Tarpon - fish for sport fishing. Description of species, structure and habitat.

One of the oldest representatives of the ocean fauna of tarpon is a fish with a severe temper and truly impressive size. This predator is considered perhaps the most powerful per unit of weight. It was these factors that made it a popular sport fishing destination. The genus Tarpon, belonging to the family of the same name, includes only two species, they will be discussed later in the article.

General Description and Classification

tarpon fish

The name of the genus comes from the two Greek words “eye” and “large”, which fully reflects the features of appearance. Tarpon are large fish, preferring to stay close to the coast and rarely go down to the depths. Very often in appearance they are compared with herring, but they are not even very distantly related to them. It should be noted that tarpon is a fish of impressive size, individual individuals can reach a mass of 160 kg and a body length of 2.5 m. If water does not contain enough oxygen, they are able to emerge to the surface and swallow atmospheric air. This feature is often used by fishermen to track fish.

Tarpones belong to the category of fish, which in the process of their development pass the stage of leptocephalus. The main distinguishing feature of the larva is that it does not have red blood cells in the blood, their body is absolutely transparent. Tarpon fish leptoceps are the smallest of all known, only 2.5-5 cm.

Atlantic tarpon

Description of tarpon of this species should begin with such epithets as huge, strong, powerful. The fish (shown in the first photo) really reaches impressive size - in length up to 2.5 m and weighing up to 161 kg. Life expectancy is on average up to 55 years.

The laterally compressed and elongated body is covered with large scales, about 25-30% of the length belongs to the head. The lower jaw, strongly advanced forward, the oblique upper mouth contain small villous teeth that sit tightly together. In the middle part of the back there is a characteristic dorsal fin with a short base and a final long ray, which reaches along the tail.

The belly and sides of the fish have a silver color, the back and upper part of the head - with a predominance of dark green or blue. Color may vary depending on the habitat of the individual to brown or brass. Anal and dorsal fins have a dark edging.

Structural features

tarpon fish dishes

Atlantic tarpon is a fish with a characteristic and unique feature of the internal structure. Her swimming bladder is connected to the esophagus through the duct, which contributes to the direct intake of air captured by the tarpon from the atmosphere. This gives the fish even more resistance. The walls of the swimming bladder are enveloped in spongy alveolar tissue. A similar structure is also characteristic of the Indo-Pacific species. Thus, among all marine fish, they are the only ones that are able to breathe atmospheric air using a swimming bladder.


As the name implies, this species is widespread in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. From Senegal to Angola, it lives along the African coast, very numerous in the Gulf of Mexico. The northern boundary of the habitat reaches Nova Scotia and the Cape Cod Peninsula.

Indo-Pacific Tarpon

tarpon fish photo

Fish (photo above) with a maximum mass of about 18 kg and a body length of up to 150 cm, however, as a rule, does not exceed 50 cm. Life expectancy is average - up to 44 years. The Indo-Pacific species has a laterally compressed body covered with large shiny scales with silver sides, a white belly and a blue-green or olive-green back. Big eyes are covered with characteristic fatty eyelids. They have an outstanding forward jaw, final mouth. Adults have no teeth. Grinding food is facilitated by a solid bone plate located along the lower jaw.

Indo-Pacific Tarpon - a fish widely distributed in the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The indigenous population uses not only meat, but also strong scales for dressing jewelry and artificial pearls.

Interesting Facts

tarpon description

  • The impressive size and severe appearance - this explains why the tarpon fish is so popular in amateur fishing. The largest individual was caught in March 1956 on Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela, it weighed 128.36 kg.
  • Tarpon life expectancy is on average about half a century, but the oldest instance in captivity reached the age of 63 years.
  • The unofficial nickname of the tarpon is the “silver king,” due to its magnificent appearance and color.
  • In the state of Florida (USA), the Tarpon Championship is held annually. Most of the copies are released and only some are left as trophies. Tarpon is a fish whose dishes are practically not prepared, its taste and nutritional value is very low.
  • Tarpon is one of the official symbols of the US state of Alabama.
  • For successful fishing use fly fishing or spinning gear with high-strength fishing lines in diameter of 0.45 mm. The hooks should be sharp, as the mouth of a fish with a grinding bone plate resembles a rough emery, which is not so easy to pierce. The photo shows that the jaw of the tarpon has a special structure.
    tarpon fish is the largest

Tarpones are amazing and unique in nature and anatomical features. The large inhabitants of coastal waters are interesting mainly from the point of view of sport fishing. The enormous power with which they resist, and impressive endurance at times increase the trophy value of the catch.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34477/

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