Fur coat "avtoledi" - a fashion accessory of a modern woman

Women in the modern world strive to lead an active lifestyle. Such a life implies constant movement, because everywhere there are important matters and activities. In this regard, a large number of women daily moves around the city by car. Of course, clothing should correspond to a lifestyle, some wardrobe items can prevent a person from feeling comfortable and hamper movement. For example, long floors of coats or fur coats can prevent people from getting into a car. There are many such winter accessories that can make life difficult. Of course, in the conditions of a harsh winter, I still want to dress warmly. It is in this case that the "auto-ice" fur coat will come to the rescue. Now it’s worth exploring in more detail what kind of clothing this is, with what to wear it and how to choose a suitable fur coat.

autolady fur coat

A little about the model

First, you should talk about the subject of the wardrobe. The “autolady” fur coat rightfully won the love and trust of many women. In winter, walking along the streets, you can often see short fur coats of completely different cuts and from different materials. Such popularity is by no means surprising, this wardrobe item is truly convenient and functional.

autolady mink coat

It is important not only comfort, but also beauty. A few years ago, when the "autolady" models were not so widespread, many women rode in ordinary heavy fur coats, which not only obstructed movement, but also created the feeling that a huge and clumsy man was driving.

Fur coat "avtoledi" noticeably lightened, there are various lengths. There are models to the waist (which is more suitable for young girls), to the middle of the hips (such a fur coat is suitable at any age and will look harmoniously on any figure).

Autolady fur coat: advantages

Such a wardrobe item has a large number of advantages. Some of them are given above, but in fact there are much more. The main advantages of a short fur coat are factors such as:

  • Length. Much has been said about this, but this is the most important detail. The long floors of a fur coat can get dirty, hardly anyone will want to walk all day in a dirty fur coat. Also, the lower edge of the product may heat up from the hot parts of the car and interfere when leaving the car and landing in it. A short fur coat eliminates all these problems.
  • Sleeve width. The sleeves in such models are not made too spacious so that they do not interfere with the operation of the machine, but are sufficiently free. Sleeves of medium width retain heat and allow steering without problems.
  • Side cuts. If, however, the coat is slightly longer than the hips, side cuts are usually provided on it. They allow you to feel comfortable and not constrained even in a longer model.
  • Strength and wear resistance. The main disadvantage of long coats is that from prolonged sitting in them, they stretch and wipe themselves around the buttocks. A short fur coat perfectly solves this problem, since the long floors that are wiped the most are absent.

Fur coat autolady photo

What materials are more popular?

Now in stores a large number of models. Without any problems, you can choose a fur coat to your taste. Before buying, you should decide whether you really need a coat of "avtoledi". It is better to look at the photo in advance in order to understand at least approximate wishes for a future fur coat. So, the time has come to talk about what materials such models are often made of, as well as their properties.

  • Mink. Mink coat "avtoledi" will look truly luxurious. However, you need to remember about its high cost. However, the price is well justified by the quality of the fur, its strength and resistance to external influences. Of course, do not forget that the fur coat from this fur has a magnificent appearance, the mink has long been considered one of the most beautiful furs. In addition to all these advantages, the muzzle coat "Avtoledi" will be really warm.
  • Mouton. Mouton fur coats are considered very practical, warm and durable. Such a fur coat will last for many years, retaining its original appearance. A special quality of a muton is elasticity, which is very important for frequent trips by car. Muton fur coat absolutely does not constrain movement and does not stretch.

what to wear with an autolady fur coat

Faux Fur - Is It Worth Buying?

Choosing a fur product, many are faced with the question of whether to purchase a fur coat made of faux fur. Faux fur, of course, does not always look like natural. Other than that, he's not so warm. However, despite this, such fur coats find their buyer.

The artificial auto- fur coat has its advantages, for example:

  • lower price;
  • artificial products do not require such careful care as natural ones;
  • modern technologies make it possible to produce high-quality fur, which sometimes is not inferior to natural in appearance.

Short fur coats - what to wear?

Many complain that they do not know if a short fur coat will fit their wardrobe. There is no definite answer to the question of what to wear with an “auto-ice” fur coat with . Basically, it all depends on the specific model.

However, there are some universal tips to help you create a spectacular look.

Short coats look best with tight trousers or jeans tucked into high boots. This image is suitable for both walking and going to work.

In addition, the “autolady” fur coats look good with high-heeled shoes, for example, with boots and ankle boots. There are a lot of things that an “auto-ice” fur coat will look great with. Photos can be viewed in fashion magazines and studied with what to wear it this season.

The fitted pencil skirt also fits nicely on a short fur coat. This combination allows you to make the figure visually more slender and create an elegant image of a business woman.

How to care for a short fur coat?

First of all, you need to carefully handle the fur product. It is worth noting that it is important to get into the car correctly so that the fur does not roll too much and breaks. Therefore, getting into the car, you need to carefully straighten the fur on the back.

faux fur coat

It is also recommended to sit behind the wheel of the car only in an unfastened fur coat, so that the product does not stretch and retain its original appearance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34495/

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