Dostoevsky, "Idiot": reader reviews, summary, characters

The novel "Idiot" by Dostoevsky, reviews of which you will find in this article, is one of the most famous works of this Russian author. It was first published in several issues of the journal "Russian Herald" in 1868. It is believed that he was one of the author’s most beloved books, in which he fully managed to reveal his moral and philosophical position, as well as artistic principles. He pondered the idea on a trip abroad, he began to make his first recordings in Geneva, and finished the work in Italy.


Prince myshkin

The reviews of Dostoevsky’s “Idiot” were mostly positive. The main characters of the novel are well known to all connoisseurs of domestic literature. The main character becomes Prince Myshkin. In Dostoevsky’s “Idiot”, we see a Russian nobleman who returns to Russia from Switzerland, where for the past four years he has been treated for epilepsy. The author describes him as a young man of short stature, blond and with blue eyes. He is smart, pure in soul and thoughts, therefore, in society he is called the Idiot. The Dostoevsky prince does not bother at all.

Another central character is Nastasya Filippovna Barashkova. In the novel "The Idiot" by Fedor Dostoevsky we read a description of a pretty woman from a noble family. Moreover, she is in the position of a kept woman with Athanasius Ivanovich Totsky. His position Barashkova pity Prince Myshkin. Dostoevsky’s “Idiot” describes their relationship in detail, what the main character sacrifices to help her.

Finally, the third main character is Parfen Semyonovich Rogozhin. In the novel “The Idiot” by F. M. Dostoevsky, he is described as a dark-haired and gray-eyed 27-year-old merchant. He is passionately in love with Nastasya Filippovna, receives a large inheritance, which he is fully prepared to spend on the object of his passion.

Among the rest of the heroes of "The Idiot" Dostoevsky it is necessary to distinguish the Epanchins family. It consists of a distant relative of Myshkin Lizaveta Prokofievna, her husband General Ivan Fedorovich and their three daughters - Alexandra, Adelaila and Aglaya.

An important role among the characters of "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky is also played by the Ivolgin family. This is a retired General Ardalion Alexandrovich, his wife Nina Alexandrovna. The hope of their family is their son - an ambitious middle-class official Gavril, whose name is many Ganya. He loves Aglaya Ivanovna, but for the sake of money he is ready for anything, even to go down the aisle with an unloved woman. He has a younger brother, Kolya, 16 years old, as well as Varvara’s sister with her husband, Ivan Petrovich Ptitsyn, who works as a loan shark.

Among the other key characters of Dostoevsky’s “Idiot”, the reader needs to remember Ferdyshchenko, who rents a room from the Ivolgins, deliberately playing the role of a jester, the millionaire Totsky, who raised and maintains Nastasya Filippovna, a consumptive friend of Kolya Ippolita, a retired lieutenant and boxer Keller, who drinks heavily and servile official Lebedev.


Heroes of the novel idiot

The first reviews of the book "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky appeared from Petersburg correspondents when it was first published. Experienced critics immediately realized that this was a success, showed a healthy curiosity, worried about the heroes, noting what an original and difficult task the author sets himself. In critics' reviews of Dostoevsky’s “Idiot”, almost everywhere, one could find unchanging enthusiasm.

However, when the last chapters of the work appeared in the Russian Herald, the attitude towards it changed somewhat. Completely different reviews began to appear about the "Idiot" by F. M. Dostoevsky. Critics wrote that the book makes a contradictory impression, largely because they considered the events described to be too fantastic and implausible. At the same time, in reviews of “The Idiot” Dostoevsky emphasized that it was Myshkin who seemed to be the most real person, and that everyone else seemed to live in some fantastic world.

Having comprehended the work, some radically changed their attitude to it. For example, in reviews of the book "The Idiot" by Dostoevsky, opinions began to appear that this was an undoubted failure of the author. Emphasizing its diversity and abundance of ideas, but noting that all the works have a special flavor. Reader reviews of Dostoevsky’s “Idiot” noted that many were unclear about the author’s intention, which once again confirmed the opinion that the writer writes exclusively for the elite.

Interestingly, the author himself agreed with some statements. In particular, he was not completely satisfied with the book. At the same time, the novel was popular, as evidenced by reviews of Dostoevsky's “Idiot” after the first chapters appeared in print.


Movie idiot

The novel has always aroused increased interest among Russian and foreign directors, so it was repeatedly filmed. The first film "Idiot" by Dostoevsky was directed by Pyotr Chardynin in 1910. This is a short film in which Lyubov Varyagina, Andrey Gromov, Pavel Biryukov and Tatyana Shornikova played. The picture consists of only a few scenes, its total duration is 15 minutes.

In 1919, the first film adaptation of Dostoevsky's "Idiot" appeared abroad. The film of the same name in Italy is shot by Salvatore Aversano. Next come the film “Prince Idiot” by Italian Eugenio Perego in 1920, “Unfaithful Souls” by German Carl Frelich in 1921.

In 1951, one of the most famous adaptations of Dostoevsky’s idiot made by the cult Japanese director Akira Kurosawa appeared on the screens. The film was moved to Japan (for example, Myshkin returns from captivity from Hokkaido).

In 1958, director Ivan Pyryev filmed the first domestic full-length film adaptation of "The Idiot" by F. Dostoevsky with Yuri Yakovlev, Yulia Borisova, Leonid Parkhomenko and Nikita Podgorny in the lead roles. However, it is possible to release only the first series, since the performer of the role of Prince Myshkin Yakovlev refuses to act in the sequel due to a difficult state of mind, and Pyryev refuses to accept another actor.

In 1966, in the UK, the television series Alan Bridges appeared on the screens, in 1968 the television movie was released in France, directed by Andre Barsaka. In 1985, in Poland, the Polish director Andrzej ulawski removes the drama "Crazy Love", which is based on the novel by Dostoevsky. The main character named Leon returns from a psychiatric clinic, and the action is transferred to modern France.

They are interested in the history of Prince Myshkin even in India, where in 1991 they finished shooting the series Mani Kaul. In 1994, Pole Andrzej Wajda filmed the drama "Nastasya" in the style of kabuki. According to the creator, the Japanese actor Bando Tamasaburo simultaneously plays two roles - Prince Myshkin and Nastasya Filippovna.

In 1999, the Czech presents Sasha Gideon (the picture is called The Return of the Idiot), and in 2001 Roman Kachanov decided on the black comedy comedy Down House. The action of this picture takes place in Russia in the second half of the 90s among foreign SUVs, "new Russians" and hard drugs.

The first full-fledged domestic film adaptation of the novel was released only in 2003 by the efforts of Vladimir Bortko. This is a 10-episode series with Evgeny Mironov in the title role. In this film, Vladimir Mashkov, Lidia Velezheva, Olga Budina also play Dostoevsky's Idiot. The picture received seven TEFI awards.

Interest in the work has not ceased in recent years. Already in 2008, Frenchman Pierre Leon shot his version, and in 2011 - Estonian Rainer Sarnet.


Fedor Dostoevsky

The whole novel consists of four parts. Ostoyevsky in The Idiot begins the story in 1867, when Myshkin returns to Petersburg from Switzerland, where he underwent treatment. The prince suffered from a nervous illness in childhood, so his guardian Pavlishchev sent him to a foreign sanatorium. Away from his homeland, he spent four years, now comes back with big, but obscure plans that are not completely understood even by himself.

A brief summary of Dostoevsky’s “Idiot” will help you quickly recall the main events of the novel in order to prepare for the exam or standings. On the train, Myshkin meets Parfen Rogozhin. This is the son of a wealthy merchant, who inherited a huge fortune. It is from Rogozhin that Myshkin first hears the name of Nastasya Filippovna, whom he is passionate about, wants to win her heart. Parfen says that the girl is considered the mistress of the wealthy aristocrat Totsky.

In St. Petersburg, Myshkin first goes to the house of his distant relative, Elizaveta Prokofievna Yepanchina. Three daughters grow up in her family - the oldest is Alexander, the middle is Adelaide, and the youngest is Aglaya. The latter is considered a universal favorite and unsurpassed beauty.

The prince immediately disposes everyone to himself with his credulity, spontaneity, naivety and frankness. All this seems so unnatural to those around that at first they are very wary of his words, only then they are imbued with sympathy and curiosity. It turns out that the prince, who seemed a simpleton and a fool, is very smart, and understands some things incredibly deeply. For example, he speaks earnestly about the death penalty that he observed abroad.

At the Epanchins, Myshkin met the secretary of General Ganei Ivolgin, from whom he noticed a portrait of Nastasya Filippovna, for the second time encountering people who knew her. The prince carefully studies her proud and beautiful face, full of suffering and contempt. Her appearance strikes him to the very core.

The prince reveals some details related to the life of this woman. For example, he learns that her seducer Totsky now wants to free herself from her, as he plans to marry one of the Epanchins' daughters. He marries Nastasya Filippovna herself to Ganya Ivolgin, giving 75,000 rubles as a dowry. Ganya does not like Barashkova, but can not resist the temptation in the form of money. He understands that this is his chance to break out into people, there may no longer be another. He wants to get a dowry, and in the future to significantly increase his capital, while Ganya suffers from the humiliating situation in which he is forced to end up because of this. He himself is in love with the youngest daughter of the Yepanchins, Aglaya.

As a result, he relieves himself of responsibility for making a decision by entrusting it to Aglaya, Ganya expects a final word from her. Myshkin involuntarily becomes an intermediary between them. Aglaya unexpectedly decides to make him his attorney, and for the secretary, he causes only anger and irritation.

Rogozhin and Nastasya Filippovna

Roman Fedor Dostoevsky Idiot

At the same time, Myshkin himself is offered to rent rooms at the Ivolgins, so they will certainly be forced to meet. Myshkin arrives at the place, begins to get acquainted with the family of Ghani, as well as the rest of the tenants, among whom slobber and lobotam Ferdyshchenko, who deliberately poses as a jester. Two events, unexpected for everyone, happen at this time. Firstly, Nastasya Filippovna herself comes to the house, who invites Ganya and her relatives to her for the evening. General Ivolgin in response begins to fantasize, but she listens to him openly amusing herself. Because of this, the atmosphere in the house is heating up to the limit. The next uninvited guests are a noisy company led by Rogozhin. The merchant in love immediately spreads 18,000 rubles in front of Barashkova. Something like bargaining begins, in which Nastasya Filippovna herself takes part with a contemptuous and mocking attitude towards everyone. She does not agree that they want to buy her so cheaply. Then Rogozhin raises rates to 100,000.

Relatives of Ghani understand how insulting everything is happening. Everyone knows that Barashkova is a corrupt woman who should not be taken in any decent house. For Ghani, however, she becomes the only hope to put together the initial capital and break out into people. As a result, a great scandal begins. Gani's sister Varvara Ardalionovna spits in his face, in response, his brother is going to hit her. But here, unexpectedly for all, Myshkin stands up for her, who receives a slap in the face from the secretary. Myshkin is not going to give back, noting how he will be ashamed of his act in the future. At this moment, the whole essence of Myshkin is manifested, which even at the moment of his own humiliation sympathizes with the offender. Then he turns to Barashkova, arguing that in reality she is not at all what she wants to seem to everyone. This phrase becomes the key to her proud soul, who suffers from shame. For the recognition of her purity, she falls in love with Myshkin.

That evening, the prince, subdued by her beauty, comes to her. Everything is already there - from General Yepanchin to the jester Ferdyshchenko. Suddenly, she decides to consult with Myshkin whether to marry Ganya, to which the prince replies in the negative. Around midnight, Rogozhin is announced, who lays on the table 100,000 rubles, which he agreed on in the afternoon.

The prince hurts what is happening, he confesses his love to Nastasya Filippovna, expressing her willingness to marry her. It turns out that Myshkin himself inherited a substantial inheritance from a distant relative. Nastasya Filippovna leaves with Rogozhin, and throws the bundle of money into the fireplace, offering Ghana to get it from there. He hardly restrains himself. Then Barashkova herself grabs them with forceps, leaving Ghana fainted as a reward for torment. He will proudly return them later.

Six months later

Dostoevsky's novel Idiot

Six months pass before the second part of the novel. All this time, the prince travels around the country. All this time there are unprecedented rumors about Nastasya Filippovna. They say that she already ran away several times from Rogozhin to Myshkin, and once, almost from under the crown. But every time she comes back to the merchant.

At the station, Myshkin feels someone's gaze on himself, because of which he begins to languish with a foreboding of death. He goes to Rogozhin’s house on Gorokhovaya Street, which Myshkin is more like a prison. During their conversation, the protagonist is always bothered by a garden knife lying on the table, he constantly picks it up until Rogozhin picks it up with irritation.

It is noteworthy that in the merchant’s house, the prince draws attention to a copy of the painting by Hans Holbein on the wall, on which the Savior just removed from the cross is depicted. The merchant admits that he loves to look at this picture, the prince is surprised by this, he believes that someone may even lose faith from her sight. In conclusion, they exchange crosses, and Rogozhin brings Myshkin to his mother for blessing. Now they become named brothers.

Near his hotel, where he stayed, Myshkin notices a familiar female silhouette, he rushes after the narrow and dark stairs. But even here he sees a knife and the sparkling eyes of Rogozhin. He suddenly has a seizure of epilepsy, Parfen runs away.

The prince comes to his senses after a seizure only three days later at Lebedev's cottage in Pavlovsk, where at the same time the whole Epanchins family is resting, and, according to rumors, even Nastasya Filippovna. That same evening he gathers acquaintances, among them the Yepanchins, who decide to visit the sick Myshkin.

At the evening, Gani’s brother Kolya Ivolgin begins to play a trick on Aglaia because of the “poor knight” mentioned in her poems, alluding to the prince’s sympathy. The daughter is forced to explain, as her mother shows interest.

Later, a noisy company of young people appears, among which stands out Burdovsky, who calls himself the son of Pavlishchev. They behave and reason like nihilists, but at the same time, as Lebedev notes, they went even further because they are business people. Someone reads a dirty libel about the prince, which was published in the newspaper, and then they demand from him that he reward the son of his benefactor as an honest man.

The prince instructs Ghana to sort things out, who finds out that Burdovsky is not the son of Pavlishchev, after which the obviously embarrassed company backs down. The focus is only on Ippolit Terentyev, who suffers from consumption, who makes a speech in order to assert himself. He wants to be praised and regretted, at the same time ashamed of his openness. As a result, his enthusiasm gives way to rage, which is directed at the prince. Myshkin acts in his usual style: he listens attentively to everyone, feels guilty in front of them and regrets.

Nastasya Filippovna and Radomsky

Reviews on the idiot novel

A few days later, Myshkin visits the Yepanchins. All go for a walk together, they are joined by Prince Eugene Pavlovich Radomsky, who seeks the location of Aglaya, Prince Shch., Whom everyone considers to be the bridegroom of Adelaide.

At the station, they are faced with the company Nastasya Filippovna. She famously calls out to Radomsky, telling that his uncle committed suicide by spending a large amount of official money. This is a provocation that outrages everyone.

Radomsky's friend, indignantly, states that a whip is needed to calm this woman down. In response to this insult, Barashkova herself snatches a cane from someone's hand, with the help of which she cuts the face of the offender. The officer in response is ready to hit Nastasya Filippovna, but Myshkin is holding him back from this act.


The next important scene takes place at the celebration for the birth of Myshkin. Ippolit Terentyev reads "My Necessary Explanation," written by him. In fact, this is a confession that shakes everyone to the core. In it, Terentyev frankly talks about himself, who practically did not live, but who changed his mind a lot. Now, because of consumption, he is doomed to a serious illness and a quick death.

Having finished reading, he makes an attempt to commit suicide, but even then fails. The capsule does not work in the gun. The prince is trying with all his might to protect Hippolytus, for whom the worst thing is to seem ridiculous in the eyes of those around him. He will not bear it if he is again subjected to ridicule and attack.

In the morning in the park Aglaya meets the prince and invites him to become her friend. Myshkin feels that he begins to love the girl, penetrating her with sincere sympathy. Later, in the same park, the prince sees Nastasya Filippovna. She kneels before him, demanding to tell the truth whether he is happy with Aglaia, after which she again disappears with Rogozhin. It becomes known that Barashkova is in correspondence with the youngest daughter of the Yepanchins, persuading her to marry Myshkin.

Between two women

Literally a week later, Myshkin is officially declared the bridegroom of Aglaya. High-ranking guests are invited to the original "bride" of the prince to the Yepanchins. Aglaya herself believes that the prince is higher than all of them, but just because of her bias, he is afraid of any wrong gesture, is more silent.

But then, nevertheless, he is encouraged to start talking about Catholicism as anti-Christianity. He declares himself in love, breaks a precious Chinese vase, and then falls into another epileptic seizure. It makes an awkward and depressing impression on everyone present.

Aglaya agrees to meet with Nastasya Filippovna in Pavlovsk. But the prince and Rogozhin also come there. Aglaya arrogantly asks on what basis Barashkova writes letters to her, interfering in her personal life. Nastasya Filippovna is offended by the behavior and tone of her rival. Wanting to take revenge, she persuades the prince to stay with her, and then drives away Rogozhin. Myshkin is between two women. He loves Aglaya, and treats Nastasya Filippovna with love-pity, considering her insane, realizing that he will never forgive himself if he abandons her now. In this case, the condition of the prince himself is deteriorating.

The denouement of the novel

Everyone is preparing for the wedding of Myshkin and Barashkina. A large number of rumors circulate around this event, but Nastasya Filippovna is at least outwardly pleased with what is happening. She orders outfits, but at the same time she is sometimes sad or enthusiastic. On the wedding day, she rushes to Rogozhin, who stands in the crowd, who grabs her in her arms and takes her away on a carriage, ready. Her act amazes others to the depths of her soul, to the last, most believed that she would really marry Myshkin and calm down.

The morning after her escape, Myshkin arrives in Petersburg and immediately goes to Rogozhin. He is not at home, but the prince constantly thinks that he is watching him from behind a curtain. The prince is looking. He comes to Rogozhin’s house several times, but still to no avail. The prince wanders around the city all day, hoping that Parfen will appear sooner or later. And so it happens, on the street he is met by Rogozhin, who asks the prince to whisper in his heels. He brings the prince to a room where on the bed lies the dead Nastasya Filippovna under a white sheet, and around there is a special liquid so that there is no smell of decay. It turns out that he himself stabbed her out of the very knife that the prince had taken from him a few days ago.

Rogozhin and the prince spend the night over the corpse, and the next day the police, who opens the door, find Rogozhin rushing about in delirium and calming him down, who does not recognize anyone and does not understand anything. Everything that happens finally destroys Myshkin’s psyche, turning him into an idiot, which he was originally suspected of.


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