
Brick house building today occupies its niche in construction. Bricklaying is characterized by strength and stability. The strength of the masonry is its ability to absorb the load transmitted from overlying structures. It is affected by the size and shape of the materials for masonry, the density and thickness of the mortar joints, the brand of brick and mortar. The thickness is normalized to 10-15 mm for longitudinal (horizontal) joints and 8-15 mm for vertical ones.

The stability of the masonry is its ability to maintain position under horizontal (for example, wind) loads, it limits the height of the wall being erected.

Brick laying on the outside of the wall is made of high-grade high-quality brick, and on the inside there is a brick with flaws, halves. Pieces are used for backing.

In order for the walls to be erected to be vertical, and the seams - horizontal, even, they use devices - a mooring (stretched horizontally) and an order (installed vertically, in the corners). All brick masonry is carried out with dressing of seams (the second row begins with half of the brick). This not only gives an aesthetic appearance to the wall, but also evenly distributes the load. The outer row of bricks in the wall is a mile and a half; Bricklaying is bonded and spoonful. In the first case, the brick is laid across the wall, in the second - along it.

types of brickwork

Types of bricklaying: single-row, three-row, as well as multi-row. In the first case, with a chain single-row system, the tyke and spoon rows alternate dressings. Vertical transverse joints are offset by a quarter of a brick, while longitudinal - by half. This masonry is simple in execution, has high strength, but laborious.

With a three-row dressing, three rows of spoon alternate with one poke. Cross vertical seams in 3 adjacent rows do not bandage. This type of masonry is used in the construction of piers with a width of up to 1 m and pillars.

A multi-row system is characterized by spike rows either through three or five spoons. Transverse vertical seams of rows of bonnets are made with an offset of a quarter of a brick, spoon - half a brick. Longitudinal vertical seams from the 2nd to the 6th rows are not bandaged. Brick masonry is more productive, but less durable.

The first stage of masonry loading is normal natural exploitation. The second stage of the load leads to the appearance of cracks in individual bricks. In the third stage, vertical cracks develop, but the masonry still perceives external forces, acts, although it already needs restoration.

masonry repair

Repair of brickwork is associated with problems such as cracks in the brick, chipping brick, destruction of joints. If the mother-in-law is small, then they are slightly expanded, cleaned and poured with a liquid cement mortar. In case of significant cracks, the solution should be thicker and with the addition of glue. Bricks sometimes crumble. To replace (a small amount), a grout is knocked out with a chisel and a hammer, the brick, debris, dirt are removed and a new brick is laid on a new mortar. To repair the seam, the old mortar that has become unusable is knocked out and replaced with a new one.


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