TIN of a foreign citizen: what documents are needed, where and how to get

Today we will be interested in the TIN of a foreign citizen. What it is? Where and how can I get this paper? What is it for? Every taxpayer should be able to answer all this. And a foreigner as well. Indeed, often the absence of some important documents from foreign citizens leads to their deportation or to the application of various kinds of sanctions. For example, to pay fines. Is it dangerous not to have a TIN for a foreigner? What do you need to know about this topic?

TIN of a foreign citizen


First, let's figure out what the TIN number is. This is a combination that serves to account for taxpayers in the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. The number is assigned once and for life, it does not change under any circumstances.

TIN is expressed by the certificate of the established form. Typically, paper is either beige or pink. There is a state sign on it. The TIN of a foreign citizen is the same as the individual tax number for any other resident of Russia.

The importance of the document

According to current laws, citizens of the Russian Federation can receive TIN certificates at will. In exceptional cases, you have to apply for the appropriate paper. Some people can live their entire lives without having established form evidence. But this does not mean that they do not have an individual number. You can find it at the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration.

Does a foreign citizen need a TIN? It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question. It all depends on the circumstances. In certain situations, registration with the tax authorities is required. With confidence we can only say that foreign children do not draw up a TIN. They do not need this paper.

Receive required

What should adults do? Ideally, the TIN of a foreign citizen is useful provided that the family plans to live in Russia for a long time. Therefore, it is better to issue a certificate.

Inn number

Mandatory citizens must register with the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation if:

  • they plan to work in Russia;
  • patent pending;
  • a foreigner has taxable property in Russia;
  • transactions involving taxation take place.

In addition, when receiving a RVP, a visitor will have to issue a TIN. Otherwise, serious problems cannot be ruled out. In particular, with employment.

Data in the document

In all other situations, a foreign citizen does not need a TIN. So, it is not necessary to register with the Federal Tax Service. Everything is extremely simple and clear.

What information will be contained in the document of the established form? A sample TIN of a foreign citizen (certificate) reflects the following data:

  • Name of the recipient;
  • information about the FTS issuing the paper;
  • individual number;
  • a series of documents.

There will be no third-party information here. Information about registration is also not displayed in the TIN. In general, as we have already said, this paper is no different from the certificate of the individual number of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

getting a tin by a foreign citizen

Where to get

Now we can talk about receiving the mentioned paper. This operation requires consideration of certain rules. What is it about?

First, find out where to get the TIN to a foreign citizen. The answer is simple - in the same place as the locals. The procedure for issuing a certificate will be the same. The difference lies only in the provided package of documents.

In general, TINs are issued by:

  • Federal Tax Service (at the place of registration);
  • State Services website;
  • multifunctional centers;
  • My Documents Services.

Where exactly to turn? Everyone decides for himself. Increasingly, foreign citizens TIN request through the tax authorities, as well as through the IFC. These organizations provide services to the population faster than others.

About statement

Of course, for the registration of the TIN a foreign citizen will have to submit a request of the established form to one of the proposed bodies. The application must be completed in advance. It consists of 3 pages.

foreign citizen's application number

Where to get the application form? The TIN of a foreign citizen cannot be issued without a written request. The form is proposed either to download from the official page of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, or to take it at the MFC / tax authorities. It is advisable to do this in advance.

Filling out the request is made by hand, in legible handwriting, in Russian. The staff of the issuing authority will help with the necessary data. Often all that is required of a foreigner is to put a signature on an already completed request. The service is provided free of charge in some MFCs.

Step by step about receiving

Obtaining a TIN by a foreign citizen is an operation that does not cause any difficulties. Especially if you approach the issue in advance.

A step-by-step instruction on registration with the Federal Tax Service for foreigners looks like this:

  1. Come to Russia and register.
  2. Collect a specific package of documents. We will talk about him later.
  3. Fill out a tax registration application.
  4. Contact the registration authority with the appropriate request.

Done! Then it remains only to wait. After a while, a foreigner will be issued a certificate with a TIN. A tax registration will take place, which will open up new opportunities for visitors. As you can already see, the operation is no different from the registration of an individual number by citizens of the Russian Federation.

Application Review Period

The TIN of a foreign citizen is something that a person who plans to work in Russia or who receives taxable profit in the territory of the state cannot do without. It is advisable to have this paper.

foreign citizen's INN sample

An application for tax registration will be considered for about 5-10 days. After that, a citizen is issued a certificate of the established form. Sometimes when applying to the Federal Tax Service it was possible to get a TIN in 3 days. This is a fairly common practice, found in Russia more and more often.

Can they refuse?

Some people wonder if a foreigner can be refused a TIN. What can be said on this issue?

Ideally, they are not entitled to refuse tax registration. This is only possible if:

  • the applicant used fake documents;
  • the alien is in the country illegally;
  • the citizen presented an incomplete package of documents.

With proper preparation for the operation, a refusal to register as a taxpayer can be considered illegal. Fortunately, this scenario is not so common.

Key Documents

Each taxpayer has a TIN number. If a person is registered with the Federal Tax Service, but does not have the appropriate certificate, paper can be ordered. Or search for the taxpayer number through the official website of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. This rule applies not only to the native inhabitants of Russia, but also to foreigners. More about this later.

First, consider the package of documents needed to successfully process a request for tax registration. Without a doubt, the applicant will be required to:

  • migration card;
  • certificate of registration;
  • passport;
  • passport translation (certified by a notary public);
  • statement of the established form.

This list of papers is found most often. But life is multifaceted. And therefore, sometimes foreigners require a different package of documents.

where to get a tin to a foreign citizen


Which one? The TIN of a foreign citizen can be printed on the certificate of the established form if the applicant brings with him to the registration authority:

  • statement;
  • RVP with a note on registration.

Nothing more is needed. Minimum paperwork, which greatly simplifies life. Does a person have a residence permit? Then, for registration of a certificate with a TIN, he will need a request for registration.

TIN check

As we have already said, it is not necessary to have a certificate of the established form on registration with the tax authority. In real life, if a foreigner has such a paper, life becomes much easier.

You can find out your TIN over the Internet. The service "Get your TIN" from the Federal Tax Service of Russia will come to the rescue.

To find out the individual tax number, you will need:

  1. Open the site nalog.ru.
  2. Select "Service / Services" - "Find out your TIN".
  3. Enter information about the citizen. Mandatory fields are marked with a "*".
  4. Click on the "Check" button.

If everything was done correctly, the TIN of the person will appear on the screen. A citizen of the Russian Federation or a migrant is not so important. The main thing is that the mentioned service displays information about all taxpayers of the country. It is very comfortable!


Perhaps this is all. Below you can see a sample TIN of a foreign citizen. The certificate of the established form does not stand out anything special. It is impossible to distinguish a foreigner's document from a paper issued to a citizen of the Russian Federation at first glance.

Does a foreign citizen need an inn

An individual foreign taxpayer number will be generated in the same way as in the case of local residents. This combination is unique. Even if a person changes his residence permit or personal data, the TIN, as we have said, will remain unchanged.


We figured out what the TIN of a foreign citizen is. We also got acquainted with the registration procedure at the Federal Tax Service. From now on, this operation will not cause any trouble.

Foreigners are not advised to use Government Services to translate ideas into reality. There may be some problems with this portal. It is better to personally go to the Federal Tax Service at registration and apply for registration. In a few days, the applicant will be able to pick up the certificate with the TIN. Further it can be used for its intended purpose.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F345/

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