the change house, as well as the walls, can be made of aluminum and metal elements. When connecting, angles and bolts are used. This approach will allow you to quickly disassemble the cabins to move to another place or even remove from the site. The structure must be sheathed starting from the floor. Then proceed to the walls, and the ceiling will be the last in line.

To make a frame of a change house, step by step follow all recommendations given in our article. The change house from a sandwich panels can be used even for residing, but only in the summer period. At the last stage, it is necessary to insulate all the walls, as well as install windows and doors, conduct electricity and, possibly, heating.


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