Commodity is ... Meaning of the word

“Commodity” is a word that is rarely used in today's life. And therefore raises a lot of questions. Much more often you can hear the appeal "comrade". Do these concepts differ from each other only in the gender of the noun - feminine in the first case and masculine in the second? Or are there other differences? You can answer this question by considering in detail who this commodity is.

Dictionary word

The joy of friends

There, the meaning of “commodity” is said to be an obsolete word. And it will become much clearer if one nuance is clarified. After all, this is really a female version of the noun "comrade". It is also close to the word "girlfriend."

Examples of offers:

  1. Sasha was in a good mood, as she was invited to the dance evening by a long-time gymnasium commodity, Lydia.
  2. Women were attracted to this store by a strong desire to buy a stunning outfit in which on New Year's Eve it was possible to smash their goods.
  3. Alena was very upset when her goods, instead of supporting them, began to taunt her.
  4. During the trial, a loud bickering began between the former goods.
  5. Over time, the girl more and more surrendered to her sadness, more and more moving away from the goods.

Further, it will be appropriate to consider the meaning of the words “girlfriend” and “comrade”, referred to in the dictionary.

Close people

Regarding the “girlfriend”, the dictionary says that this is, in fact, a female friend, a person who is on friendly terms with someone. Example: "Tatyana is my best friend, in addition, she, as a child psychologist, gives me valuable advice on raising children."

Two comrades

The "comrade" has the following meanings:

  1. A person who works together with someone helps him, does a common thing with him, is connected by a common occupation, living conditions, therefore close to him.
  2. Historicism, which designated in the Russian Empire an assistant to an official who held a certain position, such as, for example, "Minister's Comrade", "Comrade Prosecutor".
  3. Also historicism, used in the political field, is a member of the revolutionary party, socialist society. And also part of the official appeal to the person, which was put in front of a surname or rank. For example, "Comrade Petrov."
  4. In jurisprudence, this is a member of a civil partnership.

From these values ​​it is clear that the word "girlfriend" is a close synonym for "commodity". As for the "comrade", all the above interpretations refer to people who are united in one way or another. But only the first can be used as a synonym.

For a better understanding of the meaning of the word “commodity”, we consider other synonyms for it.


Good relationship

Among them are, such as:

  • friend;
  • girlfriend
  • companion;
  • girlfriend;
  • co-worker;
  • assistant;
  • peer;
  • interlocutor;
  • colleague;
  • drinking companion;
  • associate;
  • compatriot;
  • associate;
  • tribeswoman;
  • countrywoman;
  • classmate;
  • employee
  • fellow traveler;
  • companion;
  • shareholder.

To better understand who this product is, you should turn to the origin of the word.


Good friends

It comes from the noun "comrade", formed from an unidentified pan-Slavic form. In Old Russian, the word "comrade" is found, which is found in the collection of the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery of the 15th century, by Athanasius Nikitin (a merchant, traveler, writer of the 15th century), in Domostroy (16th century). In such a writing as “merchandise” is often found in G. K. Kotoshikhin, an official of the Ambassadorial order, the author of the essay, which is an important source of information about the history of Russia of the 17th century

The word "comrade" is compared with:

  • Ukrainian "comrade";
  • Belarusian "commodity";
  • Slovenian tovȃriš;
  • Czech tovaryš;
  • Slovak tovariš;
  • Polish towarzysz;
  • Upper Luga towarš;
  • Lower Luzhsky towariš.

Most researchers explain the appearance of a "comrade" in the Slavic language from the Turkic, Turkish and Chagatai tavar. Its meanings are “goods”, “livestock”, “property”. Suffixes such as š and iš were added to it and a “comrade” was formed.

Some linguists offer to consider another Turkic etymology - from the Chuvash tavra, which means "in a circle", plus iš is equal to "satellite". Some etymologists make attempts to prove the original Slavic origin of the word, but most do not accept this.

At the end of the consideration of the fact that this is a commodity, it should be said about its other interpretations.

Other values

As noted above, the word under study is obsolete. In today's life, it is used either figuratively or as jargon. “Commodity” on the Internet is called a commodity business - sales through online stores. This is a type of earnings that is available to everyone and is gradually gaining more and more popularity.

After all, it does not require a large room and staff. It is convenient for buyers who do not need to go shopping for a thing, as it is possible to place an order with one-click goods. Along with this, services appear under the name “Turnkey Commodity”, where those who develop this business often find a lot of useful material for themselves, while receiving ready-made advertising for their goods.

And also in the literature, in films, the term that is often studied is called one another by women who are in places of detention or belong to the corresponding sections of society associated with the criminal environment. In the dictionary of thieves' jargon, one can find such a meaning of “commodity” as “full woman”.


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