Brotherly sea. Recreation and fishing

The fraternal sea is located in the Irkutsk region. In terms of volume, this is the second reservoir in the world. It got its name from the fact that the city of Bratsk is located on its banks.

The sea is used not only for electricity generation, but also for water supply, shipping, and fishing.

The main characteristics of the reservoir

The filling of the reservoir ended in 1967. This happened 6 years after the construction of the dam. The surface area of ​​the water is about 5.5 thousand square meters. km The average sea depth is 31 meters and the maximum is 101 meters. For comparison, you can pay attention that the greatest depth of the Sea of ​​Azov is only 14 meters, that is, less than a five-story building.

fraternal sea

The climate in the area of ​​the reservoir is sharply continental. Thanks to the powerful anticyclone, frosty weather sets in the winter, so the Bratsk Sea remains frozen for a long time. In summer, on the contrary, cyclones develop, so in the warm season there is a large amount of precipitation. The average January temperature is about 25 degrees of frost, July - about 18 degrees. In winter, extremely low temperatures were observed - 60 degrees below zero. The frost-free period is only three months, and frosts can even be in July.

Natural complexes of the sea and territories near it

In the territory adjacent to the reservoir, taiga natural complexes prevail. The main part of the square is the Angarsk Ridge. Where the height of the terrain exceeds 600 meters, the landscape of the highlands prevails. Here fir, cedar grows, and on the slopes - pine and larch. Large areas are also occupied by small-leaved forests.

fraternal sea irkutsk

The population effectively uses the fraternal sea. Its resources are used for water supply. It is also used as a recreation center. The reservoir and its rivers have excellent recreational potential.

Features of rest on the Bratsk reservoir

In summer, the reservoir turns into a great vacation spot. It can be cozy and pleasant for families with children. Rest on this sea is also informative. So, here are places associated with the parking of ancient people. The architectural and ethnographic complex Angarskaya Village tells in more detail about this.

vacation on the fraternal sea

The fraternal sea is famous not only for its beautiful landscapes and clear water. It also impresses tourists with unpolluted air, magnificent forests. For harsh taiga places this is truly a paradise.

Despite the fact that the frost-free period is short, in the summer you can still sunbathe here. The beaches are very clean. Tourists who prefer walking, will also benefit from special routes for them.

Recreation facilities

On the shore of the reservoir, many comfortable recreation facilities were built. Staying here will turn into an unforgettable pastime full of adventure. So, holidays on the Bratsk Sea can be planned at such tourist centers:

  • "The fishing house." The base is specially created for a quiet family vacation. It connects to the regional center with an excellent highway. The fraternal sea, Irkutsk are spaced 630 km apart. The territory of the recreation center is quite large, and in all there are thirteen comfortable houses. You can relax and tourists with tents.
  • Ust-Osa. Located on the shore of the reservoir. Here you can either rent a house, or settle in a tent camp. The base also has the opportunity to organize outdoor activities.
  • "Brotherly seaside." This resort is located on the shore of the reservoir in the taiga forest. Here you can restore health in any season. There is also a source of mineral water with healing properties.
  • "Golden Sands". This is an excellent place on the shores of the Bratsk Sea. Prices for houses are quite reasonable. There is clean sand, water. There is an opportunity for tourists to relax with a tent.

fraternal sea hostels

The Fraternal Sea offers many attractive holiday options. There are plenty of camp sites in its vicinity.


On the Bratsk reservoir, you can have a great time fishing. This vacation does not depend on the season. After all, you can fish in the summer and winter.

The conditions for this are very favorable. Fish species such as pike, perch, common carp, crucian carp and others are found here. They can be caught ashore. Since the Fraternal Sea is large, the catch will be greater if you do this on a boat. Shore fishing will be more productive where there are sandy beaches with a slow transition in depth.

The brotherly reservoir is famous for its huge perches. This fish has good food and grows fast. So perch weighing more than a kilogram is not uncommon. Carp is also of the same large size.

The reservoir is rich and roach. It can be caught everywhere. There are a lot of omul, but in order to catch it, you need to know some tricks, because this fish is quite wayward.

Competitions are also held on the Bratsk Sea. It will be very interesting for experienced fishermen.

In general, the Bratsk Reservoir is a great vacation option in any season and for everyone.


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