Adonis Amur: brief description, landing and care

With the advent of spring, the Far Eastern forests turn bright yellow. It blooms Adonis Amur , or Campion. Low, only 20-30 cm in height, it attracts attention not only with a juicy color, but also with an unusual appearance.

Adonis Amur
It grows mainly in deciduous forests, at the edges, in thickets of shrubs on fairly moist soil rich in humus. Selects well-lit places. In the photo, Adonis Amur pleiflora is a perennial plant with bright flowers and spiky leaves. Flowers, like leaves, are completely double, on a yellow background have bright green cirrus petals. The bud, compared to the entire growth of the flower, is large, stands out against the background of leaves and stem.

The homeland of adonis is considered to be the Far East, Primorye, Amur Region, Sakhalin, Kunashir and the Kuril Islands, Japan, Korea.

The flowering period is from March to May. Residents of the Far East often call him β€œsnowdrop”, because real snowdrops are not there.

Main characteristics

Amur Adonis is a perennial herbaceous plant from the ranunculaceae family. It has a short and thick rhizome and weakly branched, low erect stems about 30-40 cm tall with a light purple hue.

Adonis Amur photo
The lower part of the stem is covered with scales. The leaves resemble an oval or pentagon in shape, sharply dissected into narrow linear stripes. Flowers in diameter do not exceed 5 cm, are collected in a bunch and are located on the top of the stem. An interesting feature: the adonis flower has a large number of stamens of various lengths, sometimes up to hundreds, covered with fine pollen of bright yellow color. This is one of the earliest dusters, especially loved by bees. One flower produces 3 to 6 mg of pollen.

Amur adonis blooms in March-April, bears fruit in May and June.

The fruits are complex, in the form of numerous single-seed nuts or sacs.

But be careful: despite the attractive appearance, the plant is poisonous.

Adonis Amur. Landing and care

In the people, his name is more often called adonis or starodubka.

This is a perennial plant. Propagated by seeds and division. The usual flowering period is 2-3 weeks, in terry species a little longer.

adonis amur landing and care
Each of the flowers has 20-30 petals, the outer side of which with a bronze tint. In July, the flowers and stems die, the root system goes into hibernation. But even in this state, constant hydration is required; drying will destroy the plant.

Adonis is planted in areas with well-moistened and drained soil.

Propagation in ordinary flowers occurs with freshly picked seeds. Unfortunately, terry types of seeds do not form. Therefore, in the early spring or immediately after flowering is done dividing the bushes. In this case, they need to be planted in the soil as soon as possible, otherwise the plants will not take root. As you know, adonis does not tolerate drought.

Planting density averages 5-6 bushes per 1 m 2 .

Care and reproduction

The plant does not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots, so drainage of the soil and regular cultivation are necessary. Adonis loves the sun, with poor lighting poorly developed.

An alkaline environment is preferred. To do this, it is useful to add a little lime to the soil.

Adonis in a duet with other primroses can be a wonderful decoration of the garden. Yes, it is considered a complex flower in content. But subject to all the conditions for planting and care can settle in the garden for many years.

Healing properties

From time immemorial, Amur adonis has been used in medicine and is part of drugs that have a sedative effect on the central nervous system. Its biological activity is very similar to spring adonis, it can successfully become a substitute for it. The use of Amurian Adonis in medical practice is safe, although it is more toxic in composition than its relative.

This plant is also part of the drugs that regulate cardiac activity, helps with diseases of the kidneys, colds, malaria, colitis, convulsions, hysteria, removes excess fluid from the body, and has an analgesic and sedative effect.

Protect and protect

Often unreasonable human behavior, erroneously called economic activity, fires, unjustified recreational load lead to sad results. Many species of plants and animals have disappeared irrevocably or are on the verge of extinction.

Among the endangered and Adonis Amur. According to preliminary estimates, now in nature there are no more than 5000 units.

Adonis Amur Red Book
Today it is included in the list of rare and endangered plants of the Amur Region, and in the Khabarovsk Territory is listed in the Red Book. Amur Adonis is protected by the Khingan State Reserve, cultivated by many botanical gardens in order to increase the number. The quantity of this species is also monitored, especially near settlements and large-scale economic facilities; work is being carried out with the population on a complete ban on the collection of plants.

Such actions make it possible not only to preserve endangered plants, but also to increase their population and preserve nature for future generations.


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