What is yew: description with photos, types of yew, where it grows and what is useful

Probably everyone knows what yew is. This beautiful tree has long attracted the attention of man, and also brings certain benefits - both from an aesthetic point of view and from a practical one. Therefore, if you decide to grow yew in your area, it will be very useful to learn more about it.

What does yew look like?

Telling what yew is, first of all it is necessary to mention its appearance. This is a coniferous, which means an evergreen plant. On household plots you can usually see low - no more than 1-1.5 m plants, while in nature they reach a height of 10 meters and even more.

Surprisingly, unlike most plants that can be unambiguously attributed to trees or shrubs, the yew does not have such a clear division. There are breeds that belong to both one and the other category.

Here is the needles of yew

Unlike many conifers, such as cedar, pine or spruce, yew is multi-vertex. That is, it grows not only up, but also to the sides. The needles are flat and quite soft, mostly dark green in color. The length can reach 3-3.5 cm, but many varieties are much shorter.

It is a dioecious plant, which means that there are trees, both male and female. With cross-pollination, red berries form on the latter. Yes, if the majority of coniferous plants bear fruit in cones, the fruits of yew are drupe berries. On the branches they hold until late autumn, crumbling only after the onset of severe cold weather.

The bark is grayish-red - the shade can vary significantly depending on the variety, as well as the growing conditions.

There is another interesting feature that should be known to people interested in what yew is. Although it belongs to conifers, its wood is completely resin-free. Therefore, in the areas where it grows, there is no sustainable corresponding smell, which not all people like.

Now you know the description of the tree, and the photos of yew used as illustrations for the article will allow you to create a more accurate picture of this amazing plant. Therefore, it will be much easier to decide whether to grow it on the site or to prefer other, more interesting crops.

Natural range

Of course, many plant lovers are interested in where the yew tree grows . It all depends on the particular variety. For example, yew can be found in Canada and the northwestern United States. Yew berry grows almost throughout Western Europe, and is also found in Ukraine, the Caucasus, Syria, Asia Minor and the Azores. Spiky yew grows in China, Japan and Korea.

Quite often you can hear the question of why the plant (yew) does not grow in the steppe. There are several reasons for this. One of them is very slow growth. Yes, in order to grow just a meter, some varieties take up to 30 years! As a result, grass, actively growing in the steppe, simply strangles it. The yew does not have time to strengthen sufficiently, to acquire a powerful root system, thanks to which it would receive nutrients from a great depth, where the roots of the grass do not grow. As a result, the plant dies.

Another reason is strong winds, which are not uncommon in the steppe. Adult yew boasts solid wood, but young plants are much more fragile. Strong winds simply break it or uproot it, preventing it from becoming stronger.

Mighty yew

Some flora lovers are also interested in where yew trees grow in Russia. Trees of different varieties can be seen, for example, in the Southern Crimea (yew berry) and in the Kuril Islands (spiky). In the central part of our country, it is found only in artificial conditions.

Most common types

As mentioned above, different varieties of yew can be very different from each other. Therefore, to talk about several of the most common species will be quite useful.

For example, yew berry, growing in Europe and therefore often called European, is a tall coniferous plant. It grows in the European part of Russia - for example, in the Kaliningrad region. Quite often, yew berry is found in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. But meeting him in the Caucasus, it will not be easy to identify him - here he resembles a tall shrub rather than a tree. Mount Akhun (between Adler and Sochi) is famous for its relict yew-boxwood grove. It is difficult to establish how many thousands of years ago some of its inhabitants hatch from the seeds. In 1931, the grove became reserved, and in recent years has come under the protection of UNESCO.

Depending on the particular variety, the form can be different - open, creeping, squat, dwarf or columnar.

Yew seedlings

For example, the variety Elegantissima has a unique feature - it does not apply to evergreens. Closer to winter, its needles turn white, which gives it a special sophistication and sophistication. But he may not suffer Russian frosts. Therefore, in winter it is very important to warm it well, otherwise the plant may not hold out until spring. Now you know where the yew berry grows and how it looks. So, you can go to the less well-known varieties.

The pointed yew is also very different - there are very high varieties, as well as ordinary semi-dwarf shrubs. Only an experienced gardener can at first glance determine that two completely different trees are representatives of the same species. One of the main advantages of this species is frost resistance. Therefore, many owners of summer cottages and private houses in central Russia prefer to grow it precisely - they will not have to bother once again, fearing that the plant will freeze in winter.

Canadian yew is very rare in our country - only in special nurseries. Even under good conditions, it does not grow high. But frost resistance leaves no doubt - after all, he survived in the harsh climate of Canada, therefore, he will feel at home in most regions of our country.

What benefit does he bring

Since ancient times, people have well studied this amazing plant and have been widely used in various fields of life. For example, in the military. That yew was one of the best materials for creating bows. Elastic, durable, but at the same time quite flexible, it perfectly met all the requirements of experienced archers.

Although its wood is not impregnated with resin, as in most conifers, yew is excellent in resisting rot. Even in conditions of high humidity, it is able to serve the owner for many decades, while maintaining its original strength and elasticity. Mold will not appear on it, which is a real scourge for most varieties of wood.

Chic Yew Fence

But much more interesting is the feature of resisting various infectious diseases. Bactericidal properties were well known to their ancestors many thousands of years ago, although they did not know such tricky words. But the fact that many sarcophagi in which the pharaohs were buried in Ancient Egypt were made from yew - a fact well known to science. Not surprisingly, in Egypt, yew was considered a tree of eternal rest. Hardly such a "title" was assigned to him by chance.

Unfortunately, relatively late, people noticed that most infections were bypassed at home, floors or furniture in which were made from yew wood. If this discovery could be made earlier, it is quite possible that many epidemics that claimed millions of lives would simply not have been in history.

Alas, it was the high quality of wood and its unique properties that led to the fact that yew was massively felled in different countries of the world. Today it is listed in the Red Book, and it is not known whether it will be deleted from there. Still, it grows very slowly, and the growing conditions are quite demanding.

How old is he living

But if you answer the question “how many yews grow”, many people, including those who know about long-lived trees, will probably be surprised. In the natural habitat, this tree lives on average 1.5-4 thousand years. Just imagine, many inconspicuous trees, with a height of only 10-15 meters, found the time when Ancient Greece had not yet reached dawn, and no one had even heard of the powerful Roman Empire!

And such a yew can also be

And this is not the limit. For example, in Scotland one of the oldest yew trees in the world grows. As experts have established, his age is approximately 9 thousand years! Just imagine, he came from a seed at a time when no more than 5 million people lived on the whole earth. Mankind has just mastered agriculture.

But the highest known yew has until recently grown in southern Georgia, and more precisely in Adjara. Its height was 32.5 meters! Knowing how quickly the yew berry grows (and this is only 2-3 centimeters a year under favorable conditions), you can calculate how old he was. Alas, today, due to unexplained circumstances, he died.


Now it is worth briefly telling about the methods of reproduction. If you do not want to lose too much time, wanting to immediately get a relatively adult plant on the site, then it is better to choose cuttings. To do this, one of the branches should be cut off from a healthy, strong plant, which is lowered into the water, and after the emergence of sprouts, it is planted in the ground.

However, this method, although it wins in speed, loses in vitality. Therefore, experts recommend propagating yew from seeds. Yes, in this case you will lose 3-5 years. But on the other hand, plants grown from seeds are distinguished by greater endurance, strength, and the ability to adapt to the environment.

Beautiful yew alley

To do this, it is enough to collect the right amount of berries from a suitable tree. It is very important to subject them to stratification, or, more simply, to freeze. Seeds are frozen with berries starting in September at a temperature of about 3-5 degrees and for 7 months. The easiest way is to wrap them in a piece of newspaper and put them in the refrigerator. Stratified seeds germinate after about 2 months - the process is not very fast. But if they are not frozen, but kept in a warm place, then they will sprout only after a year, or even three.

However, some people prefer to simply buy ready-made seedlings. They cost relatively little - most often from 500 to 1000 rubles, depending on the variety and the particular nursery. This approach will save 10, or even 20 years. But in this case, it is advisable for them to provide special care, to ensure that the plant grows in such conditions as it is used to.


Choosing the right place should be approached very seriously and responsibly. Still, you are planting a plant that may well live a thousand years or more! It will be very disappointing if it dies after several decades.

Yew is generally unpretentious to soils - it grows well both on high-quality chernozem and on stones, although the growth rate and size under such different conditions will vary significantly. The only requirement is that the soil should not be overly acidic. Otherwise, the plant will quickly wither away or will just often get sick.

The distance between the wells can vary greatly. For example, if you plan to plant yew species belonging to the bushes in order to eventually form a lively fence from them, which can be trimmed and given a suitable shape, then the optimal distance should be 50-70 centimeters. At this distance, the branches will soon intertwine and create a chic, dense hedge. But if you have long dreamed of growing a gorgeous yew tree on your plot that will remain for your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, then there should be a void from all sides around the hole - at least 1.5-2 meters. Indeed, although the tree grows very slowly, it needs space.

But the yew does not like sunny areas, unlike most plants. It will be better if another, older tree grows nearby that protects the seedling from direct sunlight in the first years of life. Yew is not afraid of shade at all, being a shade-tolerant plant. You don’t need to worry that subsequently the proximity of the young and old trees will cause problems - when the yew grows seriously, the second tree will probably die.

Does not need special watering. Only in the first three to four years - and then, if the earth dries out very much due to the complete absence of rain. The plant does not like excess moisture. And the grown yew has a very powerful, deeply located root system that allows you to extract the necessary substances from the soil, including moisture.


In winter, some yew varieties can cause unnecessary trouble. Not all trees are able to survive the harsh Russian winter. How to determine whether you need to think about insulation? First you need to find out where the green pet came from, where it grows. The photo and description of the yew tree will help to identify it, if there is no way to find out from the seller. Those varieties that need warming, first you need to cover with spruce branches or hay. When enough snow falls, you can also pour it on top of the insulation to provide reliable protection from the cold wind.

Well, if you choose undersized varieties, then most likely there will be no problems. Snow quickly covers the plant, protecting it from frost.

However, there is another problem. At low temperatures, the branches and trunk of the young yew become cold - with a slight load, they may well break. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to wrap the bush with non-woven material or put special supports. Then the snow accumulated from above will not harm him.

Possible danger

Telling what yew is and what features it has, one cannot but mention the possible danger. The fact is that wood and berries are poisonous. Yes, it’s enough to eat only a few small berries to get to the hospital with serious poisoning.

Juice also contains toxic substances. It is no coincidence that many gardeners caring for the yew, cutting its crown, often complain of a headache. No wonder - when cutting branches, juice is secreted, which quickly evaporates and affects a person. Moreover, the older the tree becomes, the higher the concentration of poison in its juice.

Poisonous berries

It is no coincidence that in the old days the cunning method of killing political opponents was used more than once - they were presented with wine in a cup made from old yew. The taste and smell of wine did not change, but it became poisonous and killed a person - quite quickly and effectively.

Because of this, there was even a belief that the yew shadow is also poisonous - a person who lay down to take a nap under the yew risked not waking up. Perhaps this could hardly have happened. But a man could well wake up with a head cracking in pain.

Therefore, if children live in your house, seriously think about whether to grow yew on a plot. It might be better to choose safer plants.


On this article comes to an end. Now you know more about the yew tree. Photos and descriptions of different varieties will help determine the right plant that can decorate your yard and possibly live for several millennia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3453/

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