Crash Bandicoot Game Series

The problem with many modern computer games is their passing character. Developers do not put their hearts into their projects, so the characters are forgotten instantly. A month after passing the game, you can no longer remember what it was about. Only a few projects make us think for a long time about the past game, remember the character of each character, think about a possible continuation, and so on. Previously, it was completely different - computer games were not yet a full-fledged industry, there were not so many of them, so the developers invested more in their projects. Even now, many gamers with experience recall games like “Mario, Zelda Legends,” etc. Another high-profile project that was popular at the end of the last millennium and is still remembered today is Crash Bandicoot. Games in this series tell about adventures cartoon character Crash - Australian marsupial badger.

The first game of the series

The first game was called Crash Bandicoot, and it was a rather primitive platformer in mechanics. You could only move your main character through the levels, jump, bend down, and also attack opponents, spinning in a tornado. With the same technique, Crash can smash boxes and other interactive objects, gaining points, lives, and so on.

crash bandicoot

Even with the fact that the mechanics are not very diverse, this game has become extremely popular and is remembered by many gamers. Until now, people remember the times when, in the role of Crash, they needed to sweep through the hurricane through the levels, defeating enemies and collecting coins. Naturally, such a successful project did not end in one game - so “Crash Bandicoot” got its own series.


As you know, “Crash Bandicoot” has gained unprecedented fame, which provided developers with the opportunity to work on the new part more hard. And the result here is simply stunning. Firstly, it is worth noting that the graphic component has changed very much, which has become much more attractive. But more important here is that there are new tricks that the main character can use. If in the first part he could only spin into a tornado and jump, now he can crawl, make tackles, and also perform a special trick, during which he flies up into the air and then crashes down with great force. Moreover, a new main villain appeared in the game, and one of the characters in the first part, as well as his sister Coco, took the side of Crash.

Crash Bandicoot Walkthrough

Levels have also changed a lot - they have become much more diverse. And now on each of them it is marked how many treasures you can find here. In the new Crash Bandicoot game, passing has become much more difficult, but at the same time it has turned into an exciting process that can keep you on the monitor screen for a very long time.

The last part of the trilogy

Naturally, the game "Crash Bandicoot 2" has become a real masterpiece. And he inspired developers to create the next part of the game, which was the completion of the world famous trilogy. Here, Crash and his sister Coco set off again in search of adventure and jewelry. It is immediately worth noting that the hero figures have become three-dimensional, and the levels have become even more diverse. But still, the most impressive thing in the third episode is the fact that Crash now has a rather impressive set of tricks that he can use both in battle and for passing certain sections of the level.

Crash Bandicoot 2

Also, a variety of vehicles have appeared in the game that allow the player to move faster and more excitingly through the level. In general, the series was completed, but what came next?

Racing and other games

After the sensational trilogy, the original developers released another project - a racing simulator with all the characters of the previous parts. He was also widely known, but it is worth paying attention to the fact that this is the last game of the original developers. They stopped releasing projects about Crash, but another company got down to business, and then another. As a result, about ten more games appeared with Crash in the lead role.

computer game crash bandicoot

But was at least one game installed on a computer? "Crash Bandicoot" is, unfortunately, an exclusively console project, so PC users can enjoy it only with the help of an emulator.


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