Tips for gardeners: when to transplant peonies

Peony is considered one of the most beautiful types of decorative flowers and enjoys well-deserved popularity both among professional florists and amateur gardeners. These perennial plants come in both grassy and tree-like varieties and bloom in the period from one to six weeks, from spring to mid-summer. Peonies are early when the period of full bloom falls in the middle - the end of April and the beginning of May. Late flowering usually captures the second decade of July - early August (depending on climatic conditions). Coloring of flowers varies from snow-white with reddish veins to pink, red, burgundy, even yellow and purple. All of them differ in characteristic very gentle smell. The most fragrant are pink peonies.

when to transplant peonies

Transplant and breeding

Going to decorate their front garden with these wonderful flowers, gardeners ask a legitimate question: when is it best to transplant peonies? Experts advise doing this in the autumn, when the first frosts passed. Firstly, the plants themselves begin a period of rest and "sleep", so they can easily tolerate "relocation" and adaptation in a new place. Secondly, the soil has not yet had time to freeze, and the root system will be quite comfortable. How to transplant peonies in terms of selecting a place and soil? In a nutshell, the place should be well lit, and the soil should be nutritious. These flowers appreciate a rich top dressing and will be grateful for a fairly fertilized land. You can transplant as a whole bush, and with division (a large, well-developed bush is divided into several). In the second case, you will get new plants. In this case, it is necessary to carefully separate the fleshy parts of the rhizome from each other, so that the new bushes have 3-4 reddish shoots. Immerse new bushes too deep in the ground is not worth it. And now in more detail about when to transplant peonies.

The main causes of transplantation. How to do it competently

when is it better to transplant peonies
Once planted a peony bush, you can not touch it long enough - it is a perennial plant. However, from time to time there is a need to disturb the handsome man and even evict him from the settled territory. Why? For example, overgrown trees, a lot of shade and a lack of light is one of the main reasons when peonies should be transplanted. They are quite unpretentious, but the lack of the proper amount of sunlight does not tolerate well. The bushes become weak, all the juices go into stems, which can reach significant heights, trying to reach the light. There are few foliage on them, buds too, and instead of lush and large flowers become small.

how to transplant peonies
Old bushes, overgrown, requiring updating, is another case when it is recommended to transplant peonies. This is usually done at 4-5 years of age. If they are not divided, the root system will not be able to provide such a bush with full nutrition, which will immediately affect the flowering and general condition of the plant. Those. in this case, transplantation is used to increase productivity.

peonies - decoration of gardens
The transplant procedure itself does not require much time and effort. In the middle - the end of September, the stems of the bush are cut at the level of a centimeter - two from the soil surface. As already mentioned, this is the most suitable time when you can transplant peonies without harm to the flower. Around the bush, the earth is carefully dug in so that most of the roots remain intact. Then the bush with a small layer of earth is transferred to a new place. During the division, its land is shaken off, the tubers are divided with a sharp knife so that the new bush has enough roots and shoots - from 3 to 5. When planting, the shoots are covered with soil no deeper than 2 cm. The hole with the plant is generously watered.


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