When to transplant lilies? Some important rules for gardeners

When to transplant lilies? There is no definite answer to this question, since it depends on the area in which you live, and on the variety of plants that you grow in your garden. But still, let's figure it out.

when to transplant lilies

Despite the fact that lilies are perennials, they still require periodic transplantation. Carrying out this procedure allows you to evaluate the health of the bulb, to separate daughter plants from it, which can interfere with the full growth and flowering, as well as slightly update the root system. From the cultivated variety depends on the rate of growth of the bush, respectively, and the frequency of repetition of work.

How and when to transplant lilies? Basic Transplant Rules

  1. The plant should be at a dormant stage. This time comes most often after flowering or in the spring before the start of growth.
  2. Before digging the bulb, you need to cut the stems almost at the root.
  3. Not only children are removed from the maternal bulb, but also affected scales. After that, they are placed for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. All the roots need to be cut, leaving at the same time about fifteen centimeters and not drying after soaking. They are immediately planted in a new place.

How to store flowers if you are not going to transplant lilies after digging?

Is it possible to transplant lilies in spring
In the event that you are not going to plant the bulbs at once, they should be placed in bags with holes, with a filler of moist sawdust and peat or moss. Depth of planting determines the variety to which the flower belongs. The larger the plant itself and the higher it is, the deeper it is planted. For example, tall lilies are buried by fifteen to twenty centimeters, and ten to twelve will be enough low. In order not to be mistaken, one rule can be remembered - the depth should be approximately three hole diameters. The soil itself also affects the level of planting. For light soil it is more than for heavy. The hole is dug a little deeper than it should be, sand is poured on the bottom, the bulb is placed and covered with earth.

When can lilies be transplanted?

Most varieties can be planted in September or August, when autumn is just beginning. Many amateur gardeners are interested in the question: β€œIs it possible to transplant lilies in spring?” Of course, if your varieties belong to oriental and tubular hybrids, it is better to plant them in a new place at this time of year, since in the fall there is a great threat of frost. With a late transplant, you must take care of hiding the lilies from frost, and this can also delay flowering next year.

How and when to transplant white lilies?

when can lilies be transplanted
They are more often represented by the Candidum variety, and the period of their β€œrelocation” falls in July and August. A change of place should be made no more than once every five years. Asian hybrids are universal, because they can be transplanted at any time and even during flowering. There are varieties that are not demanding on a change of place. They can be transplanted once every ten years. These include Martagon and American varieties. Let's hope that you figured out when to transplant the lilies, and our recommendations will help you correctly plant your favorite flowers on the site.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34429/

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