First-aid kit on the road abroad: we collect together

Do you plan to relax at sea? Immediately worth preparing for various surprises. No one wants to hurt during the rest, but there are various circumstances that cannot be predicted.

first aid kit for traveling abroad

Putting a first aid kit on the road

A first-aid kit for traveling abroad should be number one on the list of things necessary for travel. It needs to be carefully thought out in advance and started to be collected much earlier than the designated departure date. Often, at the right time, there is not exactly the right medicine at hand. When traveling abroad, it’s quite difficult to purchase a vital drug, so you should think about it at home.

Standard travel kit

- Be sure to first-aid kit on the road abroad should contain paracetamol or the drug "Nimesil." They are excellent antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

- A bactericidal patch may be needed on the road.

- The bandage is useful as a dressing;

- It is worth buying cotton wool.

- Wounds and scratches should be treated with hydrogen peroxide.

- The first-aid kit of the mother and child must contain an ointment that perfectly heals wounds, for example, the "Rescuer" ointment.

- Festal or Mezim preparations will help improve digestion.

- The tool "Imodium" will save from intestinal disorders.

first-aid kit for mother and baby

- It is also worth buying activated carbon.

- Antihistamines, such as Suprastin or Erius tablets, are very important.

This is the smallest first-aid kit on the road abroad. Do not think that it will be superfluous. Indeed, with each person on the road, a toothache or headache can occur that can seriously ruin a vacation. In a foreign country, it is not so easy to get the right medication, and your own medicines will help you easily cope with the problem. Even with sunburn, painkillers will be needed.

Everyone will agree with the fact that during the trip the food is not at all like at home. Here funds will come to the rescue to normalize digestion processes. After all, such a situation can seriously ruin your vacation, and the first-aid kit that you collected on the road abroad will significantly help you during your vacation. Just help your intestines or stomach to overload the load, and they will thank you with good health.

Many mistakenly suggest that antihistamines are needed only for allergy sufferers. However, such remedies perfectly help with insect bites or in case of allergy to the sun.

The first-aid kit for traveling abroad should also contain:

- drops for the ears, for example, Otipax;

- Panthenol ointment from various burns;

- funds for cough type syrup "Doctor Mom";

- Proposol solution for gargling;

- You can grab the Rehydron firmware.

travel abroad

In the case of chronic diseases, you need to take the usual drugs. It may seem to many that there are too many medicines, but they will not be redundant for you during the trip, and you will be prepared for all occasions.

Such a first-aid kit on the road abroad will not take up too much space, but rest with it will be much more comfortable and safer than without it. You may need it not only when traveling, but also, for example, on a picnic or during other outdoor activities. Let your rest be calm and the first-aid kit will be preserved until your next trip!


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