Do Muslims Celebrate Christmas? What is Muslim name Christmas?

Do Muslims Celebrate Christmas? The answer to this question is probably of interest to many. There are many conflicting opinions, so you should understand the rites of this people. Nowadays, you can find various models of Muslim behavior, but certain standard rules and requirements still exist. It is useful to get acquainted with them not only to representatives of this people, but also to people belonging to other religions. This will help to avoid unpleasant situations in interethnic communication.

Muslims have Christmas

Celebration Features

What is Muslims Christmas? When does this holiday come? Most of the Muslim traditions are extremely strict, and for this reason, each of the followers of the Islamic religion is obliged to observe them implicitly.

In the Russian understanding, Christmas is a joyful holiday, which is accompanied by stormy fun. It is impossible to imagine the followers of the Prophet Muhammad who would celebrate Christmas in this way. But in general, this holiday among the adherents of this religion has taken root relatively recently.

Muslims have their own Christmas. This is the birthday of the prophet Muhammad. This date falls on the 12th day of the third month of Rabi al-Aval of the Islamic calendar and is called Mawlid al-Nabi.

Do Muslims Celebrate Christmas

Muslims around the world have Christmas

Turkey and Malaysia are tolerant of this holiday. But this is more likely due to commercial interest. On the streets and in shopping centers you can see Santa Clauses who are inviting people. Christmas symbols no longer surprise anyone, and in Malaysia, even the tradition of exchanging gifts is emerging. Lebanon considers itself a secular state, so many celebrate this holiday.

There are certain features of the celebration. On this day, in a number of Islamic countries, it is customary to go into the field and begin to sow seeds in fertile soil. You can’t be evil, you must forgive each of your offenders and be sure to put up with them.

At Christmas, Muslims, when a festive table is set, certain dishes are prepared without fail, while others are set as desired. Mandatory must be present greens of wheat grains. Ritual significance during the celebration are dishes called gatu, as well as samani, which are dishes made from the juice of sprouted wheat grain, which is mixed with flour and cooked. Gatu is a surprise cake. It is generally accepted that those who find the coveted coin of happiness in their tortilla will be lucky for the next month.

The presence on the table of a large number of dishes symbolizes the desire to be happy, well-fed and rich.

Muslims have Christmas

The difference between Muslim Christmas and Muslim New Year

The traditional (in other words - secular) New Year in a number of Islamic countries is customary to celebrate. But not like Christmas. Everything happens for Muslims, as well as for Europeans. Every year, an increasing number of residents of states such as Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt and some others celebrate New Year on the night of January 1st. They prepare a festive treat, send New Year's greetings, dress up a Christmas tree, give gifts.

Recently, the number of Muslims living in a number of European countries has sharply increased, as well as other residents of the country, which has already managed to become their second homeland, celebrate New Year.

Muslims have a Christmas date

The attitude of Muslim leaders to the celebration of Christmas

It must be noted that some of the religious leaders criticize Muslims for the Christmas celebration because they are of the opinion that this kind of tradition is pure assimilation that has gone too far.

So, for example, Muzammil Imam Siddyki (former president) of ISNA (Islamic Society of America) has very strong arguments against the celebration of Christmas, which boils down to the fact that among Christians on this day it is customary to celebrate the birth of the “Son of the Lord”, which contradicts the canons of the Islamic religion. He believes that when asked by the children: “Do Muslims celebrate Christmas?” - should be answered as follows: “This holiday is not ours. But we need to congratulate our Christian neighbors anyway. ”

Muslims call Christmas

On the desire of Muslims to protect children from the influence of the Christmas atmosphere

In order to protect Muslim children from influence, according to religious figures, the undesirable atmosphere of Christmas, they regularly remind parents of the existence of special Islamic children's conferences.

Although today a fairly large number of parents have the opportunity to personally witness the Muslims who have lived in America for most of their lives - a generation of those who in a new place feel quite confident. They rethought the essence of the Christmas holiday and celebrate it in any way convenient for them, just as it is done by their Christian neighbors.

“It would be really nice if Muslims celebrate Christmas with Muslims like everyone else,” say activists of Muslim communities and financial advisers from different American cities. “After all, we also believe in Jesus, and in our religion he has a separate place.”

The Attitude of Most Muslim Families Living in America to Celebrate Christmas

Although the majority of Muslim families who live in America do not believe that Christ was crucified or that he is part of the Holy Trinity, at the same time he firmly believes in his immaculate conception and support the view that he is a great prophet. And they also believe that Christ was taken to heaven and should return at the end of all times.

These families are also convinced that Muslims are not required to refrain from participating in Christmas fun. And although many people don’t put a Christmas tree on a Christmas tree and do not light a garland, they visit corporate parties, wish friends and neighbors a merry Christmas and watch films such as “Life is Beautiful” and “Home Alone” - these are their family traditions.

Muslims have Christmas in Russia

How was this approach developed by Muslims to celebrate Christmas ?

A lot of controversy is caused by such a holiday as Christmas, among Muslims. The date that the belief that Jesus was the forerunner of the Prophet Muhammad arose is not reliably known, but this gradually led them to start celebrating Christmas as well. Muslims who live in America and are immigrants from Egypt have speculated that some of their ancestors liked certain aspects of this holiday, and some mistrusted it. Moreover, many of them tell their children about the religious traditions of different countries. And it is worth noting that for the overall development of Muslim children, such information is also useful, besides it is interesting and informative.

Russian Muslims and Christmas

Muslims in Russia do not celebrate Christmas in Russia. But leading Islamic organizations nonetheless always send congratulations on this holiday to representatives of Christian organizations.

Brief Summary

So, now you know the answers to the following questions: “Is it customary for Muslims to celebrate Christmas? What is the name of their holiday? ” The answer to the first question is this: in each family it is different.


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