There is no love: quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases of great people, motivational impact, a list of the best and their authors

Many modern philosophers argue that it is quite possible to live without love. Their quotes for many have become some kind of motto in life. And they are trying to explain love, as some other hobby, attachment to a person who is important to us.

But the so-called great love, when there is only one person in your life, does not exist.

Love or pseudo love

Probably, most people consider love, the relationship of a man and a woman, and family as the main thing in life. So it is - from childhood, the child sees the relationship of mother and father, then he grows up and begins to build his own relationships. The most difficult thing in life's journey is to meet true love, where there will be reciprocity, respect, where there will be love and understanding.

Hold hand

Many understand that love is most important, very late. It happens that a person built his own business, he has friends, relatives, but there is no love, no reciprocity, no one to return to after work. Such individuals either lose faith in real feelings, or begin to get involved in fleeting meetings without obligation.

True love gives an incentive to live, one wants to do more than is possible, he begins to strive for something more, improves living conditions, takes steps to his soul mate and receives reciprocity. In such situations, stress decreases, and the psychological state becomes better, the person comes to life, he is less concerned about depression. Of course, it is worth remembering that there can be difficulties, for example, dismissal from work, but if there is support, then troubles can be easily overcome, and coping together is much easier than one. When a person loves, he does not want to replace the beloved with someone else and the idea that there is a man or woman is better does not arise, he simply loves, appreciates and enjoys life and love. Love does not tolerate any calculation, there is a calculation in pseudo-love, when one loves, but they do not love him, they only use and shudder nerves.

Pseudo-love implies intent when a person needs something from a “beloved”, and when he is not ready to give anything in return, he only has the word “must” or “buy”. Living in such a relationship is difficult, as it becomes clear that they just use you, and if you refuse something, then the other half can immediately break the relationship. People quickly notice such a relationship, and from all sides accusations and surprise begin to pour in that there is no love, that only money is needed. But if one loves in such a couple, then he may not notice much, and in the future it will be a sad experience, after which not many decide to start a new relationship. Since in the future there may appear a fear that there will again be a lie, and people think that it is impossible to love them just like that, for what they are, and not for anything.

There are those individuals who intentionally start a relationship. For example, when they see that a friend has a girlfriend. A person can simply start dating someone so as not to seem “flawed” against the background of the rest. Then, in this case, the second half may suffer if she falls in love with a person who will use it. But in reality there will be no love, just relations will be like entertainment, this is pseudo-love.

Heart clouds

If you want a relationship, then look for real feelings, and you should not get carried away with fleeting relationships that are addictive, a person simply changes his partner does not think about constancy, and it just ceases to interest him. There is real love, it is worth opening your eyes and looking around, usually you don’t have to go far, and there is already someone who feels sympathy or has already fallen in love, maybe this will turn into real love.

Sex drive or love

There are people who will believe that love depends mainly on sexual attraction to another person. Of course, this is important, but this is not enough. The proof is that today most couples diverge, because besides sex and physical attraction, there is nothing else.

It is important to share your favorite shared moments, to have the same goal in life, to have common interests, or you will be bored. Remember that with the person you are going to live with, you will be paired with you for 24 hours every day until the end of your years, so you will have to share common desires to develop love in its long term.

What also makes the difference between ordinary relationships and true love is the contrast of relationships. Of course, in ordinary relationships there is passion, we feel that life is beautiful, everything is perfect, etc., and then with time the feelings decrease, and the feelings become different from what they were at the very beginning. Quote: “Love has no middle ground,” is ideal in this case.

Heart lock

There is no routine in true love. Two people are very attentive to each other and spend time communicating, taking care of their soul mate. It is important to be careful regardless of the relationship time.

Sad quotes about love with meaning

Love lies in those unsent drafts in your inbox. Sometimes you are wondering if it would be different if you clicked “Submit”.

Faraaz Qazi

I will wait for you until the day when I can forget you or until the day when you understand that you cannot forget me.


There is a distinct, terrible pain that comes with love for someone more than they love you.

Steve Maraboli

Walking alone is not difficult, but when we went a thousand years with someone and then returned alone, it is difficult.

Faraaz Qazi

Life goes on with or without you.

Faraaz Qazi

Some people are about to leave, but this is not the end of your story. This is the end of their part in your story.

Faraaz Qazi

Part of me hurts at the thought that it is so close, but so untouchable.

Nicholas Sparks

Sometimes your eyes are not the only place where tears flow.

Faraaz Qazi

There is no disguise that can for a long time hide love where it exists, or imitate it where it is absent.

La rochefoucauld

Better to love and lose than never to lose.

Samuel Butler

For all the sad words of the language and the pen, the saddest are: "Perhaps it was."

John Greenleaf Whittier

Some of us think that holding on to us makes us strong, but sometimes it lets go.

Hermann Hesse

Heavy hearts, like heavy clouds in the sky, are best relieved by a small amount of water.

Christopher Morley

The walls we build around us to keep sorrow also do not give joy.

Jim Rohn

Sometimes I wish I was a young child, leather knees are easier to fix than broken hearts.


Two hearts under an umbrella

Sadness flies away on the wings of time.

Jean de la Fontaine

Relations are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than to try to hurt yourself by putting them together.


Love is a puzzle. When you are in love, all the shapes fit, but when your heart breaks, it takes time to put everything together.


You flew away with the wings of my heart and left me without a flight.

Terry Gillemets

Quotes "There is no love" and about loneliness

People who cannot be single are usually the worst company.

Albert Guino

The best part is that you are alone, so that you really do not need to answer anyone. You do what you want.

Justin Timberlake

Alone, we can do so little, together we can do so much.

Helen Keller

Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work.

Abdul Kalam

Better to be alone than in a bad society.

George Washington

I think that a person enjoys being alone. This gives them the opportunity to find out who they are and find out why they are always alone.

Amy Sedaris

I do not want to be alone, I want to be alone.

Audrey Hepburn

Sometimes life is too hard to be alone, and sometimes life is too good to be alone.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Two hearts in the sand

And if you can’t be loved, then it would be best to leave yourself alone.

L.M. Montgomery

We are born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion at a time when we are not alone.

Orson Welles

The most terrible poverty is loneliness and feeling unloved.

Mother Teresa

Pray that your loneliness may push you to find something for which you live, great enough to die.

Dag Hammarskjöld

Sometimes you just need to be alone to make sure you can still.

Unknown author

Quotes “there is no love” should not always be taken literally. There are people who are used to being alone, because they are so comfortable in life, and there are those who cannot live without love.

Statements and quotes by Russian authors

Love is an amazing counterfeiter, constantly turning not only copper coins into gold, but often gold into copper coins.

O. Balzac

Every love is true and beautiful in its own way, if only it was in the heart, and not in the head.

V. Belinsky

Love has its own laws of development, its own ages, like human life. She has her own splendid spring, her hot summer, and finally, autumn, which for some is warm, light and fruitful, for others it is cold, rotten and barren.

V. Belinsky

There is no crime to love several times in your life, and there is no merit to love only once: reproaching yourself for the first and boasting of the second is equally ridiculous.

V. Belinsky

In love there is despotism and slavery. And the most oppressive is women's love, demanding everything for itself!

N. Berdyaev

There is an incommensurability between female and male love, an incommensurability of requirements and expectations. Men's love is partial, it does not capture the whole being. Women's love is more holistic. A woman becomes obsessed. This is the mortal danger of female love. There is magic in female love, but it is oppressive. And there is always a discrepancy with ideal female images.

N. Berdyaev

Love is an intimate and personal sphere of life in which society does not dare to intervene ... When it comes to love between the two, then every third is superfluous ... Love is always illegal. Legal love is deceased love. Legality exists only for routine, but love comes out of routine. The world should not know that two beings love each other. At the institution of marriage, there is shamelessness in discovering for society what should have been hidden, protected from prying eyes.

N. Berdyaev

Important components of love

Love is a concept, despite its centuries-old existence, poorly understood. In fact, no one has studied it, everyone relies on their own feelings and each understands it in their own way. The surest synonym for the word love is "affection." Everything else is just components.


There is no reciprocity - in fact, there is no love. No, unrequited love happens. But in a holistic sense, it is no longer there. There are just TWO people, one of whom loves, the other does not. Mutual feeling is TWO. It should also be understood that if a person suffering from unhappy love has gone on a love spell, TWO will still not be. Yes, and the action itself sooner or later comes out bewitching sideways, because no one gave him the right to control the feelings of another person. Imposed feelings are a kind of hypnosis. And they wake up from hypnosis.


The concept of intangible and elusive. She just felt and that’s it. People are comfortable in each other's company. I must say, harmony in the love of mother and child is much more pronounced than in love between a man and a woman. Indeed, the love of mother and child is much stronger in view of the unconditional - after all, it was donated not just initially, but even before the birth of the child. The connection between them appears already from the moment of conception. They are really tightly bound. So, such love is more harmonious.

Bride and groom at sunset

The trust

It is far from the last place in love, but trust must be earned. If reciprocity and harmony are self-evident concepts in love, and therefore unconditional, then with trust everything is more complicated. You can love a person, but if he committed an act, confidence is undermined. Which does not mean that feelings are weakening. The undermining of trust can shake both reciprocity and harmony, but love can not always kill.


Without him, love is impossible. You cannot love someone you have never respected. Only having earned respect, you can earn love. You can respect a person, but do not love him or even feel friendly feelings, but on the contrary it does not happen.


Love is first and foremost a relationship. And they should be positioned as friendship. There is friendship even in the love of a man and a woman, because they talk, watch and discuss films, have a meal together, laugh, etc.

Such concepts as passion, attraction are coming, and they flow from the evil one. And they relate only to carnal love, and they simply fall out of the general understanding of love in general.

All of the above is eternal and is the solid foundation of any love.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that there is one interesting quote: "There is no love - that means there is no soul." Everyone has their own understanding and vision on this score. For some, love is the highest feeling, but for others it's just chemistry.


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