The famous triumphal arches of the world

Since antiquity, in honor of some memorable event, triumphal arches have been erected. Sometimes their construction was dedicated to an important person in the state. This tradition originates from the ancient Romans. Although to this day, the exact date of the construction of the first triumphal arch has not been established. Today, such structures exist in almost all countries of the world. They are being erected in our time. But this is more a tribute to fashion than a connection with a certain historical event.

How many triumphal arches in the world? It is difficult to give an exact answer to this question. Since in each country there are many. But still known and significant can be counted on the fingers. The famous triumphal arches of the world have historical significance. Almost all of them are dedicated to the victorious battles of various peoples.

Arc de Triomphe in Paris

The construction was erected in 1836. The reason was the victorious battle of Napoleon Bonaparte at Austerlitz. The Champs-Élysées, namely the Chaillot Hill, became the construction site. The design project was developed by architect Schalgren. When for the first time the royal couple entered Paris through the gate, they were still at the development stage and were a wooden model.

triumphal arches of the world alternative history

Arc de Triomphe is the hallmark of Paris. Every tourist has ever heard about the history of this amazing cultural monument. Each element of the Arch symbolizes the deeds and merits of the French army of Napoleon Bonaparte. 5-meter building tells about the exploits of warriors. On top is the attic, on which the names of 30 victories of Napoleon's army are stamped.

The monument adorns Charles de Gaulle Square. Tourists from all over the world cannot pass by the observation deck located on the roof of the Arch. After all, it is from there that a picturesque view of all the beauties of Paris opens.

The triumphal arches of the world are the embodiment of emotions and incredible talent of architects.

The Arc de Triomphe of Septimius Severus in Rome

The victorious battles of the greatest Roman emperor and his sons over Parthia became the inspiration for the erection of the famous triumphal arch in Rome. The monument was built in 205. Emperor Septimius Severus had two sons Caracalla and Gett, who were constantly at odds with each other for the title of emperor. In the fraternal war, Caracalla won and became emperor. After that, it was decided to erase the Getty name from the arch.

triumphal arches of the world

The facility, 20.9 m high, is located on the ancient Sacred Road in the northern part of the Roman Forum. In the 5-meter attic there are 4 rooms that can be reached by stairs.

Two famous triumphal arches of the world, built in honor of the Roman emperor Caracalla, are in Morocco and Algeria.

Marble Arch of Caracalla in Volubilis

It is not surprising that in Morocco there is a historical monument erected in honor of the Roman emperor. Indeed, in ancient times, Volubilis belonged to the Roman Empire. The city was located on the border territory, which later became the property of Morocco. The monument was erected in 211 in honor of the mother of Emperor Julia Domna and himself.

the most famous triumphal arches of the world

Caracalla Arch in Jemil

Traces of the Ancient Roman Empire can be seen not only in modern Europe. In the north of Africa is the settlement of Jemila, famous for its Roman ruins. The city personifies the Roman layout of urban planning. The Arc de Triomphe, located on the territory of the Roman settlement, was built in 215 in honor of the Roman emperor Caracalla.

Arc de Triomphe Algeria

There is an opinion that the most famous triumphal arches of the world are mainly in Italy. Most of them are really located in this country, but no less famous arches of the world have been erected in other parts of the world.

Gateway to India Arch

The monument is located in the heart of New Delhi. The construction was erected thanks to the architect Sir Edwin Lachens. Earlier on the site of the monument was a statue of the Emperor of India George V, which was later placed in the Coronation Park. After India gained independence status, the Arc de Triomphe was proclaimed a monument to the Unknown Soldier of the Indian Army.

world famous arches

The monument itself is a building with six faces. The monument is an active symbol of the independence of India. It is through these Gates that the column in honor of Republic Day passes.

Incredibly beautiful and mysterious triumphal arches of the world are in Libya and Laos.

Septimius Severus Arch at Leptis Magne

In an abandoned ancient city on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, there is a unique architectural monument erected in honor of the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus. Since the city was the birthplace of the emperor, he was distinguished by special luxury and wealth during his reign.

The bas-reliefs of the arch glorify the deeds of the emperor. The arch itself is a huge tetrapilon.

how many triumphal arches in the world

Triumphal Arch of Patusai

The monument has an unusual history. Funds from the USA were allocated for its construction. However, America did not give Laos money at all for the construction of the monument, but for the construction of a military airfield. But the generals of Laos chose to spend them on other needs. So there was a monument symbolizing the victory of Laos over America.

Arc de Triomphe Laos

Historical monument of Orange in France

The Arc de Triomphe is a structure consisting of a main and two auxiliary entrances. The length of the monument is 19.5 meters, and the width reaches 9 meters. All four facades are decorated with refrain columns. Almost nothing is known about the monument. The only thing that we managed to draw from historical documents was that the arch served as a defense of the city during the reign of Prince Orange Raymond I de Bo. Naturally, the original appearance of the arch has not been preserved to this day, since over time it underwent numerous restorations and modifications. Images on the arch symbolize the military past. It is decorated with a bronze chariot, the Gallic battle is depicted on the frieze.

triumphal arches of the world photo

If the circumstances had turned out differently, it is possible that today it would not have been possible to contemplate all of the listed triumphal arches of the world. An alternative history indicates that on the site of some monuments the construction of completely different architectural monuments was supposed. But due to difficulties in the implementation of certain projects, it was decided to build other structures. An example of this is the triumphal arch in Paris, on the site of which the huge elephant of Charles Ribard was to show off.

Not all triumphal arches of the world were presented above. A photo with a small description of less famous buildings is given below.

Arc de Triomphe Jordan

Hadrian's Arc de Triomphe in Jordan

In 129, Emperor Hadrian visited Jerash . In his honor, a monument was erected.

Triumphal Arch of Titus

Arc de Triomphe of Titus in Rome

The monument was built in 81 in honor of Emperor Titus Flavius ​​on the orders of Domitian, his brother. The monument symbolizes the victorious battle of Rome in the war against Jerusalem. The location of the arch is also symbolic. The place of construction was the Golden House, which was destroyed by the emperor.

From the point of view of architecture, the monument is an ideal structure. The facade is decorated with sculptures of the goddess Victoria and Fortune.


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