Infrared gas heaters: general description and advantages

infrared gas heaters
Gas infrared heaters are used in most cases on the street and serve to increase the temperature at the place of hanging. The device itself is an installation that has a vertical shape and consists of several elements. Inside the rack there is a hose for gas supply, and it itself connects the cylinder, which is located in the body, with the burner. The device is controlled by using a special unit. Now on the market there is a wide range of these devices, so this description can be called quite arbitrary. Moreover, different manufacturers are striving to make certain changes in their infrared heaters regarding design and construction.

Principle of operation

The basis of the device is the use of infrared heat waves. They appear due to the fact that the metal burner is heated to a very high temperature. In order for energy not to be wasted, the apparatus is equipped with a so-called hat - a mirror round reflector. The thermal rays generated by infrared gas heaters are focused on it, after which they are directed in a radius that does not exceed

gas infrared heaters for home
five meters. These devices are very effective. For example, if the temperature in the street is ten degrees Celsius, their standard model is able to heat the surrounding area of ​​30 square meters to an indicator 25 degrees above zero.

The gas infrared ceramic heater is characterized in that panels from this material are used here. They are manufactured using technology that ensures complete gas combustion. Due to this, during operation of the device there are no odors and harmful combustion products.

Scope of application

Most often, these devices can be found on the open areas of summer cafes and in street restaurants. This is not surprising, because thanks to such devices the season opens much earlier, and visitors feel at the same time coziness and comfort. As a result, heaters pay off very quickly. These devices are practically indispensable for lovers of country holidays, especially in those places where it is not allowed to light bonfires. For private use, gas infrared heaters for the home should be ceramic.

ceramic gas infrared heater

Main advantages

The main competitors of gas street heaters are their electrical counterparts. Along with this, the first devices have a number of advantages. The most important of them is that they do not depend on the availability of an electric network, therefore they can be used at any site, regardless of whether this building is closed or a forest glade. Gas infrared heaters have a high efficiency of about 75 percent. Under the condition of intensive continuous operation of the installation, one cylinder is enough for one day, and it can be refilled at any station. The power of the equipment is manually regulated by the user depending on his needs. Thanks to the control automatic system, the device is completely safe. And finally, we emphasize the nuance that gas is currently the cheapest source of energy.


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