Child custody - up to fourteen years old

Child custody
Every day, several dozen children in the country are left without parental care. Some of the kids lose them forever, and some - temporarily. It is for them that a special form of education is provided in Russia. “Guardianship of a child”, in non-legal terms, is the adoption of one or even several minors into a family for education. This is necessary for their normal maintenance, provision of upbringing and education and, of course, protection of their interests and rights.

Child custody and guardianship

It is not clear to many how the guardianship differs from trusteeship? There is a difference, although not very big in legal terms. It lies at the age of the baby: guardianship over the child is established if he is not yet fourteen years old. Guardianship - on the contrary, when a teenager has already overcome this age limit and before his adulthood.

documents for adoption of a child

Often there are situations when guardianship of a child is an intermediate form of education until its final adoption. The reason for the need for such a transition state lies in the length of the clearance procedure. In this case, the child can keep his name and surname, as well as middle name. In addition, biological parents can not only, but, in some cases, are required to participate in the maintenance of their child. Despite this, the guardian has more rights and, of course, responsibility. It is he who is responsible before the law for the maintenance, education and training of his ward. At the same time, the appropriate guardianship and guardianship authorities must help him , which are obliged to provide assistance, both in the educational process, and in the rest and treatment of the child.

Child custody payments


Child custody is not considered a secret. Moreover, it is not an obstacle to the contact of the baby with its blood relatives. To formalize this form of education, it is necessary to provide a certain set of certificates to the local guardianship and guardianship authorities , similar to documents for adopting a child. This list includes a passport and, if applicable, a marriage certificate. In addition, certificates from the place of work and the size of the salary are required. A future guardian must undergo a medical examination and submit a certificate stating that there is no criminal record for harm to health or life.

State support

After providing all the necessary documents, the relevant authorities, having considered all the circumstances, draw up guardianship over the child. The payments determined by the state monthly for the maintenance of each ward depend on the region where the family lives. The average allowance for each baby is about twelve thousand rubles. That is how much he will receive until he comes of age. In addition, the educator is paid a little more than eleven thousand rubles one-time. In some regions, compensation for utilities in the amount of eight hundred rubles is also provided. In contrast to adoption, less strict requirements regarding income and housing issues apply to those wishing to take custody of a child. The relevant authorities regularly monitor the conditions in which the child lives and is brought up. And upon reaching adulthood, the ward, if he does not have housing, receives it.


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