Nitrogen fertilizers - what are they? Which of the nitrogen fertilizers is more rich in nitrogen than others?

Fertilizers are the gardener's most important weapon. It is enriching the soil with various compounds, we can count on getting a good annual crop from the same plot of land. However, garden plants require a complete set of mineral and organic additives, and the gardener has to navigate quite well in this variety. Today we are interested in nitrogen fertilizers. What are these groups, what are they and what impact do they have on the growth and development of plants? All of this we will consider in detail.

nitrogen fertilizers what are these

What is nitrogen?

First of all, it is important for you to know that this is one of the most common elements on our planet. Without it, no living organism can exist, and this applies to plants. Nitrogen is an important component of proteins and amino acids, nucleic acids. That is why the first commandment of the gardener says that he should regularly apply nitrogen fertilizers. What are these? We will talk about this below, but for now - a little more theory. The presence of a sufficient amount of nitrogen in the soil increases productivity, and its lack sharply reduces it. That is why garden plots, which are operated every year, need to be constantly added to these substances. However, you must also remember that, despite the obvious usefulness, it must be used very moderately. The fact is that an excess of this substance in the soil leads to an increased growth of the vegetative system and an almost complete cessation of fruiting.

Why nitrogen to plants

We already know that a good crop cannot be obtained using only the natural resources of the soil. Therefore, it is extremely important to constantly replenish the supply of nutrients. Why is it so important to make nitrogen fertilizers? Which substances it will be - organic or mineral - is decided by each gardener depending on the season and previous top dressings, below we will consider the optimal schedule for making top dressing. But so far this is not about that. Nitrogen is a part of chlorophyll, necessary for the assimilation of solar energy. Lipoids, alkaloids and many other substances important for plant life are also rich in nitrogen.

Young stems and leaves are especially rich in nitrogen in spring, in the phase of active growth of the plant itself. As necessary, when new buds, leaves and stems appear, nitrogen substances rush toward them. And after pollination, they pass to the reproductive organs, where they accumulate in the form of proteins. That is, it is extremely important to timely introduce nitrogen fertilizers into the soil. What are these substances, we will tell you in detail, but for now, we note that subject to this rule significantly increases the volume and quality of the crop. In particular, the protein in the fruits becomes more valuable, and garden crops themselves grow much faster.

nitrogen fertilizers are what

Types of fertilizers

We are moving smoothly to the classification, which means we will tell you more about nitrogen fertilizers. β€œWhat are these?” You ask? First of all, an experienced gardener, of course, will remember the mineral ones, and this is not surprising. After all, it is them that we usually meet in specialized stores, under the appropriate signboard. However, the list does not end there. There are also organic nitrogen fertilizers. These are primarily nutrients of plant and animal origin. Perhaps this will be a revelation for you, but manure contains about 1% nitrogen. There are other nitrogen fertilizers. Which ones, for example? Well, at least there is compost, in which, when garbage and peat are mixed, a 1.5% concentration of the substance under consideration is reached, and if green foliage is placed in the compost pit, then the figure mentioned above will increase to 2.5%. This is a lot, but there are other organic fertilizers that easily overlap these numbers. This is bird droppings that contains at least 3% nitrogen. However, we must not forget that such top dressing is quite toxic, which means that they should not be carried away.

Liquid types of nitrogen fertilizers (ammonia group)

We continue to consider nitrogen fertilizers. The name of the chemical element - "nitrogen" - is translated as "life", from which we can conclude that without such substances the growth and development of green plantings is simply impossible. First, let's talk about the liquid forms of this fertilizer. Their production is much cheaper than the production of solid counterparts, which means you can significantly save on the purchase. And there are only three of them that are available to any summer resident: this is anhydrous ammonia, ammonia water and ammonia. All of them have different concentrations, so it is important to clarify in advance which of the nitrogen fertilizers is more rich in nitrogen than others. This is undoubtedly anhydrous ammonia. The additive is produced by liquefying ammonia under high pressure and contains at least 82% of the basic substance.

nitrogen fertilizers title

Features of applying liquid nitrogen fertilizer to the soil

There are some nuances to consider. It is easy and simple to apply such top dressings to the soil, however, nitrogen losses can occur for a number of reasons. First of all, this is the evaporation of free, anhydrous ammonia. In addition, soil colloids instantly absorb nitrogen, and part of the fertilizer reacts with water and turns into ammonium hydroxide. It is best to apply this fertilizer to the soil in the fall, after saturating it with humus, which will greatly reduce losses.

Nitrate group

The liquid form is often used by small horticultural enterprises. If we talk about the industrial scale, then we need to additionally think about what nitrogen fertilizers are better to use. One of the most popular products is ammonium nitrate. This is a universal product that provides a quick effect. Fertilizer is realized in the form of white-pink granules. The nitrogen content in it reaches 35%, which is quite enough, given the high preservation of the active substance in the soil. Many gardeners assure: it is enough to purchase saltpeter, and your site will no longer lack in this element. They bring it into the soil in early spring, because it is necessary precisely for a quick start and good development of plants. Approximate consumption - from 25 to 30 g / 1m 2 . Moreover, you can independently prepare a liquid solution - for this you will need to dilute 20 g per 10 liters of water.

And what are some nitrogen fertilizers?

which of the nitrogen fertilizers is rich in nitrogen more than others

Ammonium nitrate group (ammonium sulfate)

This is another popular tool, having the form of crystallized salt. The nitrogen content in it is slightly lower, about 21%. It can be applied to the soil both in spring and in autumn, and depending on the intensity of the crop, vary the one-time or two-fold enrichment of the earth per year. Fertilizer is not washed out of the soil, which means it provides a lasting effect. Many gardeners noted a slight acidification of the soil with its regular use. It is necessary to introduce into the soil 40-50 g of the substance mentioned per 1 m 2 .

Amide fertilizers

The brightest representative is urea. This is one of the main nitrogen-containing fertilizers (nitrogen concentration - 46%). As a rule, it is used in spring, but on the most difficult soils it can be applied in the fall. To do this, take 20 g per 1m 2 . But if you need to make a solution for spraying, then you can dilute from 30 to 40 g per 10 liters of water.

However, this is not all nitrogen fertilizers that exist today. The list continues with urea and calcium cyanamide. At the same time, it should be noted that urea is the most valuable, inexpensive and affordable means. This is a highly concentrated fertilizer that can cause burns in plants, so you need to be extremely careful when applying it to the soil.

nitrogen fertilizers are what photos


Now you have figured out which fertilizers belong to nitrogen fertilizers, and we can talk a little more about how to use them in your summer cottage. Do not forget that the time and amount of food depends on the type of soil and the lack of nitrogen in it. It is worth considering that when using a large amount of nitrogen-containing fertilizer, flowering occurs much later, and fruiting may not occur at all. What plants need to be fed with nitrogen? Absolutely everything except alfalfa and clover. However, the requirements for each culture to feed their own, and this must be taken into account.

Plants with high nitrogen fertilizer requirements

These are cultures that are known to everyone and widespread in our garden areas: cabbage and potatoes, pumpkin and zucchini, peppers and eggplant, as well as delicious rhubarb. When growing them, it is necessary to add nitrogen both before planting and during the growing season. It is recommended to use at least 25 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m 2 . You must know what nitrogen fertilizers are if you are going to grow fruit and berry crops such as raspberries and blackberries, strawberries, cherries and plums. It is very important to use these additives in full if you are going to plant decorative dahlia and phlox, peonies and zinnia, violets and lilacs.

what fertilizers are nitrogen

Second group: average nitrogen demand

These are tomatoes and cucumbers, beets and carrots, garlic, corn and parsley. Among fruit plants, currants and gooseberries, as well as apple trees, can be noted. The majority of annual flowers can also be attributed to this group.

When growing these crops, it is enough to add nitrogen once a year - in early spring. This is enough to make the plants feel comfortable. It is recommended to make no more than 20 g of nitrate per 1 m 2 .

Third group

These are plants with moderate nitrogen requirements. The recommended dose is 15 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m 2 . This includes all leafy vegetables, onions and radishes, early potatoes. Bright representatives of this group are all bulbous ornamental plants. Finally, the most undemanding are legumes (just 7 g of fertilizer per 1 m 2 is enough ) . This is not only peas and beans, but also ornamental plants, for example, azalea, heather and many others.

Fertilizer application methods

In order for these substances to act on time, they must be correctly, and most importantly, to be delivered on time. For this, different methods are used. The very first is scattering. It can be performed both manually and with the help of automatic dispensers. Apply this method before sowing, since fertilizer requires a lot of time in order to dissolve. The second is the tape method, in which ammonium nitrate or other mineral nitrogen fertilizer is applied with a narrow ribbon near plants on the soil surface or at a shallow depth. In severe deficiency, as an emergency measure, spraying is used. Finally, fertilizers are released in liquid form, that is, you can use drip irrigation.

which nitrogen fertilizers are better

How to diagnose a lack of nitrogen

We hope that now the question "nitrogen fertilizers is what" will not baffle you. The photos presented on the page will demonstrate with greater clarity the whole variety of such top dressings. However, it is very important to understand when it is time to introduce them into the soil, and when the reason for poor growth lies in a completely different way. With a lack of nitrogen, growth inhibition and yellowing of the whole plant, especially its leaves, are primarily observed. One should also be concerned if the color of the plant turns pale yellow. The very first sign that should alert you is the yellowing of the edges of the old leaves. Then they dry up and fall off.

Signs of excess nitrogen

It is sometimes difficult to distinguish one from the other, that is, lack and excess of nutrients. Therefore, you need to build on what and in what quantities you applied to the soil, as well as on your observations of plants. First of all, an excess of nitrogen is manifested in the fact that the green part of the plant becomes soft and lush, accelerates its growth, but flowering and ovary are usually very late in time. If the excess of nitrogen is more significant, then leaf burns are observed, and then their complete death. Following this, the root system also perishes.

what nitrogen fertilizers are

To summarize

Thus, in order to optimize the nutrition of your plants, you can use organic matter (manure or bird droppings) or mineral fertilizers, which is usually more convenient. It can be ammonium nitrate (nitrogen content - 34%) or ammonium sulfate (21%). You may also need calcium (15%) and sodium nitrate (16%). If the plants are severely deficient in nitrogen, or if you plan to plant those crops that are most demanding on it, it is best to take urea (46%). Use fertilizers in the correct proportion and exactly when they are most needed.


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