How to make a laptop out of paper: instructions for creating a creative accessory

Paper and cardboard are versatile materials for a wide variety of crafts. It is not necessary to master the origami technique perfectly. Some original and funny things can be done even by a child. You still do not know how to make a laptop out of paper?

Determine the size and purpose of the crafts

How to make a laptop out of paper
Why make a paper model of a computer model? There can be many options - this is a simple toy for a child, accessories for his doll, a postcard for an adult lover of high technology or a comic gift. Only the size changes, and the basic step-by-step instruction on how to make a laptop out of paper is the same for all crafts.

It is easy to guess that for a doll and for the child himself, computers of different sizes are needed. If you make a card as a gift, choose an arbitrary perimeter of the workpiece. An interesting idea is to make a laptop model and present it in a box from a real PC. Just keep in mind that making such a present is exclusively for a person with a good sense of humor. If in doubt about the response of the recipient, discard this idea.

How to make a laptop out of paper with your own hands?

DIY paper notebook
You will need two sheets of paper or cardboard of equal size. We connect the base and the cover with tape or thread. We have a blank. Now is the time to do its design. The keyboard can be drawn or glued from separate paper โ€œbuttonsโ€. Similarly, make the display. We draw it on the inside of the lid or glue it. A paper notebook can display a search engine page, desktop, or favorite gift recipient site. You can make the screen replaceable. To do this, glue narrow strips - its frame. The top piece of paper or cardboard needs to be fixed only at the edges, leave a hole through which you can insert new images.

Paper Notebook Design Ideas

Paper notebook
As a basis for this craft, you can use an empty candy box with a rising lid. Another interesting idea is to make a voluminous laptop out of paper with your own hands. To do this, rectangles of the same material as the base will be needed for the side walls. Bend each rectangle twice, glue to the base. In the place of the bend of the cover, you also need to leave a free strip of paper to evenly close the product. This design allows you to create volumetric buttons. Use paper cubes that are easy to fold on your own. You can also take parts from an old real keyboard. Do not forget to decorate the cover on the outside with the โ€œlabelโ€ of the manufacturer.


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