Blue sapphires: features, properties and characteristics

Sapphires are one of the most precious stones. We will talk about them further. Blue sapphires are considered rare. They are very much appreciated by jewelers. They extract this sky-blue stone in India, Kashmir province. The stone (blue sapphire) became especially popular thanks to the royal couple of Great Britain, after Prince Charles presented Princess Diana with an engagement ring with this mineral. Currently, this jewelry belongs to the wife of Diana's eldest son, Kate Middleton.

Stone name

Sapphire is a type of corundum, a very hard mineral, the second after diamond. He attracted people with his color and unusual mystical properties in antiquity. The name of this stone originates from Sanskrit, the ancient Greek language and Latin.

blue sapphires

The Babylonian word sipru means scratching. After from the ancient Greek language came “sappheiros”. It meant "blue stone." In ancient Greece, all blue stones were called sappheiros. And then the Latin name "safirus" appeared. So the mineral got its name.

Stone of the powerful

In ancient times, these precious stones were attributed magical properties, they were considered a gift from the gods. Jewelry with a blue-and-blue sapphire could be worn only by temple attendants, priests. It was believed that this mineral helps them hear and understand prophecy. In ancient India, priests adorned their robes with sapphires. Cleopatra’s crown was decorated with blue stones. The crown of Great Britain, the power of the Russian Empire, the brooch of Indian Maharajas is decorated with magnificent sapphires. A 13th-century Czech ancient crown is decorated with these light blue stones. Truly, this beautiful mineral is the stone of rulers and kings.

blue sapphire

Sapphire has long been associated with different peoples with wisdom, justice, a thirst for knowledge and the search for truth. He was also considered a stone, which gives people composure, promotes contemplation and tranquility. In eastern countries, sky-blue sapphire was considered the talisman of the sages. In the modern world, this mineral symbolizes wealth, success and self-confidence.

The magical properties of blue stone

At all times and in all religions, sapphire was considered a stone that helped achieve spiritual enlightenment. He also positively influenced the energy of people, protected the person who wore it from deception, evil people, diseases, black magic. Gemstone (blue sapphire) helps to accept life in all its manifestations, forgive insults, gives calm and joy. The cornflower blue stone, according to ancient magicians, endowed a person with firmness of spirit, sent him on the right path in life. He brings luck to mariners, to lovers - happiness, protection from slander, to sages - a thirst for knowledge, has a positive effect on memory.

blue sapphire earrings

Blue sapphires are considered stones that bring luck, attract happiness to family life, help in love affairs. Astrologers advise wearing jewelry with them to those who are in search of the second half. Further this stone will keep pure and strong love of spouses.

Performing certain rituals, psychics use blue sapphires. With their help, they can see the past and the future.

In Indian mythology, blue sapphires were considered splashes of the sky. The god Brahma scattered them around the world when a mere mortal asked him to show the seventh heaven. The drink of immortality, having touched the earth, turned into a cornflower blue mineral.

Blue sapphires contribute to the pacification, balance the emotional state, organize thoughts, focus a person’s attention on their own inner world. It is believed that with the help of this mineral you can open the third eye, to know the mystery of the universe. Also, people believed that a blue sapphire would not bring enlightenment and good luck in life to a dishonest and evil person. The stone in the ring on the villain’s hand will eventually lose its beauty, natural luster and grow cloudy.

Healing properties

From ancient times it was believed that sapphire has a beneficial effect on the human body. This stone, which has the ability to calm, reduces pressure. It is advised to be worn by people suffering from neurosis and insomnia. It also has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, treats colds, endocrine diseases and diseases of the genitourinary system.

blue gem sapphire

In modern medicine, skin diseases and internal organs are treated with a sapphire ray.

Modern jewelry production

Blue sapphires are considered rare minerals. They are very appreciated by jewelers. Modern technologies allow the creation of artificial sapphires, which are not inferior in quality to the stones created by nature. Unnatural minerals are more pure and transparent. This is one of the differences from natural stones. Another significant difference is the cost of products with such stones. The price of blue sapphire mined from the bowels of the earth is fabulous.

One carat of natural stone costs from three hundred to a thousand dollars. In contrast, silver, gold and platinum jewelry with artificial stones are affordable and very popular. Different types of cuts reveal the beauty of sky-blue stones.

blue sapphire stone

Noble metal with this mineral looks truly beautiful.

Who should use the zodiac stone?

Jewelry with blue sapphire is not suitable for all signs of the zodiac. Of the twelve constellations, astrologers recommend that only seven are worn, namely:

  1. Taurus.
  2. To the twins.
  3. Virgins.
  4. Scorpions.
  5. Sagittarius.
  6. Aquarius.
  7. Pisces.


A ring with blue sapphire is a wonderful gift for your beloved woman. The reason for such an elegant presentation may be a birthday. Valentine's Day is just the right time for such a gift. After all, it is a mineral of this color that helps in matters of the heart. Present the ring with blue sapphire on the day of engagement to the only queen who won an unbreakable male heart - an act worthy of a real aristocrat. A pure transparent stone of heavenly color in an elegant frame of white gold or platinum will be a great gift for any celebration. It will be an amulet that preserves and protects a deep and tender feeling of love for each other.

blue sapphire ring

A beautiful and original combination in rings of blue sapphire with precious stones of a different color, diamonds, pink topaz, as well as semi-precious, such as turquoise, pearls, agate, amethyst. A novelty in jewelry production is black gold. It is obtained by special treatment (oxidation or spraying) of the usual. Products made of black gold are becoming increasingly popular due to their practicality and effect. Jewelry made of such gold and precious stones looks very original. Women's black ring with bright blue sapphire is a very stylish and unusual product.


These jewelry deserve special attention. Blue sapphire earrings are amazing in any design, be it yellow, pink or white gold. Platinum and diamonds perfectly reveal the rich blue color of the stone. These products attract the eye and fascinate with their purity and play of faces. Earrings in which the stone is fixed in the form of a pendant are especially elegant. Openwork noble metal of the upper part of the earrings, studded with diamonds, complement the beautiful mineral.

blue sapphire Price

Miniature pusets (stud earrings or, as they are also called, hard-wired) look beautifully made of white gold, sapphire the color of azure in a crepe setting, in which the stone is fully open, sparkling, plays in the sun. Such jewelry is perfect for a girl or woman with blue or gray eyes.

Still beautiful products are magnificent earrings in yellow gold, with an English clasp and a scattering of diamonds on it. At the same time, a pale blue drop-shaped sapphire is placed in a blind mount.

Original earrings - a combination of sky-blue sapphire and turquoise with a French clasp.

Men's rings with blue sapphire

Men wore rings with these stones in ancient times. Rings with rare blue sapphire were considered almost mystical. Today, an original jewelry, signet or ring for a man can be purchased in a store or ordered in a professional jewelry workshop. This ring is a very stylish accessory, emphasizing the extraordinary nature of its owner.

Blue sapphire in silver rim - the choice of young people. A laconic and strict ring with such a rectangular stone in a yellow or white gold frame is suitable for middle-aged men. Signet with a cornflower-blue sapphire in a platinum frame - for a strong-minded and confident guy. A man's ring in white and black gold inlaid with blue sapphires is a serious application for originality. A modern design, a combination of precious metals of different colors, a combination of sky-colored sapphires with diamonds will allow the stronger man to find a stylish and original jewelry for himself.


Now you know what blue sapphires are. In our article, we examined the characteristics of these stones, their magical and healing properties. We hope you find this information useful.


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