Cold electricity: concept, definition, circuit, dinatron device, functions, results, formula and calculations

Cold electricity in our time is not something surprising, although it used to cause a lot of controversy and interests at the same time. In 1875, William Crookes discovered the properties of radiant matter. His invention of the radiometer was proof that the "Shining Matter" was a component of sunlight. Nikola Tesla, following these discoveries, discovered that electrostatic charges can also be transmitted using radiant matter. He called it Radiant Energy. When this energy was transferred from place to place, it behaved like "sound waves of electrified air." By 1900, Tesla developed lighting systems and electric motors running on the same energy.

The development of Tesla's theory

By 1934, Thomas Henry Morey had demonstrated a small box that produced 50,000 watts, working on radiation energy. In 1973, Edwin W. Gray began to showcase his EMA, an 80-liter electric motor. with., able to maintain its charged batteries in working position, while providing excess mechanical energy. Paul Baumann built in 1980 numerous models of an amazing homing machine called the Testatika in Switzerland. Most of John Bedini’s work also falls into the field of radiation energy. These developments are just the tip of the iceberg in our understanding of what is mistakenly called “static electricity”. But in fact, it is something much more surprising - cold electricity - a new generation of energy in all spheres of life, as an alternative to a dangerous power source.

Free electric energy

Nothing in this seems too interesting, because it is well known that the inductor in the converter can increase the voltage. However, many are still trying to understand Tesla's cold electricity in order to benefit from theory and practice:

  1. Endothermic and exothermic electrical discharges. The auditory and visual waves are two completely different types of sparks caused by the same flow of energy, although they behave differently in the process of dispersion.
  2. Exothermic agents emit energy. They usually generate heat or promote heating. Endothermic agents emit energy that usually generates cold or cooling. Therefore, rarely could anyone use it to heat or operate a heating system. Imagine that the electric current in the wires will be cold and not give off a discharge.
  3. But the spark at the end of each wire is the energy to work with. Transformed, it will be an excellent source of nutrition.

This led many to look at the “free energy” scheme a little differently:

  1. L = 800 revolutions of the bifilar coil around the ferrite core, about 30 ohms. This is an indicator of the development of Tesla, which he mentioned about his invention. The coil is his patent invention, and L is the value of measuring the speed of revolutions.
  2. C = 30 ÎĽF, 4000 V DC, where C is the speed of energy movement.
Secrets of Cold Electricity

In the above example, both switches close and open at the same time. During the charge phase, the circuit charged the inductor, creating a magnetic field inside the ferrite core. When the switches are released, Tesla's cold electricity should theoretically appear through a capacitor. How does voltage appear in C when there is no closed current loop? This effect, which occurs with electric potential, collides with resistance before the current saturates this resistance. At school, they teach to close all the trajectories of the chain, but this stops the flow of free energy. If this is not done, then the syndrome of open polar space appears, where the free energy of cold voltage arises.

We could deal with a completely different type of current generated by a completely different type of magnetic field. There are two theories about how this can happen:

  1. When the switch is suddenly opened, we create a singularity, because the change in current must remain continuous in inductance. Before the magnetic field is destroyed, it expands, and the voltage increases through the winding. The potential voltage charges the capacitor without drawing current from the battery. This is mainly the effect of ferroresonance when the ferrite core is saturated. Negative particles move in the same way, positive charges reacted to this, and a negative entropic magnetic field was generated, which was induced into the coil, and it charged the capacitor.
  2. When our society began to use a negative charge (electricity), it made it possible to establish a lifestyle, receiving electricity for everything.

When using a Tesla coil, the conductor acts as a high voltage and low voltage source with a wide range of output frequencies. A person can touch the wires without harm or a threat to health, because the currents that touch the body are too small. The design of the Tesla coil is such that the output impedance is variable, so it can supply power to various loads: from high-voltage low-current (fluorescent) to low-voltage high-current (car bulb). You will notice that the sound of the Tesla coil changes as the load changes. This is part of the “setup” for different capacities.

The results of experiments with water are not unexpected; the resistivity and permittivity of water is such that incandescent lamps have a much lower impedance than water. You will notice that when the fluorescent lamp and the incandescent lamp work in sequence, the first glows brightly, but the second does not work. This is due to the fact that the free energy of cold electricity is in a high-voltage mode with a small current, and the current is not enough to completely illuminate the light bulb. Therefore, the demand for this type of nutrition is less, although its use in another area is not ruled out.

Cold electricity = free energy?

When we start discussing events in cold electricity, since Tesla first came across this phenomenon, refuting some of the work done by Hertz, it becomes clear that there is no such thing as free energy. We all know that matter cannot be created or destroyed, but this matter can only be transformed or changed from one type to another. It is said that when a substance undergoes a transformation or change, then energy is released in several forms, depending on the transformation. This process in this field of study has been called cold electricity. You just have to look at the theory in practice from a different angle.

We burn coal to get ash - heat and CO 2 with other impurities are released. It is important to note that Tesla's discovery of cold electricity is that until the end of the 1800s, the laws of thermodynamics were apparently adopted as the basic laws for all methods of energy conversion. Suddenly, in the late 1890s, Tesla discovered that it was possible to obtain an increase in energy using a high-voltage direct current, and it had to be constant, not variable, since the charge would simply balance itself - charge the capacitor, and then discharge itself too.

Remember that we are going to discuss refutations of the laws of thermodynamics, so if you are going to limit your understanding to the observance of these laws, then you are actually limiting yourself to new discoveries, which is actually not the best way to approach the true theory of light and energy, which is hidden in the secrets of the cold electricity.

There is a natural tendency to refute such material as not having any scientific basis, but those people who propagandize this point of view either have an independent interest, usually related to monetary gain, or they could not collect enough facts, to make your own personal logical conclusion.

Peter Lindemann: Secrets of Free Energy of Cold Electricity - New Theories of Light

The term "free energy" is considered the result of the output or the difference in energy between the entrance to an electromagnetic unit or system and the output of particles produced by it. Some electromagnetic machines produce a result only slightly above a unit of indicator, while others produce outputs of about three to one. The secrets of the free energy of the cold electricity of Peter Lindemann are interpreted as a continuation of the theories and foundations from Tesla.

The concept of electromagnetic free energy should not be considered the same as natural sources of free energy, such as solar energy, wind energy, hydro or geothermal energy, since these new machines usually require input energy in order to get an increased portion that natural sources do not require.

Secrets of the free energy of cold electricity

A few years ago there were only a few free energy devices that seemed to offer reliable opportunities for the development of cold electricity with their own hands, but today there are at least five significant individual projects that work to varying degrees per unit. Although these various machines or devices in both rotating and solid-state classes are based on the classic Faraday / Maxwell principles, they achieve their excess output due to enhanced electromagnetic activity inside the device or system.

It should be noted that some physicists, trying to discredit some projects of researchers of free energies, offer to abandon Maxwell's mathematics with its new theories and operating machines. After a thorough analysis of the work, it was found that instead of discarding the principles of the Maxwell equation, these various machines actually supplement or enhance the electromagnetic functioning in each case based on the second Maxwell theory:

  1. One of the main reasons why physicists resist the concept of free energy is that the concept of a tachyon field runs counter to the special theory of relativity, which limits the speed of particles to the speed of light.
  2. The tachyon concept (fast particles) was proved on the basis of the results of Professor Gerald Feinberg in 1967. Some of these new machines with excessive output have established the reality of the tachyon field, as evidenced by individual researchers.
  3. In addition to Professor Feinberg’s conclusions about the concept of fast particles, the U.S. Navy research team, which conducted various experiments during the 1950s, recorded a spot indicator moving across the CRT's visibility screen at a speed of 202,000 miles per second, which cannot be explained.
  4. These test results were noted as the interaction of particles moving at a speed of about 16,000 miles per second. Realizing the constant speed of light (186,000 miles per second), these experimenters rechecked their test setup, but again recorded the same results - 202,000 m / s (particle speed).
  5. Since no one could explain these conclusions, the test results simply fell into uncertainty and were noted as inexplicable phenomena. The result of the experiment in 1913 was also never satisfactorily explained by modern physicists. In this experiment, two parallel light sources were sent in opposite directions around a closed path, and photographic plates recorded light sources. If the basic beliefs of relativity were correct, both light signals could pass these equal closed circular paths (equal to the distance around the earth's surface) at the same time.

Therefore, many physicists and scientists have noted that the theory of relativity also requires modifications.

Hot and cold energy, or how Peltier cooling works

The Peltier effect is the heat transfer that occurs when electricity passes through the connection of two conductors and creates a temperature difference. This phenomenon is confused with when cold welding conducts electricity. The latter is a conductor, which is necessary for welding non-metallic structures and fragile metals. In the first case, it is simply a conductor of spatial collapse, which is similar to the Seebeck effect. The same thing happens in the opposite direction. This difference is either released as heat or absorbed from the environment.

Tesla Cold Electricity

Therefore, when two conductors are located in a circuit, they form a heat pump capable of transferring heat from one source to another. Unfortunately, this is not always so simple, since the Peltier effect always contradicts the Joule effect - frictional heating resulting from the separation of electrons from atoms. In most systems, hot and cold electricity enhances the Peltier effect and means that everything you get gets a little warmer at one intersection of the chains and a little less warmer at the other end.

Such problems hindered the development of practical Peltier coolers, and the development of technology required the identification of suitable materials. Modern devices typically use semiconductors, many of which are paired. When they are connected, a thin metal film appears, and ceramics - for cold and hot plates.

Why use Peltier cooling in thermal desorption devices?

The most obvious benefit is that Peltier coolers do not use liquid cryogen. This is a great advantage for thermal desorption technology, eliminating the costs and problems of storing a device filled with liquid cryogen, and simplifies automation of cycles. In addition, Peltier units are small, and since they do not have moving parts, they are also durable.

So why are they not used more widely in consumer products, because heating with cold electricity is very beneficial for the mass market? The main reason is their relative inefficiency - as a rule, only 0.5 J of cooling is achieved for every 1 J of electricity, which makes them about an eighth more efficient than a modern refrigerator. And do-it-yourself cold electricity - is it economical if you would need to install dozens of those for the reverse supply of energy in order to heat the house?

In the case of a thermal stripper, this does not matter much, because we only cool a 6-cm focusing trap to “capture” electricity. Nevertheless, energy consumption becomes significant when cooling large objects, and that is why Peltier cooling is not yet used for refrigerators or freezers, not to mention the transformation of power and the use of power in vast territories.

Free energy of cold electricity

It is possible that with further advances, the efficiency of Peltier coolers may come closer to the efficiency of modern refrigeration systems, and this intriguing aspect of physics may begin to manifest itself more in our daily lives, as well as the interest in producing cold electricity. But we will return to real energy, which is almost impossible to get at home. However, cold electricity was obtained by Ivan Kopets, a resident of Belarus, who shares his experiences.

The structure of the dinatron and its role

The main and main source in obtaining cold nutrition is dinatron. The cold electricity of Ivan Kopets was obtained at home. To obtain energy of a new quality, which Tesla discovered, it was necessary to learn how to work with a radiant. In his teachings, Tesla also wrote about him as inorganic vacuum energy and electricity. A resident of Belarus decided to translate into reality a scheme for producing such energy. Below is the formula for cold electricity.

DIY cold electricity

The experiment required a Tesla coil with a capacitor loop. , – . , . , – . 106. , , 0,25 . , , . , , .

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