Transforming fox fur coat: reviews, models, what to wear

What could be better than a few wonderful things for the price of one? Surely every fashionista will be delighted with such an idea. Just imagine that, having spent time, you will get a cozy fur coat, a daring short little fur jacket and two vests: a luxurious long-sex and a cute short one. Do not believe? So, our article on transformer coats is definitely useful to you. Stylists predict that the popularity of such things will only grow over the years.

fur coat transformer from fox reviews

Transforming fox fur coats look especially attractive against the general background . Reviews of the most progressive fashionistas who have already managed to acquire a new product, unanimously say that such a model is able to give a woman everything that she expects from a multifunctional thing for the off-season and winter. It combines versatility of application, beautiful warm fur, relatively low price.

Real hit

It is still difficult to call such decisions common in the world of fashion and popular among those who try to be in trend. But such things definitely have a future. Already today, many manufacturers of fur products appreciated the advantages of transformers. Fur coats that can be adjusted to the weather, mood and situation confidently win their place both in the market and in consumer hearts.

What is such a thing? In appearance, this is an ordinary coat, which will not allow the hostess to break even in severe frost. But it is worth unfastening some details, how the product will be transformed beyond recognition.

fox fur coats transformers prices

But the advanced functionality is not at all the only advantage of fox fur transformers. Prices for products from this fur are relatively low. Of course, a luxurious arctic fox is more expensive than a rabbit, but an order of magnitude cheaper than mink, sable and marten. Usually, fox fur coats belong to the middle segment.

Fur Features

A furry animal with snow-white fur has chosen the coldest regions of the planet. Arctic foxes feel great even in the harsh Arctic. Of course, for this they need a very warm fur. Under natural conditions, the beast collides with extremely low temperatures - up to -60 .

Another advantage of this fur is its wear resistance. However, a fur coat will be durable only if not only a talented designer has worked on it, but also a competent furrier and an intelligent tailor.

Reviews of fox fur coats made of fox often start with the words that this fur is beautiful, because the issue of aesthetics is even more important for many women than practicality. Not for nothing that Arctic fox products were considered status at all times; they look solid and expensive.

Trend palette

Modern technologies allow high-quality dyeing of natural fur in almost any shade. It is easy to work with a polar fox, which initially has a white color.

fox fur coat with a hood

Widely used and natural color. If you consider yourself a connoisseur of natural beauty, do not forget that over time, fox fur may turn slightly yellow.

Choosing a fur transformer, many prefer neutral black, self-sufficient and elegant in its simplicity. Perhaps this option can be called the most universal.

Well, the most progressive fashionistas, who are used to feeling the breath of fashion and breathing with it in unison, often choose unusually painted transformer fur coats from the Arctic fox. Colors that mimic the color of expensive fur animals are very relevant today, so itโ€™s easy to find products painted under chinchilla, silver fox, blue mink and even ermine on the windows of fur salons. The effect is supported by cutting the fur (which, incidentally, does not affect frost resistance, because the undercoat remains intact).

No less popular are the bright colors of the polar fox: olive, peach, salmon, chocolate, walnut.

When sewing transformer fur coats from arctic fox, most manufacturers prefer to use fur of the same shade for all parts of the product, but models with ombre are also found. For example, the bottom of the hem and the edges of the sleeves may be a tone darker than the rest.

Advantages of a fox transforming fur coat

Reviews of the models, which can be transformed at will, indicate that the sock season is significantly extended. A stylish vest can be worn over a leather jacket in October. From the February winds will protect a long coat of fox with a hood, which at the first thaw can be removed along with part of the hem.

fur coat transformer from fox reviews

A huge number of flattering words about transformers are left in their reviews by women who often have to drive. In long-sex clothes on the driver's seat it is inconvenient, and even contact with the beauty seat does not add to the fur itself. Whether itโ€™s a transformer coat! Before the trip, you can unfasten the hem, and before going out onto the street, fasten it back.

A set of options: what can be unfastened?

Manufacturers offer fur coats, which detach parts of the sleeves, collars, hoods. In some transformers, sleeves can be removed completely. Convenient, and therefore popular models with the ability to adjust the length. In a word, a wide space opens up before a customer who dreams of acquiring a new thing.

Transforming fur coat 4in1 from the Arctic fox is considered the most popular option. A part of the hem, sleeves, and sometimes a collar or hood, comes unfastened from it.

How to choose the perfect model

Going to a fur salon with a tidy sum in their hands, modern buyers, as a rule, have some knowledge on the topic of choosing fur. A high-quality product does not have an unpleasant odor; when shaken, hairs do not fall off from it, the fur is soft to the touch. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fittings: it must be not only beautiful, but also durable.

fox fur coat transformer 4in1

When choosing a transformer, it is worth remembering one more important point. Feel free to unfasten and fasten all the locks several times. Look for fur or lining in them.

Of course, the fur coat should sit well on the figure. If you choose a fur coat from a polar fox with a hood, be sure to put it on your head when trying on. Evaluate how the hood lies on your shoulders, does it fall on your back, or ugly folds appear around your throat.

What do stylists say?

Today the cross cut of fur is very widespread . In this case, the fur coat consists of horizontal stripes. Do not forget that such a model somewhat complements any figure, so if you find this effect unacceptable for yourself, give preference to the longitudinal arrangement of the fur pattern.

Before buying, consider with what shoes you will wear a new thing. Modern fashion is democratic, both classic flat-top boots and stiletto ankle boots are suitable for a fox fur coat. But uggs and boots with a furry top with such a top should not be combined.

Opinion of the people

It is not surprising that reviews of Arctic fox fur coats have a unanimous positive character. Well, which fashionista wouldnโ€™t like to put such a thing in her wardrobe? Describing the merits of such products, women complain only at the cost.

what to wear a transformer coat from a polar fox

According to customers, on the market there are mainly models of fur from animals grown on farms. It is generally accepted that in quality it is inferior to the fur of wild animals, but, as many owners of fur coats assure, it is also excellent for the Russian winter.

A few words about the cost

The prices of transformer fox fur coats depend on the quality of the dressing, style, length of the product, as well as on which fur was used (farm or wild). The price tag starts from the mark of 15 thousand rubles and can reach up to 50-70 thousand.

Fashionable looks

You can combine different options with a variety of clothes and shoes. It turns out that the same thing is suitable for creating the image of a business lady, as well as for a bold youth look with worn jeans and heavy boots.

a fur coat a transformer from a polar fox of color

Speaking about what to wear with a transforming fur coat from a polar fox, it is worth mentioning about evening fashion. A fur vest or a short fur coat with a sleeve ยพ is perfect for publication.


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