Privet ordinary

Many summer residents, who consider their site only a food source, forget that the garden should still delight the eye. The possibilities of its decoration are many. For example, a hedge. Recently, the idea of โ€‹โ€‹hedge fence is increasingly finding supporters. In fact, itโ€™s much nicer to see not a monotonous, albeit expensive, fence, but a green wall. There are many arguments in favor of a hedge - it is protection from prying eyes and unwanted visits, it is a reduction of noise from the street and a curtain from dust, and sometimes it can be used to hide some buildings.

The choice of landscaping plants is quite rich. Of the many shrubs used for hedges, privet ordinary takes a prominent place. The etymology of the word "privet" is ambiguous; in our everyday life, culture is better known as "wolfberry." This name the plant received, probably due to poisonous fruits. Another version speaks of the similarity of berries with the eyes of a wolf before an attack. On the other hand, the Latin name refers to a plant with astringent bark. In our climate, culture is valued for its unpretentiousness and unique beauty.

The genus Biryuchin includes fifty-odd species. This is an evergreen and deciduous plant with oblong leathery leaves. In the wild, it is represented by a bush two to four meters high. It blooms usually from May to June after the leaves are fully open. Fruits - berries are usually black and blue with purple flesh, unfortunately, are poisonous. Ripening in late summer, the fruits remain on the branches for a long time, being a good decorative element.

The privet ordinary is quite resistant to frost - it can withstand a drop in air temperature to -30 degrees. Unpretentious to the composition of the soil, therefore, grows well in cities. Privet hedgehog is well molded and easy to cut. The plant can serve as a stock for other shrubs.

In addition to the privet ordinary, there are other species, for example, brilliant privet. Both species are quite similar, and lay people can easily mix them up. They are distinguished by the fact that brilliant privet is more demanding on living conditions and less frost-resistant. Glittering privet due to its more delicate nature is good for the southern regions. Both types lend themselves well to haircuts and are used for planting in alleys and streets.

Almost all types of privet, including Japanese privet, tolerate a haircut, have fairly thick branches and a long life. These qualities created the glory of a wonderful hedge material for plants. Its sturdy shoots, similar to willow twigs, were once used to make baskets. Perhaps this property served as the basis for the Latin name of the plant.

Privet ordinary has pronounced white or yellow inflorescences with a strong odor. In addition, some varieties, for example, "Aureum" have variegated leaves, which in itself looks quite decorative. All species growing in the middle lane are very undemanding to the environment and can grow both on dry and on moist soils. Gardeners-decorators consider the privet a pioneer for undeveloped soils.

However, for all its stability, the privet is evergreen susceptible to attack by pests. Worms can attack shoots, and some butterflies and ash-tree caterpillars can attack leaves. An oidium may appear on the leaves. Pest and disease control can be carried out as for ordinary ornamental shrubs.

Common privet propagates by cuttings. To have branchy bushes, you need to cut the shoots every spring. When transplanting, one must not forget about good watering - when the earthen coma is dried, leaves may fall. Young plants need an annual transplant; for adults, this procedure should be carried out less frequently.


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