Modern and ancient Crimean Tatar names

Our ancestors also knew that the name is of great importance in human life. After all, this combination of letters accompanies us from the moment of birth and leaves with the soul at the time of death. Modern science has proven that the sound of your name is the sweetest for a person. In addition, it involves the activity of certain parts of the brain that are responsible for certain emotions. Therefore, it is so important to choose a beautiful name with a good meaning for the child, which will help the child find happiness throughout life. Today we decided to tell you about the Crimean Tatar names, they have a very interesting story and no less unusual meaning. Perhaps this is the name you choose for your newborn baby.

Crimean Tatar names

A bit about Tatar names

Modern Crimean Tatar names have a certain pattern, expressed in the name, patronymic and last name. This essentially unites them with modern Russian traditions. After all, children always receive a middle name and a surname from their father, but the first name is chosen by the parents based on various preferences and desires.

Interestingly, among a large number of different names, only the Crimean Tatar are so unique. What is their feature? The thing is that most of them are borrowed from other languages. The influence of the following language groups is especially noticeable:

  • Arabic
  • Iranian
  • Persian
  • Turkic.

The most common names are of Arab and Turkic origin, which in general had a large role in the development of the Tatar language.

The second feature that distinguishes Crimean Tatar names is the tradition to collect them from different words. For example, the male name Timerkotlyk consists of the following hotel words - “thimer” and “pot”. The first means iron, and the second means happiness. There are a lot of such names in the Tatar language.

Over the past hundred years, many ancient names have become more Europeanized and have acquired a different sound. Names taken from various series and films are also firmly in use. Thus, the Tatar language is significantly enriched. However, it is worth noting that this people have very strong ancient traditions, therefore, along with modern ones, ancient Crimean Tatar names are also actively used.

modern Crimean Tatar names

Originality and diversity of names: detail on the main

To understand how diverse the names of the Tatar people are, it is enough to find out their number - more than twenty-five thousand. They firmly hold the palm in the world, so they definitely deserve a detailed description in our article.

Naturally, in the first place they are divided into two categories:

  • Crimean Tatar names for girls ;
  • for boys.

But this happens with all nations and in all languages. Of particular interest to scientists are groups of names by type of education. There are four main categories:

  1. Turkic roots. Most of these names were formed in the ninth to tenth centuries; they have a deep connection with paganism. They, in turn, can be divided into two groups:
    • Symbolizing the connection of the genus with the totem. This category includes, for example, the name Arslan, meaning "lion", or Ilbug, which can be translated as "the birthplace of a bull."
    • Characterizing social status. Sometimes this group also includes names formed from certain character traits. One of the Tatars' favorite female names in this category is Altynbeke, meaning the phrase "Golden Princess".
  2. Arab and Persian. They arose during the period when the Tatars adopted Islam and closely echoed the Muslim sounds. Until now, they are extremely popular, but in a slightly modified form - Fatima, Shamil and the like.
  3. Türkic-Bulgarian. Scientists believe that this group of names refers to one of the oldest among the Crimean Tatars. At the beginning of the twentieth century they again became very popular and in demand. The boys were called Bulat, Diamond, Aydar. The name for the girl was also chosen from this category - Azat, Leysan or Alsou.
  4. Merging words from different languages. We already mentioned that it was natural for Crimean Tatars to form names by merging different words. Often they were borrowed from other nations. For example, Halimbek is a combination of elements from the Turkic, Arabic and Tatar languages.

It is worth adding Slavic names that became widespread among Crimean Tatars in the middle of the twentieth century. Especially often, girls in this period were called Svetlans. Tatars saw a certain melody in this sound.

Interestingly, a wide variety of names does not allow scientists to determine the meaning of many of them. More than thirty percent of the values ​​have not yet been disclosed.

name basyr

Crimean Tatar traditions of naming children

Nowhere so holy do they observe the traditions of naming, as among the Tatar people. Indeed, in many cases it can be used to determine the nature of the child, his social status, religion and origin.

It is interesting that the Crimean Tatar names of boys carry a combination of the following characteristics:

  • courage;
  • power;
  • force.

In girls, on the contrary, they had to carry a semantic load of tenderness, chastity, and beauty. This is manifested in almost all names without exception.

name dzhigan

According to customs that are strictly followed, the name of the first child in the family determines the mother-in-law. But the remaining children are called the closest relatives. In this process, they are guided by several rules:

  • the name is given in honor of relatives, mainly grandparents;
  • often children are named after the heroes of the Tatar epic or prominent statesmen (for example, Alza is a character of ancient legends);
  • all children in the family should be named with one letter (this is one of the most ancient Turkic customs, adopted by the Tatars);
  • consonance of names - brothers and sisters should be called consonant with each other, this determines a certain family affiliation.

Despite the fact that Crimean names have long had three components - first name, middle name and last name (we already wrote about this), ancient traditions prescribe a completely different scheme. In the Crimean Tatar customs, give the child a personal name and nickname (or surname) of the father. In some cases, the characteristics of the grandfather or city of birth were added to them.

Unusually, Tatars often attach a common name to their personal name. Initially, this ancient tradition existed everywhere, but then was not used for many years. Recently there has been a revival of the customs of the ancestors, which is very noticeable if you get into the environment where at least several Tatar families live. So, common names are different:

  • aha - respectful treatment of an adult man;
  • Bey - respectful prefix to the name of a man of any age;
  • kartbaba - this is how old people are addressed;
  • khanum - a word meaning a married woman;
  • apte - an appeal to an elderly woman.

In some cases, the common name is closely related to the nature of the activity and characterizes it.

The modern names of the Crimean Tatars become a reading of the ancient. For example, Ahmed, borrowed from the Arabic language, degenerated into Amet, again returns to its original form. This trend is observed everywhere.

Ancient names for boys

Our article would be incomplete if we did not give here a few names with their description. Among the ancient names of the Crimean Tatars, we chose the following: Aidar, name Basyr, Camille.

We will tell you about each now.

name ghoul

Aydar: an old name with several meanings

Now no one can reliably say when the boy was first called Aidaromo. Since the name was formed from the Turkic language, in translation it means "moon" or "lunar".

Although other peoples are given different meanings: “worthy”, “lion”, “authoritative” and the like. Aydar is believed to be growing up as a strong and confident boy who can lead a crowd. But at the same time he is romantic and amorous, it will not be so easy to bring him to marriage. Aidar agrees to marry only when he meets a strong woman, making him a worthy couple.

In adulthood, the young man manifests himself as a practical and far-sighted person. He ponders all matters well and therefore rarely makes mistakes. He is often considered arrogant, but this is just an external mask. In fact, the young man is very kind and always helps everyone in need.

Name Basyr: one of the precepts of Allah

This name came to the Crimean Tatars from the Arabic language, it means "sharp-sighted". From early childhood, boys so named are distinguished by their courage and self-will. They are significantly different from their peers and are always very independent.

Many believe that the name Basyr gives a person leadership qualities. He grows up confident and rather tough - he does not ask for support and rarely provides it himself. The boy is always in search of everything new, which brings him incredible pleasure. He is very demanding, in childhood this is expressed by whims, and in more adulthood in excessive isolation and selectivity.

In friends and partners, Basyr appreciates responsibility and hard work. The young man is always indifferent to the female sex, but for life he chooses a strong, smart and beautiful companion. Excessive vagaries and stupidity of a girl can scare him away.

name damask

Perfect Camille

The name Camille is absolutely special, it has two different and independent ways of education. The first one has Roman roots and belongs to the clan family, but the second one is a direct road from Islam.

The name Kamil came to the Crimean Tatars precisely in connection with Islamization and it means "perfect." However, in childhood, parents simply do not have rest from this tomboy, he always acts in his own way, does not obey anyone and fights with his peers. But over time, this passes and matured Camille is already quite possible to calm down.

The same thing happens with training. In the elementary grades, the boy is restless and inconsiderate, but a little later he becomes an almost exemplary student and even outperforms many of his peers.

In adulthood, a young man becomes serious, responsible, principled and calm. He is intellectually developed and is trying to select his comrades equal in mind. Camille can be successful in business, but creates a family late. He searches for a wife for a long time, but then he does everything so that she and the children do not need anything.

Modern Tatar names for boys

Crimean Tatars have quite a lot of modern names, although their modernity is a rather relative concept. After all, many have been counting a couple of hundred years at least, but still can not be classified as old. The most common are:

  • name Bulat;
  • Dzhigan;
  • Hafiz.

The characteristics of each will be discussed below.

Invincible Damascus

The name Bulat came to the Tatars from the Persians, it is also referred to as Muslim. Translated, it means "steel", which perfectly characterizes the character of the boy.

From an early age, Bulat is cheerful and active, his parents and peers love him. In the company he is the ringleader, always stands up for friends and comes up with unusual games. In adulthood, Bulat becomes quite talented, many things are debated in his hands. It’s just that they are not always interesting to him, and since the youth does not have enough responsibility, he is often lazy to fulfill his duties.

Damask steel is independent, amorous and loves to be in the spotlight. He attracts talkativeness and discernment, for the sake of his beloved he can turn mountains. However, he quickly finds a new affection for himself and switches to it. If you want to conquer Bulat, then never give him advice - he will still do the opposite.

The Incomprehensible Gigan

The name Djigan arose in the Persian language and has a very sonorous meaning - "Universe". This child is not simple, he is focused on himself and often at an early age becomes a highly skilled specialist in what interests him.

Despite the great energy, Dzhigan knows how to carefully hide their emotions and look slightly detached. He clearly fulfills his duties at home and is largely impeccable. But in response, he requires some freedom, because Dzhigan needs time spent only on communication with himself.

If Dzhigan’s wife understands this, then they will have a very strong attachment of a lifetime. Most of all, a person with that name is attracted to women with understanding and intelligence, he believes that these are the most important components of marriage.

The name Djigan endows its owner with a desire for knowledge and self-development.

Ambiguous Hafiz

This name comes from the Arabic language. It means “protector,” but its characterization is far from meaning. Hafiz is a weak, painful and in many cases weak-willed young man. He can’t realize himself in life and transfers all responsibility for failures to other people. The greatest love in his life is himself, so Hafiz rarely creates a family.

name camille

Ancient and modern names for girls

The names of the girls are quite diverse, it is interesting that many of them were formed from masculine forms and only over time became familiar. Of course, we cannot bring them all, but we will tell about two - the name of Gul and Latif. They seemed to us the most interesting and sonorous.

Ghoul is a Persian name, it has a wonderful meaning - "flower" or "blooming". In the Tatar language, it changed its form at different times, but still remained in its original sound. Scientists attribute the name Gul to modern, although it has long been one of the most beloved in families. The girls named in this way are rather complicated, they are distinguished by a sense of dignity and a heightened sense of justice. Sometimes this plays a cruel joke with them, because they rush to the aid of people who do not deserve it. The ghoul has excessive generosity to relatives, which is not very good for her, as they begin to use it.

Name with arabic roots

In the families of Crimean Tatars, daughters are often called Latifs. This name is taken from the Arabic language and translates as "good." Fate is very supportive of the Latifs, they give a lot to others, but also receive no less.

The goal of a girl with this name is to care for loved ones and help those in need. These women make excellent wives who enjoy being comfortable and chatting with their husband and children. Latifah is able to resolve any sensitive issue in a split second, and she does this very delicately. Usually women with this name have many children and have a strong marriage.


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