How to cut York at home. Tips & Tricks

how to cut york at home
Decorative dog Yorkshire Terrier - small, with a cute muzzle - requires special care and care. Clipping of claws, hair on the body, head. How to cut York at home, and is it possible? Yes it is possible. But immediately I would like to warn that on your own you can make a simple hairstyle and just cut off the extra hair. In the event that you are interested in any specific hairstyles, it is best to immediately contact specialists so as not to spoil the appearance of the dog and not harm it. Our article will tell you how to cut York at home.

Why do I need to cut the dog?

Not all dog breeds need hairstyles and constant haircuts. Some are enough to comb out several times a week to remove unwanted hair. In general, a haircut procedure is needed for:

β€’ Dog comfort. For example, in the summer, so that your dog does not overheat in the hot sun.

β€’ Simplify the life of the owner. Regular cutting helps to prevent the appearance of spools of wool on carpets and furniture.

So, if you are the mistress of such a dog, then you probably wondered more than once

how to trim york
about how to cut York itself. We will talk about this later.

Types of haircuts

How to cut york at home? Shortening the coat is considered the most minimal intervention in order to avoid contact with the floor. Regarding the hair on the head: with this approach, they should have a length of not more than 10 or 12 centimeters. Also a good option is a haircut "under the lion." Its principle is that with the help of a machine, hair is removed from the entire body. At the same time, the hair on the pet's head remains in its original form, and a small brush is cut at the end of the tail. The next version of the haircut: we begin to cut the hair under the tail, leaving a length of 5-10 centimeters, then we move to the stomach, the area between the legs and neck and shorten the hair with the help of the machine to 15-20 centimeters. The shape of the tail with the help of scissors can be given any, at your discretion. For dogs that will wear a bow, a hairstyle with the same name is suitable. Its implementation is extremely simple: collect the hair on the head in a ponytail and trim it with scissors. At the same time, the antennae and chin are combed, and the space under it is cut short.

Haircut Recommendations

how to cut york
How to trim york? It is enough to follow the simple recommendations below:

1. That during the procedure of putting the hair in order your pet was calm and easier to carry in the future, while not interfering with your hands, feed him a treat and cheer him up with kind words.

2. In order not to start the hairstyle, try to trim the hair once every 2 or 3 months. After the first few haircuts, York will get used to the procedure.

3. After hovering beauty, be sure to bathe your doggie to remove all the remnants of sheared wool.

4. You need to wash the Yorkshire Terrier no more than once every two weeks.

5. Every morning, wipe his eyes with a swab moistened with chamomile tincture or weak tea leaves.

In this article, we looked at how to cut York at home. We hope that the information will be useful to you.


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