"Oh Brave New World": quotes from the book and the main message of the work

Aldous Huxley is considered one of the best authors of anti-utopias in the world. His work “O Brave New World” is a great contribution to literary art. Quotes from the book scattered almost all over the world. And the story tells about one of the bad options for the development of human society.

The work "O Brave New World"

Illustration "O Brave New World"

Huxley wrote his book in 1930 when he moved to Sanary. In its spelling, it is concise and simple. In the book, he shows a gloomy society of the future, which is sometimes supported by quotations from the book “Brave New World”. The work casts doubt on the assumptions of many intellectuals from around the world. The plot tells about a world in which consumption prevailed over human qualities. People are produced in laboratories, their fate is decided in advance, and intelligence is determined. A person in this dystopia should know his duties, love the world and consume as much as possible and more. “Oh Brave New World” answered many questions from the public. After the release of the novel for the first year of sales, 28 thousand copies were published, which were distributed throughout the United States and England. In the 20th century, the work remained one of the most popular in the world.

Aldous Huxley, “Oh Brave New World”: quotes, aphorisms

Portrait of Aldous Huxley

Throughout the novel, the reader is confronted with many utterances that remain in the head for a long time. They concern almost all spheres of human life. The message of Huxley's “Oh Brave New World” is best conveyed:

  • The intellectual abilities of a person impose responsibility on him. The smarter he is, the more likely he can change the consciousness of those around him.
  • A person who does not wish harm to anyone can inflict as much pain as the will.
  • In life, it is better to choose misfortune than forged and fake happiness.
  • If a person is not like others, then he will be forever alone. They will always treat him with anger and meanness.
  • A person should treat despising people as they relate to him.
  • Almost everyone at the biological and chemical level is equal to others.

All of these quotes and aphorisms help you familiarize yourself with the atmosphere of Aldous Huxley. However, in the book he raised a lot of questions that relate to almost all spheres of human life.

Huxley's best sayings

Aldous Huxley drawing in a modern design

Aldous, like many writers, made a great contribution to the culture of mankind. He expressed all the pressing problems of people in his work and statements of the main characters of the works. Best quotes from O Brave New World:

  • If a person is surrounded by mistrust, then he gradually ceases to believe and trust people.
  • The individual needs to give some kind of general idea so that he does business with understanding. But it is necessary to give it in a minimal amount, otherwise a satisfied and fully joyful member of society will not come out of a person.
  • People who are not confident in their power often speak in a sharp and loud tone. There is falsity and aggression in their voice.
  • With happiness, not only art is incompatible, but also scientific activity. These spheres must be kept locked away from the masses. Otherwise, they will acquire knowledge.
  • Deity cannot be combined with machines, biology, medicine, and universal happiness.
  • All changes in life are threats to stability.
  • To be a happy and kind person, you just need to love everything that is given and destined.

For a complete acquaintance with the whole number of quotes and aphorisms, it is better to read Aldous Huxley's book from the very beginning. Even the most inconspicuous statements can sink into a person’s soul and even change his worldview.

Why was created “Oh brave new world”

Illustration "O Brave New World"

The author tried to convey a kind of message to contemporaries and to future generations about possible distortions of mankind. He described the future that could come soon. Some people are very scared by the picture, even despite the year of publication, because the described problems exist at the moment. Human society worships the cult of consumption. The main place in people's lives is occupied by brands, pleasures and consumption. The quotes from “Brave New World” reflect contemporary reality. With the help of a book, a person can look from a different angle on the state of things in states with a capitalist system. Humanity needs to take into account the opinion of Aldous Huxley in order to prevent the emergence of such a consumer society.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34508/

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