At what age do children begin to crawl?

For young parents there is nothing more interesting than watching the development and growth of their baby. His first smile, steps, words will remain in the memory of mom and dad forever. Many newly-minted parents sooner or later wonder at what age children begin to crawl.

at what age do children begin to crawl
Indeed, from this moment the baby will be able to independently move around the apartment, exploring new objects and the space around.

I would like to note that some children miss the crawl period at all. They sit quite confidently, and then begin to walk right away. Each child develops differently, so there can be no definite answer to the question of at what age children begin to crawl. This usually occurs in six to nine months. To make it easier for young parents to assess the growth rate of their baby, we suggest studying the main indicators characterizing the development of crumbs by months. Indeed, it is in the first year of life that a person actively forms mental, emotional and physical data.

Stages of development of a child up to a year

1 month

During this period, the formation of bone, digestive, circulatory, genitourinary and other body systems occurs. At this age, the baby in an upright position can hold his head for a short time. In response to the sudden movement, the newborn reflexively clenches his fists, spreads his arms apart or steps over with his legs.

stages of development of a child up to a year

2 months

The development of a young child in the second month of life implies a response. Hearing a conversation, he can turn his head in the right direction, keep track of moving toys. Being on the stomach, the baby can slightly raise his chest and head.

3 months

Some babies are already able to roll over on their side, change their body position. They are actively reaching for a toy, they love it when they play or talk with them. When communicating with mom, three-month-old babies experience a “revitalization complex”, the child is walking, smiling, and actively moving.

4 months

The kid at this age already rolls over on his stomach without any problems and, being in this position, slightly rises. He actively grabs small objects and holds them in his hand. Can play with toys hanging over the crib.

5 months

With the support of an adult, the baby sits down, but it is still difficult for him to hold the back. It rests well on the legs, if you hold it by the armpits. At five months old, children already recognize the mother’s voice and begin to be afraid of strangers.

early childhood development

6 months

The first half of the life of the crumbs behind. And caring parents are interested in: at what age do children begin to crawl? Some babies, lying on their stomachs, are already beginning to make their first attempts at independent movement. Later, they can even get on all fours and swing. But while tearing their stomach from the floor is very problematic for them. At this age, the children pronounce their first syllables and begin to sit on their own.

7 - 9 months

That's the age at which children begin to crawl, moving around the apartment. Sitting, the kids confidently straighten and tilt the body. With the support of the hands, children cross over with their legs. They are already trying to clap, their facial expressions are becoming more diverse. Kids play with rattles for a long time, tap, throw, examine them. Children of this age themselves stand up, holding on to the support.

10 - 12 months

The kid is well versed in the apartment, knows the names of some objects. He begins to imitate the movements of mom and dad (opens boxes, throws the ball, etc.). At 12 months, the baby takes independent steps and even performs quite complex tasks: brings toys, opens the door, etc.


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