Stucco walls without lighthouses: methods and materials. Mechanized plaster

Most often, indoor walls and facades are plastered using beacons. However, sometimes masters use a slightly different technology for decorating building envelopes. In this case, beacons are not used for decoration. This technique is complex and requires exact adherence to all the required technologies.

Plastering walls without lighthouses - the procedure is actually not easy. In this way, wall decoration is carried out mainly by experienced professionals. A beginner should use this technology only for plastering surfaces, for example, in some outbuildings. To decorate the walls in residential premises for a home master who does not have much experience in this matter, it is better to use lighthouses.

Plaster leveling

Pros and cons of the method

The main advantage of wall plastering without beacons is that in this case it is possible to apply the composition with a thinner layer. That is, the owners of a house or apartment using this technology are able to save on material. If when using beacons the minimum thickness of the plaster in the most protruding places of the wall is 7-8 mm, then without their use this figure is reduced to 3-5 mm.

Another advantage of this technology is that in this case, the time for preparing the surfaces for finishing is reduced. When applying this technique, it is not necessary to install beacons on the walls, wait for the mixture to dry, remove these elements and close up the cracks remaining after them.

The disadvantage of using plastering technology without landmarks is primarily considered, of course, that in this case it is impossible to achieve a perfectly flat surface. Due to the need for careful manual alignment when applying this technique, the finishing process itself is stretched over time.

In what cases can the technique be used

Most often, walls and facades without lighthouses are plastered in various kinds of outbuildings. Of course, there are no special requirements for the evenness of the finishing layer in such structures. On the material, using this technology, in fact, you can save significantly.

Sometimes the method of plastering walls without beacons is also used in living rooms. It is allowed to use this technology for such rooms if the walls in them are fairly even. According to the norms of SNiP, plastering living rooms without the use of beacons is allowed when the differences on their surface do not exceed 1-1.5 cm.

Where to begin

Of course, before embarking on such a procedure as plastering the walls with your own hands without lighthouses with a rotband or any other mixture, all surfaces must be carefully prepared. From them should be removed pieces of old wallpaper, paint, dirt, greasy stains.

All existing cracks need to be repaired with putty using serpyanka. This procedure is usually performed as follows:

  • close up the crack with putty;

  • laying it along the entire length with a serpentine;

  • apply another putty layer and carefully level it.

On such wooden surfaces before such decoration, a frame of thin rails is mounted, cross-wise diagonally filling them. In order for the plastering of concrete walls without beacons to be performed as efficiently as possible, they are pre-cut.


As soon as the putty on the cracks dries, they begin priming the walls. The composition for this purpose can be selected intended for the processing of wood, brick or concrete. Also on sale today there are universal primers.

Priming walls

Apply the compositions of this variety on the walls and ceilings before plastering using a usually paint roller. In most cases, the walls are primed in two layers.

What plastering technologies without beacons can be used

At the moment, there are several methods for such finishing of walling. But most often plastering walls without lighthouses with their own hands is done:

  • traditional method in three layers;

  • mechanized way.

Both of these methods allow obtaining fairly smooth surfaces, but at the same time they require exact adherence to the technology.

What compounds can be used

Mixtures of different types can be used for plastering walls. Inside the room, in most cases, trim using gypsum compounds. The exception in this case is only wet rooms. For the decoration of such rooms, cement mixtures are still used more often. In most cases, the same compositions are also used for plastering facades.

Plastering material

Traditional way

In this case, three layers of plaster are applied to the walls:

  • spray

  • leveling main;

  • finishing.

At all these stages, work should be done as carefully and thoroughly as possible.

How to knead a solution

In most cases, for plastering walls, without lighthouses, including, in our time, ready-made purchased mixtures are used. Independently, solutions are usually prepared only for the finishing of building envelopes of farm buildings. In this case, the cement is mixed with fine sand in a ratio of 1 to 3 and a little lime is added to the resulting composition in order to make it more ductile.

Ready-made purchased mixtures are usually simply diluted with water in the amount specified in the instructions from the manufacturer. When preparing the solution in this case, use a construction mixer. First, water is poured into the bucket, and then the dry mixture is poured. Then everything is thoroughly mixed until the lumps disappear. After that they wait a few minutes and use the mixer again. Ultimately, the mixture should be as homogeneous as possible.

Mixing at the same time you need a small amount of solution. If you plan to plaster the walls without beacons with gypsum plaster, at one time prepare as much mixture so that it lasts about half an hour.

Cement mortar for surface finishing at the same time you can do more. Such a mixture remains flexible enough for convenient work with it on the order of 1-1.5 hours.

How to spray

At the first stage of plastering, the prepared primed walls are moistened with water and begin to throw pieces of the mixed solution on them with a special bucket. In order to make the spray as high as possible, the stucco mixture for it needs to be prepared correctly. Consistency it should have a thick sour cream.

Plastering without beacons

The solution poured onto the walls should not crumble, crumble or fall down. Nor should it drain down the surfaces. It is not necessary to level the walls in any way at this stage. The main thing is to try to make the plaster layer the same in thickness (5-7 mm) over the entire surface area to be trimmed. Grind the pieces thrown on the walls using a paint grater.

If desired, spray can be done a little differently. Often at the first stage, the stucco mixture is not thrown on the walls, but spread. To level the solution, and in this case too carefully, there is no special need.

If the walls in the room are very even, spraying can also be carried out using a liquid solution. In this case, surface treatment is technologically similar to conventional priming.

Application of the main layer

At this stage, an elastic, not too thick and not particularly liquid solution is also prepared. Before applying it, wait until the spray on the wall dries out slightly. This layer should harden completely anyway.

Then the wall passes in different directions with a long rule of 1.5 m to remove protruding parts. Actually, the main layer of plaster on the surface is applied with a grater and evened out in the most thorough way. During this work, the tool is moved in all directions. The mortar itself is applied with a spatula.

After the entire wall is finished, arrange a break until this layer dries. Next, the surface is checked for evenness, applying a rule with a level to it. All defects are eliminated - the hillocks are cleaned, the holes are filled with a small amount of solution and leveled.

Topcoat application

After the wall is carefully aligned, arrange a break for 3 hours. As soon as the solution dries well, start applying the finish layer. This time a very liquid formulation is prepared.

Apply the finish layer to the walls as follows:

  • scoop up the solution with a paint bucket;

  • starting from the top, water 1 m 2 of the wall area;

  • grind the surface with a circular motion.

Carrying out this work, they try to make the wall as smooth as possible. The finish layer on the surface should dry in the next 5-8 hours. After that, the wall is again carefully rubbed with a grater. Then you can begin to finish.

Grouting surface

The technology discussed above is a good answer to the question of how to plaster walls without beacons using gypsum plaster or cement. When applying this technique, you can get fairly smooth, beautiful and neat surfaces. But the disadvantage of this method, as already mentioned, is that plastering in this case becomes a very slow process.

Mechanized plaster: equipment used

This method of wall decoration is technologically similar to that described above. However, in this case, in this case, special equipment is used - a plastering unit. Such devices may be professional or amateur. Their use can significantly accelerate the finishing process.

Plastering machine

Such technology can be used for plastering walls without beacons with cement plaster or gypsum. Professional equipment designed for mechanized wall decoration is large and very functional. Using it, you can not only apply the solution to the surface, but also knead it.

Household plastering devices are small in size. There is no kneading function in them. When using them, the master must manually make the solution.

What is a mechanized plastering process?

In this case, the walls at the first stage are also carefully prepared and primed. Then they are wetted with water. Then they are sprayed using a plastering apparatus. The solution when applying the method of mechanized plaster on the surface is applied with thin even horizontal stripes close to each other. At the same time, they try to conduct the working part of the equipment along the wall as evenly as possible.

After the surface to be finished is completed, the mixture is carefully leveled with a long rule. At the same time, they remove the hillocks and close up with a small amount of the pit mixture.

Mechanized plaster

At the final stage, when using this method of applying plaster on the wall, the surface is finished with a finish layer. After it dries, they overwrite with a grater.


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