The foundation for a change house from blocks with your own hands: features and sequence of work

The fastest way to build a foundation today is to use blocks. Although this method has some disadvantages, it acts as a more profitable solution in terms of saving time. Any builder will say that it is much more convenient to fill in the even surface of the foundation and work with it in the future, however, concrete should reach the desired condition before you begin the construction of the building itself. As for the block foundation, it can be erected in a short time, you can start work in the fall or spring, and such a foundation is suitable even for a change house.

Territory Marking

foundation for a change house

Before you make the foundation for the cabins, you must mark the area. To do this, note the boundaries of the building. This is best done with a rope, metal pegs and a building meter. When marking, it is important to consider that the width of the foundation should be greater than the width of the wall.


foundation for a change house from blocks

As soon as the marking work is completed, you can begin to prepare the soil. If you plan to build a columnar foundation from the blocks, then along the perimeter of the marking and inside it you need to prepare holes with a depth of about 1.5 m. If we are talking about a strip foundation, then it will be necessary to remove the top layer of soil and dig a trench, which turns out to be a few centimeters wider than the blocks.

When building a foundation for a change house, you must remember that the depth of the trench will depend on the type of soil. If you have to work in sandstones, where the depth of the aquifer exceeds 2 m, then it will be enough to go deep by 40 cm, in all other cases this parameter should be increased.

Technology of work

how to make a foundation for a change house

The above stages are preparatory in nature, while the next step will be the main construction, which must be taken with responsibility. When building a foundation for a change house from blocks, you must connect the elements together with cement mortar, which closes before masonry.

During operation, the solution must not be diluted with water, as this may reduce contact. Blocks should be placed one above the other using the principle of masonry. In this case, deviations within 15 mm by 10 m are permissible. All seams and joints are filled with mortar to exclude gaps.

Features of the construction of the column foundation

do-it-yourself foundation for a change house from blocks

If you decide to build a foundation for a change house from blocks with your own hands, then the work may be based on the construction technology of a columnar base. At the same time, the design will look as follows: the support tables are dug deep into the ground and are located along the perimeter of the marking and inside it. You can use this type of foundation for light buildings, this should include not only change houses, but also:

  • wooden baths;
  • country houses;
  • garages.

The construction of such a foundation for a change house is carried out in just one day. On the perimeter of the building in the prepared pits it is necessary to install curbstones, the height of which will be approximately 40 cm. Their number depends on the weight and size of the change house. However, before you begin installing the poles, you must prepare the pits. Their bottom is sealed with a special tool or a long stick. Then crushed stone is poured, this layer should have a thickness in the range from 10 to 12 cm. The next layer will be sand, the thickness of such a preparation can be equal to the limit from 5 to 7 cm.

Work methodology

block foundation for a change house

The surface is leveled, only after you can begin to install the first row. Elements are fastened together by cement mortar. When erecting a block foundation for a change house, you must remember that the supports must be level. Assuming even the slightest inaccuracy, this can lead to distortions, which will be quite problematic to correct. Therefore, when erecting a columnar foundation, it is necessary to monitor the level by first pulling the rope between the supports.

The construction of the strip foundation

foundation for a change house from tires

The strip foundation of the blocks will be more durable. It is a tape that will be located under the supporting elements. Expanded clay blocks are best suited for work, as they are lighter than concrete ones. In addition, installing such products is quite easy. Their weight is only 30 kg.

The construction of the strip foundation is carried out according to the above scheme, however, the filtering pad of crushed stone and sand is placed in the trench. For the bottom row, pillow blocks should be used, and it is necessary to start laying them from the corners and those places where the walls will intersect. After the installation of corner blocks, it is necessary to check the correctness of their location with the help of the building level, only then you can proceed to laying, focusing on the rope stretched between the first blocks.

After the installation of the bottom row, a waterproofing layer should be laid, which will prevent the penetration of moisture into the material. If you are thinking about how to make a foundation for a change house with your own hands, it is important to remember that with the help of metal pins it is necessary to mark the places for lighthouse wall elements of the second row. The bottom row is covered with cement mortar, only then you can proceed to the installation of blocks from the next row.

The basis for the change house from tires

how to make a foundation for a do-it-yourself cabin

As an alternative solution, you can use a foundation of tires. At the first stage, the construction site is cleaned of stones and debris, after which a pit is excavated on it, while the indentation of the trench 20 cm on each side must be taken into account. It is better to go deep by 30 cm, however, the final value will depend on the starting material for pouring.

If you are thinking about how to make a foundation for a change house from tires, it is important to follow the technology. At the next stage, it involves leveling and compacting the bottom of the trench. Next, you need to prepare the tires, laying one at a time on the bottom of the pit. They should be located end to end, parallel to the ground plane. The space inside the tires is filled with a battle of brick, sand, earth and rubble. Between tires, the space is filled according to the same principle. The embankment layer must be positioned so that the tires are completely covered.

Equipping the foundation for a change house from tires, you must prepare the basis for pouring. First of all, sheets of roofing material are laid, which will fulfill the role of waterproofing. Then you can proceed with the installation of the formwork. For this, a board and a beam are used. The formwork should be laid out in such a way as to obtain a monolithic slab of concrete, acting as the upper part of the foundation.

The structure is additionally reinforced, for this metal, channel or mesh is used. Filling is carried out with a normal solution, to which a plasticizer should be added. This eliminates the formation of cracks and chips. The poured solution is covered with rags, which should be soaked in ammonia, this will save time on drying. Such a foundation for a change house is left for a week for a set of strength and reliability. Then the formwork can be disassembled. It is important when filling to observe the horizontal surface of the future slab. To check this parameter, use the building level.


The foundation acts as the foundation of any structure. To build it from new building materials is not a cheap pleasure, so home craftsmen eventually began to look for budget solutions. The foundation for the change house can well be erected from tires. This approach is cost effective and easy to implement. A feature of this design is that the installation process does not imply that the master has special skills and experience.

This technology is suitable not only for cabins, but also for bathhouses, gazebos, farm buildings, garages, sheds, as well as chicken coops. At the same time, two problems can be solved at once: to build a solid and inexpensive foundation, and also to utilize the used tires.


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