Civil Service in the Navy

What annoys some and inspires others is the strength and power of the Russian fleet. It is worth noting so much about the capabilities of unique ships, but about the features of service in the Navy. The charter of the fleet service requires the crews and command to conduct daily activities, combat duty and be prepared to perform tasks every minute. And all the ships of the Navy - raid boats, Admiral Kuznetsov, submarines, etc. - daily at work. Today, a concept has been developed for the construction of the Navy until 2050, all four generic components of the Navy are being developed.

fleet service

Build-up and disaster

Service in the Navy began in the days of the Russian Empire. Under the reign of Peter I in 1723, the first two Russian ships sailed into the open sea, heading to Madagascar. The emperor wanted to establish diplomacy with the ruler of the pirates. However, the ships were completely unprepared for long sea โ€‹โ€‹voyages and barely withstood storms and storms. I had to go home. Madagascar failure still did not deprive the Russian fleet of hope to gain strength. Russia has modernized its ships, creating a powerful Navy capable of solving strategic tasks. The fact that this happened became clear in the second half of the eighteenth century, when the Baltic squadrons fought in the Mediterranean, glorifying the names of Prince Orlov and Admiral Senyavin. Russian rulers Catherine II and Alexander I proved the advantage of the Russian fleet in battles with the French and Turks. It was warships that "took" the islands in the Adriatic Sea to the empire.

In the nineteenth century, the Pacific Fleet was created, which successfully opposed the Anglo-French squadron. He was the strongest. But after the Russo-Japanese War, the Pacific Fleet lost many ships, and its recovery slowed down.

However, in the Great Patriotic War, the submarine fleet retained its strength. After the Victory until the 70s, the Soviet Pacific Fleet gained power, and the rest of the powers had to put up with this.

But in the 90s, the fleet, like the army, unfortunately fell into decay. Ships disposed of or sold.

The revival of the Russian fleet

Navy service is again the dream of many recruits. The restoration of Russia's naval forces began in 2000. Soviet ships still remained in the fleet, but there were few of them. However, the Navy accomplished its mission by repelling the Russian ship Moscow University from Somali pirates.

navy service

The stronger fleet in Russia is the North. The carrier strike group is only possible here. It was used off the coast of Syria. The campaign was led by the heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser Admiral Kuznetsov.

The submarine fleet remains powerful.

Today, there is criticism of the Russian Navy for the condition of ships, but Russia can put into the ocean what England, Germany or the Netherlands do not have - this is an aircraft carrier. The modernization of surface ships and submarines promises to strengthen the position of Russia, which regains the status of a great naval power.

Submarine forces

Navy service is a daily feat, especially for submariners. The base of the Northern Fleet of Russia and the base of nuclear submarines is the closed city of Gadzhievo in the Murmansk region. The population is about 13,000 people. For hundreds of years of Russian submarine fleet history, submarines from tiny vessels have grown to huge missile carriers. For sailors, service in the Northern Fleet and every trip is both a preparedness for danger and an expectation of adventure.

fleet charter

Nuclear submarines of project 667 BDRM "Dolphin" with missiles RSM 54 "Sineva" - the basis of the naval strategic nuclear forces of Russia.

Characteristic of "Dolphin":

  1. Displacement: underwater - 18,200 tons, surface - 11,740 tons.
  2. Length - 167 meters, width - 11.7 meters.
  3. The boat can go to a depth of 650 meters and spend up to 90 days in autonomous navigation.
  4. Heavy duty weapons.

Russian nuclear submarines are born at the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk Region. The shipbuilding complex in Severodvinsk appeared in 1938. The shipyard immediately began to implement a large-scale shipbuilding program: 132 nuclear boats, an aircraft carrier, an ice-resistant sea platform, which operates in the Arctic. Submarines are also being built in several stages.

Submarine Service

A large team works here. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in three shifts, in turn, as well as duty, at a strictly defined time. A special place is the medical block. In the campaign, anything can happen - from the common cold to appendicitis. The doctor on the submarine and the therapist, and the optometrist, and the dentist, and the surgeon. There is a full operating room with all the necessary equipment.

Get used to small rooms, enclosed spaces begin even during training on land. In Gadzhievo, in the Training Center, the crew is passing standards for survivability and the fundamentals of rescue training. Without this, they wonโ€™t be allowed to go to sea.

Training is part of the service.

The basis for safety in an emergency is a properly assembled and configured isolating breathing apparatus. Each submariner should have a clear idea of โ€‹โ€‹how it works and how to use it. It is used with rescue overalls. He is needed if you have to leave the boat.

fleet contract service

Equipment Benefits:

  • You can be at a depth of 60 meters;
  • necessary pressure is maintained, ascent will be safe;
  • lead insoles so that the diver does not float upside down.

Practice the dive in the training center under the guidance of instructors.

The state service of the navy is also the development of methods of salvation. In particular, the fight against a hole in the ship's hull. Everyone in the carriage must understand what they will do when water spills. It is incredibly difficult to stop a leak in a bulky, uncomfortable suit in the dim light of an emergency lamp. Usually, several holes are drilled per workout.

The worst hole in the boat can be a fire. Work out situations of ignition. The crew is learning how to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning, and how to put out a fire. For training, the training complex โ€œFireโ€ was created. A flame is fed into it, fire extinguishers and fire hoses are used in the training compartment.

Training anxiety and responsibility of everyone

The crew also works out the evacuation from the submarine through the torpedo compartment - this is a pipe of small diameter about 7 meters long, which must be overcome in the same bulky wetsuit. Almost everything that was done in the training complex is constantly repeated on the boat itself in order to bring the actions of each crew member to automatism. The outcome of the entire operation depends on the actions of one person. A training alarm can be announced at any time - a fire, emergency ascent, missile attack, etc. All submarine services must be ready.

federal fleet service

Ascending and diving for the crew of the submarine is the same as taking off and landing the aircraft for the pilot. It is necessary to follow the readings of dozens of devices. Carelessness or inattention can be too expensive. There are no unnecessary training alarms in the submarine fleet. The interaction of the entire crew is being worked out.

The crew of the submarine has more than a hundred people, each with its own responsibility and business.

"Where the sea kisses with the wave ..."

Only those who can be entrusted with the most formidable weapons of the country serve in the submarine fleet.

"The sailor has no easy or difficult path; the sailor has a glorious path." So claimed Admiral Nakhimov. This is a difficult path: a confined space, the same people, complex tasks. To cope with this, you need stronger motivation than financial well-being or satisfaction of ambitions.

public service of the navy

Serving here are people who have made informed choices. A submariner, like a pilot, an astronaut, an infantryman, a tankman, is any person in the military profession, above all, a defender of the Fatherland. And he must be a professional in his field.

The Russian Navy provides reliable protection of the interests of the state, this is the main component and basis of the country's marine potential. A special role today is assigned to the submarine fleet - strike force, which acts secretly and performs tasks in any region of the oceans, at the farthest reaches. At any moment, submarine crews are ready to carry out the orders of the Supreme Commander.

Navy Contract Service

The Russian army and navy are rapidly changing their appearance. They need professional military men, contract soldiers. Successful and confident people who are ready to serve and receive decent money for this are actively switching to contracting in the fleet. The elite uniting the infantry and the Navy is the Separate Marine Brigade of the Coastal Forces of the Pacific Fleet. This highly maneuverable combination has proved more than once that it is within its power to fulfill any task. The brigade has been leading its history since 1967. During this time, its soldiers more than once took part in major international exercises, visited the ports of many countries on ships of the Pacific Fleet. In 1995, the marines of the brigade selflessly fought in Chechnya, five people were awarded the high title of Hero of the Russian Federation. The connection completed all the tasks set successfully.

Black Berets

Ever since the Great Patriotic War, for the dedication and fearlessness of the enemy called the marines "black death." The marines always act boldly and lightning fast. They are universal soldiers, unlike the Airborne Forces can land from ships and from the air. Service in the Pacific Fleet in the elite branch of the armed forces is responsible and significant. Combat coordination fighters work out on exercises and on long hikes. The marines belong to the coastal troops, but the naval traditions are also close to the fighters. The Marines also undergo the rite of "petting", drink a shade of sea water and become members of the sea fraternity. Going out to sea for brigade fighters is a common thing. Everyone wants to go on a military campaign. This is not only an attempt to test oneself and see the world, but also an opportunity to earn extra money.

submarine service

The brigade has everything for modern and effective combat training.

It takes place in water sports complexes. Here they practice the exercises in the newest corsair body armor, which was created specifically for black berets. In terms of diving training and diving support, the team occupies one of the leading places in the Pacific Fleet.

How to become a Marine

The Federal Fleet Service gives various guarantees to contractors. In addition to the high monetary allowance, the Ministry of Defense provides a solid social package. Any serviceman after the first contract can become a member of the accumulative mortgage system and buy an apartment in any region of the country. You can get higher education. The team is deployed in Vladivostok - the city โ€‹โ€‹of Military Glory, in the outpost of the Pacific Fleet. Service apartments are also available here. Any interested citizen with full secondary education from 19 to 40 years old who has completed military service in the army or navy can enter into the first contract for military service in the brigade with the Ministry of Defense. The main criteria in the selection of applicants, in addition to the desire to serve, excellent health and high physical fitness. Entrance tests are arranged for the applicant at regional selection points. In them, candidates undergo a thorough professional and psychological test, a medical commission, and pass physical training. The Ministry of Defense is constantly working on improving contract service, involving military personnel.


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