Riga sights - vivid memories for life

The capital of Latvia, Riga, can be called a classic European city. Calm and cozy, he attracts thousands of tourists every year, and his cultural and natural beauties can amaze even the experienced traveler.

From here, as if in a fabulous time machine, one can travel back to the Middle Ages, to the very beginning of the 19th century, and towards the evening tired, but nevertheless unusually happy to relax with a cup of coffee in the nearest bar, enjoy your favorite music and comprehend impressions received per day.

Sights of Riga will not leave anyone indifferent. And I, for the convenience of readers, would like to divide my city tour into two main parts. After reading this article to the end, you will get to know closer the old Riga, get enough detailed information about the historical center of the city, and most importantly, you will understand that the Latvian capital is a place that you must visit, you will love it, and she, in gratitude , will be dreaming for a long time at night, inviting for another long-awaited date.

Part 1. Old Riga

The old part of Riga is a truly unique place in which the main architectural masterpieces of the city are concentrated. Particular attention should, of course, be given to Riga Castle, built back in 1330. At the moment, it can rightfully be called the only perfectly preserved castle in all of Northern Europe. Like many centuries ago, this place is the residence of the President. The flag of the state of Latvia always proudly develops above the castle, but the flag of the President can only be seen if it is located on the territory of the country. Sights of Riga, which is not surprising, are located inside the Riga Castle. For example, everyone can visit the Museum of the History of Latvia, the Museum of Foreign Art, Literature, Theater and Music.

It is hardly possible to imagine the sights of Latvia without the Dome Cathedral, which is rightfully considered the hallmark of the state. But this cathedral is also located in Riga, being not only its amazing symbol, but also the largest cathedral in the Baltics. The building erected in 1211 today boasts a beautiful concert hall and a museum that will introduce you in detail to the history of Riga and navigation.

If you are lucky enough to stroll around the Old Town, try not to forget to pay attention to the “Three Brothers” - the oldest residential complex in Riga, the most magnificent building of which was built in the second half of the 15th century under the influence of the Renaissance.

Sights of Riga include another interesting building - the Cat House. You should not consider it an element of a children's fairy tale, it just has nothing to do with it. But his story is no less interesting. The house was built in 1910 by one wealthy merchant, who installed cats on it. What is so unusual about this? Yes, it was just that initially the animals were turned back to the Guild building, into which they did not want to accept the owner of such an unusual structure. Of course, it came to a scandal and, in the end, the merchant had to deploy animals on the roof of his house. Since then, cats continue to decorate the building.

Experienced travelers also recommend visiting the Hangar for airships, or the Riga Central Market, the Courtyard of the Convent, the House of the Blackheads, the Seimas building, the Small Guild, the National Opera, the Powder Tower, St. James Cathedral, St. Peter's Church, the Swedish Gate, the Yakovlev barracks.

Part 2. The historical center of Riga

The historical center of the capital began to be created quite late, only at the end of the century before last, after the city fortifications were demolished. Around the same time, the first outlines of the canal embankment began to appear. Subsequently, it will become the border between old Riga and the city center.

Let's draw a parallel: Latvia - Attractions - Statue of Liberty. Surprised? I didn’t mess up anything! Not only the United States can boast of such a national symbol. The construction of the Latvian capital was built in 1935, and, like the American one, also depicts a girl, but not with a torch, as in New York, but holding a symbol of the unity of the country - three stars.

Probably, many associate Riga with such a funny animal as a beaver. Guessed? These pets literally terrorized the city for many years in a row, the authorities unsuccessfully tried to fight, but in the end, the toothy charming women won anyway. Now the situation has changed. Realizing the futility of such a struggle, the city administration decided on the contrary to turn beavers into the possession and advantageous highlight of the capital. For them built special feeders and houses, now everyone has the opportunity to observe the life of these cute creatures.

As you probably already guessed, the sights of Riga are a topic for endless conversations. One thing is certain. Take time, come and see for yourself.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34475/

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