Healing plant - prickly tartar

Spiny tatarnik ... Do you know how this plant, quite common in our strip, looks like? Of course, in the distant past, those days were gone when people from childhood learned to prepare a decoction and heal using the means generously offered by mother nature, but, nevertheless, we will not be completely out of place to know about the healing effects of some of them.

Spiny tatarnik. general characteristics

prickly tatarnik
The herbaceous biennial plant tatarnik prickly ordinary belongs to the family Asteraceae, reaches a height of two meters. The extremely bitter taste of the plant is noted. Its spiky jagged leaves have an oblong shape. Closer to the root, the ciriform-lobed leaves narrowed into the petiole grow, the plates of which are located symmetrically relative to the main vein. Lilac flower baskets are on the tops of the stems, the width of the largest of them can reach five centimeters. The plant blooms in September, its fruits are twice as large as the achene itself.

Prickly grass tatarnik inhabits in Russia, in places with a fairly warm and temperate climate. It grows mainly along sandy slopes, in wastelands, near roads or near dwellings. Tatar grass is known for its healing properties, it must be collected at the beginning of flowering. Medicines based on it are allowed to take for a long time, without fear of complications. Small doses of the drug have an exciting effect on the nervous system, and large doses inhibit it.

Spiny tatarnik. Features. Harvesting Methods

prickly tatarnik photo
Prickly thistle (photos are presented in the article) is often confused with thistle, although these are two completely different plants. Their main difference is in the form of leaves. In tatarnik they are large and whole, and in thistle they are carved. Plants can still be distinguished by the shape and color of the bud. Inflorescences are large and green on the tatarnik, and violet petals protrude from the basket even before the bud is formed in the thistle. When collecting grass, you must always consider these features.

For harvesting, only healthy leaves of tatarnik are suitable, they need to be collected carefully so that they do not wrinkle. Before drying, you must cut off all the thorns. However, for the preparation of tinctures, this is not necessary.

In folk medicine, tartar is used very often. Herbalists add it to fees to treat cancer and fibroma. It is simply indispensable in the treatment of the pancreas. Among the useful properties of the plant, hemostatic, diuretic, bactericidal are noted. And the beneficial effect of tatarnik on the cardiovascular system has long been a proven fact.

Spiny tatarnik. How to prepare a collection

prickly grass
To get rid of colds, coughs, bronchial asthma, purulent wounds and rheumatism will help decoctions and infusions based on the leaves and flowers of tatarnik. They will also help with inflammation of the bladder and hemorrhoids.

To prepare the infusion, you should two tablespoons of the dried mixture, pour boiling water, leave for about two to three hours, then strain. Take three times a day, one third of a glass (preferably half an hour before meals).

The broth is done a little differently, but subject to the same proportions. The grass is first boiled for ten minutes, after about an hour they insist. Accepted in the same manner as the infusion. In the treatment of skin cancer, the decoction is used externally.

Leaf powder is also beneficial. Before taking it, pour boiling water and take three times a day for a teaspoon.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34438/

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