“My Best Enemy”: book reviews, author, plot and main characters

Judging by the reviews of the book by Eli Frey, “My Best Enemy,” you can find almost everything in it. And friendship, and betrayal, and the fragile psyche.

And judging by the quotes from the book "My Best Enemy", its plot makes you think and think about a lot. The story of the main character begins with the following words:

“As a child, he gave me sweets, drawings and smiles. He adored his little girlfriend and did not allow anyone to offend me. And then I did one inexcusable act. Now that sweet and kind boy with whom we were so close in childhood is no more. In its place is an evil monster that knows neither love nor pity. And it will not calm down until it takes revenge and destroys me. "

A bit about the author

It is known that the book “My Best Enemy” by Eli Frey was written. But the real name of the author is Alena Filipenko. She was born on January 5, 1990. Her place of residence is the city of Pushkino near Moscow.

Alena Filipenko has a diploma from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. However, admission to this institution of higher education she considers in her life the biggest mistake.

After graduation, the girl did not go to work in her specialty. She was attracted to courses on creating contextual advertising. After their graduation, Alena Filipenko underwent an internship. At present, the author of the book “My Best Enemy” works at Yandex.Direct as a manager in the contextual advertising department.

Alena Filipenko loves sports, preferring pole-dance and snowboarding. She also enjoys wandering around various abandoned places. Alena is attracted to dilapidated estates, depots, bridges, bunkers, as well as other unusual structures.

First piece

The book "My Best Enemy" (it is definitely worth reading completely) was published by AST. Year of publication - 2015. This is the first work of the author, work on which lasted for two years.

Judging by readers' reviews, the book “My Best Enemy” became popular even before its mass circulation. After all, Alena Filipenko, who took the pseudonym Eli Frey, uploaded the work she wrote on various literary sites. And only a little later the manuscript was sent to the publishers. AST became one of them. The editors gave their positive answer almost immediately after receiving the manuscript. The book was so popular with pen professionals that they even approved a new series, Online Bestseller.

book and smartphone

Judging by the numerous reviews of the book "My Best Enemy", readers often compare it with a personal diary. Indeed, the style of presentation of the plot is very reminiscent of someone's private recordings. And readers are not mistaken in this. After all, some of the written Alena Filipenko took from her personal diary, which she kept as a teenager.

The book is written for those who are over 18 years old.


The plot of the book "My Best Enemy" is a modern prose. As mentioned above, the work was published in 2015. That is why it captivates the reader with its modernity. Getting acquainted with the events described in the plot, each teenager will be able to see their own reflection in them.

main characters

In My Best Enemy, Ely Frey takes place around two characters. One of the main characters is Tom Mickiewicz. She appears before the reader as a typical modern teenager. Toma is a pretty pretty girl of medium height, whose hair color resembles wet dust.

The second main character is Stas Shutov. He is a teenager with a pronounced mental disorder. He has a sporty physique and a beautiful snow-white “shark smile”.

The beginning of the story

Consider the description of the book "My Best Enemy." The story told by the author originates when the parents brought the little girl Tom to a small town to visit her grandmother. It was here that she met a neighbor boy named Stas. Soon the children became best friends.

Several years have passed. Parents sent Tom to live with their grandmother. This allowed the children to meet and be friends not only in the summer. They also began to go to one class.

The children were thrilled. And it seemed that nothing could destroy their strong friendship. Adults, looking at Tom and Stas, simply touched. Indeed, a beautiful couple was growing before their eyes. And the children themselves have already begun to call themselves bride and groom. Indeed, the relationship between Tom and Stas was just wonderful. For example, a boy, walking away from his girlfriend, looked at her window, as if he "took" a smile from his face and sent it to a girl. In response, she did the same. But suddenly everything changed.


What happened to the children? From the contents of the book “My Best Enemy”, the reader learns about the tragedy that occurred on one of ordinary days. Tom and Stas went to the forest and began to play war there. Evening came. However, Stas was in no hurry to return home. He wanted to become a winner and “kill” his designated enemy. In the game, he continued to lead a girl who, by this time, was already very tired and chilled. And here in the forest they accidentally stumbled upon teenage drug addicts. They grabbed the children and began to mock them. Tome managed to escape. She was so frightened that, reaching her room, she climbed under the covers and fell asleep. Stas was left alone with the teenagers.

Waking up in the morning, the girl found out that her friend was in the hospital. It turned out that drug addicts burned his ear with burning plastic.

Shattered friendship

The boy’s life was ruined. And, in his opinion, Tom became guilty of this. After all, she committed treason. Stas's resentment and anger became simply uncontrollable. He hated her ex-girlfriend so much that he began to turn her life into hell.

Getting acquainted with the full version of the book “My Best Enemy”, the reader sees that most of the pages tell about the bullying experienced by Tom and other students by Stas and his retinue. Moreover, the cruelty of these adolescents is literally limitless. Judging by readers' reviews, the book “My Best Enemy” is sometimes very difficult to perceive. However, many are worried about the question of why no one punishes violent adolescents? The author gives an explanation for this. The fact is that Stas is the son of wealthy parents. The boy’s father gives a lot of money to repair the school. That is why often teachers even protect Stas.

At the end of the work, the girl takes revenge on her former friend for bullying her. She practically bury Stas alive. However, at the last moment it does not carry out the plan.

What is this book about?

After reading the book “My Best Enemy” (full version), it becomes clear that one of its themes is the friendship of two children - a boy and a girl. Once they played together, created, invented and dreamed. At the same time, Tom and Stas were the center of the universe. Over the years, children have been almost one. And even leaving, they never said goodbye, but only passed on to each other their laughter and smiles. And so Stas and Toma lived. But what happened after? Then betrayal burst into their lives. It ended in retribution and revenge.

Did Tamara Mickiewicz realize at the age of 12 her act to the end? Did she realize that she had betrayed her best friend? Should I condemn a frightened girl? Each reader has an opinion on this subject. Many understand that Tom did wrong. However, do not seek to condemn her. Indeed, at the age of 12, this is still a child who perceives much in life only as a bad dream, not realizing the real danger.

But what about the boy? The life of Stas Shutov after this incident in the forest was divided into “before” and “after”. After being bullied by teenage drug addicts, he received a serious psychological trauma. What happens in his future life?

The author of the book “My Best Enemy” very clearly shows his reader how the character of the boy changed after a tragic incident. And also how Stas lives with his injury. In the blink of an eye, he turns from a good boy into a bad boy. And even in very bad. What does he feel at the same time? Stas can make the girl the queen, but if desired, is able to trample, crush and destroy. He becomes obsessed with an all-consuming thirst for revenge. He hates Tom, does not accept her act and does not even try to understand the girl.

The paths of former friends diverge for a while. However, Tom soon returned to that school, whose student is Stas. Who is her former friend now? He is a real despot and a school storm. He is obeyed and afraid.

Meeting Tom, he slowly and faithfully turns her life into hell, trying to break the girl. He hacked into its pages on the networks, engaged in bullying, "pouring dirt." Judging by readers' reviews, the book “My Best Enemy” describes real events that today may very well occur in modern schools. There is an opinion that with such a story you should not get to know the faint-hearted and impressionable people.

Some points in the book “My Best Enemy” by Eli Frey, judging by the readers' feedback, were terrifying and perplexing. It was difficult for them to understand why the children at school were so frightened that they were afraid of their peers and forgave him all his bullying? At the same time, none of them even tried to inform their parents about humiliations and beatings. For example, Stas could take anyone by the hair and stick his head under a stream of boiling water. Without any regret, he was able to throw a man into a burning fire. It was not difficult for him to hit with all the strength of his peer against the wall.

book and lit match

Amaze the moments of the description of the game Stas with his younger sister. He also conducted cruel experiments with her. The boy loved to play in the "mental hospital." At the same time, he put on his sister's shirt, tying the sleeves behind her back. After that, he gave some time for the girl to free herself. If she did not have time to do this, he shocked her using a charger from a lighter. But still the main victim of the cruel teenager was Tom. Stas began to mock her when she had to return to the same school again in the 9th grade.

Of course, many readers note the lack of will of the girl. After all, she trembled with every appearance of Stas and preferred not to solve the problems that arose, but to run away from them. And this behavior of Tom shows that otherwise in the situation when she left her friend in the forest, she simply could not act. Indeed, in order to save a person, courage is required. Stas began to take revenge and then could not stop. His life was destroyed due to one incident, and he focused his hatred on the man who, he believed, caused this.

The book is literally saturated with cruelty, hatred and pain. And all these feelings, no matter how strange it sounds, are very closely connected with love and the desire to make your life the way it was before. It is as if two personalities live in Stas's soul. He loves a girl and hates at the same time. But the second feeling is stronger.

Telling the story of the heroes of the book “My Best Enemy”, the author wants to show his reader that everyone should be responsible for their actions. Moreover, he should certainly analyze them. Yes, each reader can understand this idea differently. However, everyone will have one conclusion - nothing can be fixed with revenge.

The last scene in the pit, according to readers, became the strongest in this book. After all, here Stas and Toma have shown themselves to be what they really are. The author seemed to indicate that anyone can bury their fears, say goodbye to them and get rid of them, without leaving hatred and resentment in their souls.

book and apples

The history of this book is not complete. Alena Filipenko did not finish her work with a concrete end. It enabled the reader to reflect on the future fate of these adolescents themselves. And this move is quite justified. The bad end of the story could well disappoint those who believe in love and in the correction of Stas. A good ending would cause some contradiction to the logical conclusion of the story. After all, the whole atmosphere of this story is oppressed.

Readers note that the book is written in a simple and understandable language. And this is the highlight of the author.

Books with a similar plot

The heartbreaking work of Eli Frey, “My Best Enemy,” won the hearts of millions of readers. The story told by the author about the transformation of light feelings into enmity and hatred became an ideal illustration of the proverb, which claims that love is only one step away from hatred. And he was made the hero of the book. And made of revenge.

Such stories cannot but affect the feelings of readers. In their plot, one can simultaneously see the truthfulness and unpredictability of the development of events.

Consider books similar to "My Best Enemy." Among them, readers can also find for themselves that novel that they will definitely like and become a favorite.

"Light mountains"

Among books similar to “My Best Enemy” is the one written by Tamara Mikheeva. This author is a multiple winner of international prizes awarded for the writing of children's works.

book "Light mountains"

"Light mountains" is an incredibly kind and bright story that tells us about true love for their homeland. From the book we learn the life story of the girl Dina, who unexpectedly ended up in another city and in a new family. The plot of the work is a true declaration of love to the entire world around us, which consists not only of enthusiasm and success, but also of difficulties. The book tells about the complex search of man himself and understanding of who he really is. Having gone through the many difficulties of fate, the girl finally found for herself a family, her home and her Light Mountains.

This story, told by Tamara Mikheeva, is so deeply imbued with trembling tenderness that she simply cannot touch her reader to the depths of her soul.

Family Dreams

This book by A. B. Galkin is an excellent illustration of family life with all its complexities. Judging by the reviews of most readers, the newlyweds and those who are just intending to conclude a marriage should get acquainted with this work.

The book introduces the story of a young family in which a little son grows. Here you can find everything. And the misunderstanding that exists between the mother-in-law and the son-in-law, and the quarrels of the daughter-in-law with the mother-in-law. All this can be called a kind of classic attributes of family life. Judging by the reviews, the novel is read quite easily. In addition, he is literally saturated with irony, good mood and humor.

"Forever and ever"

This sadly beautiful and heart-rending story told by Olga Karlovich tells readers about the love of two homeless people whose lives lack the most basic conveniences and blessings. It is possible that this love story can be called the most beautiful. Indeed, such feelings today are an absolute rarity, since people are most concerned about the constant race for success, money and material values. The book will be a real outlet for those readers who miss their sincere and tender feelings.

"12 years of slavery"

The book of Solomon Northal describes a real story in which there is abduction, betrayal and fortitude. She is a memoir of the author. The plot of the book takes us to America. In this country, Solomon Nortal was a completely free man. This man was born and raised in New York. His main life goal was to achieve the American dream, which was to have your own home and family. He married and had children, but for the maintenance of the family he wanted to earn more.

book "12 years of slavery"

Everyone knew Solomon Northal as a good violinist. And once he was offered to go on tour in the state of Colombia. However, he failed to earn money. Indeed, in the state of Colombia in those years slavery was not prohibited. Solomon was pumped with drugs and, shackled, was sent to New Orleans. Here the man was sold to the first owner.

This courageous man was to spend 12 years in slavery. And all these years he was obsessed with the desire to go free and return to his family.

Solomon's memoirs were published in 1853. They resonated strongly in society and greatly accelerated the start of the American civil war between South and North.


This book is written by Natalia Milyavskaya. It tells an exciting story about the lives of five young people who, because of boredom, decide to open an entertainment agency called Adrenaline. To earn money, they begin to offer drugs to wealthy clients. At the same time, young people still do not fully realize that what they are doing is dangerous to their life. The story arouses interest among readers not only with its plot, but also with the dynamics of the events taking place in it.

“We Children of the Gold Mines”

This is another book written by Eli Frey. In it, the author of the work “My Best Enemy” talks about the realities of adolescent life, about hatred, misunderstanding and constant condemnation that is present in everyday life.

book "We Children of the Gold Mines"

From the book, the reader learns about the brutality and selfishness towards children by society. About how it is sometimes difficult for a person to trust one of those around him. It raises the themes of love and hatred, friendship and betrayal, as well as relationships in the family. This story, as well as the one that was told in the book “My Best Enemy”, causes a lot of enthusiastic reviews from readers. The problems raised by the author are eternal and relevant.

"Without hope"

This psychological love drama is written by Knee Hoover. Judging by the reader’s feedback, this deafeningly emotional romance, filled with light and darkness, makes you laugh and cry. Sometimes you even have to leave the book for a while to put your own feelings in order. After all, the reader begins to understand that people who finally got to the bottom of the truth find themselves in an even more hopeless situation than they had when they lived in a lie.

book "Without hope"

The seventeen-year-old Skye girl comes to a similar thought after she met Dean Holder. The guy has a bad reputation, while he not only scares off, but also attracts him. Acquaintance with him made Skye remember her terrible past, which she tried with all her might to hide in her soul as deep as possible.

A girl should stay away from this guy. However, Dean persistently seeks to get closer to a new friend, not even suspecting that this would be a huge revolution in her mind.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34493/

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