Insulation of heating pipes on the street: materials, technology

Creating the right microclimate in any visit is an important task. At the same time, they pay attention not only to the internal space. Insulation of heating pipes on the street is an urgent issue for today. The process is influenced by many factors. The stores have a wide range of materials. Therefore, insulation of heating pipes on the street is a complex of simple actions, which will not be difficult to implement. Each stage of thermal insulation should be carried out in stages. In the article we will consider in detail the issue of insulation of heating pipes on the street. This information will be useful to anyone involved in the repair or construction.

how to insulate heating pipes on the street in winter

Tasks of insulation material on the street

Each material has its own purpose, which consists not only in insulation, but also in ensuring the safe operation of the entire system. In order not to cause difficulties, it is worth disassembling each function and, focusing on this, make a choice:

  • Elimination of heat loss. The main leak occurs when the coolant moves through the pipes. Once in an active environment, the carrier loses its performance. It turns out that the heated water, reaching the radiators, partially reduces its temperature indicators. Depending on the material of the pipe, the coefficient of heat reaching the end point will decrease. Creating additional insulation, prevent heat leakage through walls, air, pipe material.
  • Lack of freezing. Insulation of heating pipes on the street will prevent them from freezing in the cold season. Thus, the coolant will be supplied to the desired location with minimal changes in the main indicator.
  • The exception is the formation of water vapor. The creation of condensation on the surface will lead to additional heat loss. By creating a protective barrier, this problem is easily fixed.
  • Burn protection. Thermal insulation material protects against strong thermal effects. With the direct touch of a human hand, no serious thermal effects will occur.
  • Being inside the building, pipes can act on materials adjacent to them and deform them. An additional barrier prevents this.

Insulation of heating pipes on the street is one of the first tasks. Otherwise, it will not be possible to bring heat to the desired room with a positive degree indicator. Thanks to insulation, you can increase the performance of the heating system. The heat transfer on the batteries will be maximum, since the coolant is as hot as it was originally.

like heating pipes outside in winter

What should be the protective material?

Thermal insulation material must perform serious functions, therefore high demands are placed on it. This information is in SNiP:

  • To achieve this goal, the thermal conductivity of the material should be as low as possible.
  • High temperature resistance of the material. The selected insulation must withstand both high and low temperatures, without losing its qualities. At the same time, do not react with surrounding objects and do not emit harmful substances.
  • If the insulating layer gets wet, then its qualities will be partially lost. Therefore, in its characteristics should be an indicator of water repulsion, otherwise the impact on the pipe is not excluded.
  • Vapor permeability. This is important in a situation where direct contact with water occurs and the protective layer gets wet. It should dry quickly.
  • Breathability - eliminates the appearance of dust, dirt, condensate under a layer of insulation.
  • In the instructions for pipes, manufacturers indicate operating periods. The insulation material must fully meet the deadlines.

Each item matters when warming heating pipes on the street. If any destruction occurs, then creating a protective barrier will not work, and the coolant will quickly cool down.

What material to choose for protection?

There is a large assortment for sale on any wallet. For ease of use, each material is divided by design:

  • In rolls. In the same form, it is realized, it has one foil side. Fixing is carried out over the entire surface by winding, joints from the bottom, along the entire perimeter of the material is fixed with additional locking rims. The foil side comes out, but it is not good protection against rainfall, as users say. For this reason, you will have to impose something on top, for example, create a box or fit a pipe around the casing.
  • In the mats. An equally common material, fixation is done in the same way. There is an extra layer on top to avoid getting wet and mechanical damage.
  • Casing insulation of heating pipes on the street. Do it yourself most often. It can be soft and hard. The last option is a cylinder of the desired diameter, with slots for fixing. Soft can be made of flexible material or fabric, which has a longitudinal section. If there is none, then the pipe should be insulated before installing the heating system.
  • Liquid masses. Masters claim that they are the most effective and easy to work with. They are applied by spraying or simply stained. For spraying, special equipment is required, otherwise a brush or roller.
    insulate heating pipes on the street in winter

The bulk of manufacturers improves the quality of the produced material to ensure its competitiveness in the market, and therefore the characteristics change. Given the great demand for goods on the market, it is always easy to choose the material for a specific type of work.

How to arrange the heat pipe on the street?

During the construction process, situations arise when the heating system is not only fixed inside the house, but it is also required to bring it to other buildings. In such a situation, the task arises of warming the heating pipes on the street with your own hands. This is not the only case. It is possible to connect housing to the heating main passing by, as well as connecting to a nearby boiler house. There are two ways to install pipes: outdoor and underground.

If the pipeline is made of steel, then it is worthwhile to prepare the surface, using compounds from corrosion and not only. But modern craftsmen prefer to use polypropylene. Its life is quite long.

Fixation above ground

How to insulate heating pipes on the street with such an installation? Most often, the pipeline is laid on special reliable supports with the desired height and distance. They can not be placed on the ground. It is important to consider the distance from humans and animals, namely the height of the location. A low-going line must have a protective casing made of dense materials.

Do not forget about visual perception. Fire safety should also be considered. If flammable materials are used in the protection, it is important to make additional breaks in the form of non-combustible fragments.

how to insulate heating pipes in winter

Underground protection

Here it is worth making a decision whether there will be a channel or not. The first implies a protective box, so that there is no earth pressure on the pipeline, and the second is just a ditch. At the same time, the duct is considered expensive and rarely used in private homes. How to insulate heating pipes in the ground? If the pipeline is simply laid in the ground, there are limitations. It is unacceptable to use insulation of heating pipes on a mineral wool street, since it gets wet. Because of this, its functionality is completely lost.

Main works

There are many ways, each of which depends on the selected material. Even with high requirements for the characteristics of such protection, new manufacturers are constantly appearing on the market. Before you insulate heating pipes on the street in winter, you should calculate your budget. Only then can you go to the store.

Polyethylene foam

Some use insulated heating pipes on the street, but its effectiveness is small. But PES is the most effective material with a thermal conductivity of 0.035 W / m 2 . It comes on sale in a variety of packaging and with an extended range of sizes. Visually absolutely not attractive, it is considered a waterproofing coating. Everyone can work with him, even a person without experience.

how to insulate heating pipes on the street

The specific gravity is low, for this reason there is no large load on the pipeline. It is not exposed to ignition; when exposed to an open flame after contact, it will go out without emitting harmful substances into the air. It is better to use sleeves with a side notch, otherwise it is difficult to create a protective layer (it is necessary to overlap, which requires its own installation rules). This material of insulation of heating pipes on the street is the most popular, because it combines high protection rates and low price.

What is no less effective?

Penofol is a subspecies of the first material. Its difference is a one-sided foil. It is implemented in different forms, everyone chooses what is convenient for himself. A high indicator of preventing heat leakage from the main line is noted here, it is simple to mount it, but there are a number of minuses. One of them is the limitation of the temperature indicator (not higher than +80 degrees). In private homes, creating an autonomous supply and distribution of heat, this will be appropriate to apply. But on the central highways the coolant index is higher, which will lead to the unsuitability of the insulation and the loss of its properties.

Basalt insulation

Everyone tries to choose not only high-quality material, but also easy to install. Actual basalt insulation of heating pipes on the street. To create such protection, basalt fiber is used. On sale it is in the form of cylinders. High-quality material, creates a maximum barrier to heat output. Does not load the heat conduit, as well as the retaining structure.

All building materials have positive and negative sides. What is noted here: high quality and characteristics, but at the same time less affordable cost. To mount the protective layer, you do not need to have additional skills or experience.

Widely used insulation

One of the common methods is the use of mineral wool. It is wound around the perimeter of the entire line and fixed with a solid wire. The result is maximum protection and low costs, so the demand for material has not declined for many years. There are always three main options for sale:

  • glass wool;
  • stone wool;
  • slag wool.

Most often, the first two options appear in the form of protection. They pass all the requirements for installation. But with slag everything is different, in its composition is such a substance that causes oxidation on the pipe. Therefore, it is necessary to additionally paint the surface of the highway, but the price for the material is low. Because of their breathability, all three species must be additionally hidden in boxes, otherwise mechanical damage cannot be avoided.

Polyurethane foam shell

PPU is a material where the basis is hard and sprayed polyurethane foam. Effectively shows itself during operation, there are more than 25 brands of different manufacturers on the market. There are no difficulties in creating a protective layer, each inhabitant will cope with the work. Insulation of heating pipes on the street with a polyurethane foam shell has its advantages:

  • Low hygroscopicity.
  • High level of breathability.
  • Resistance to chemical attack.
    how to insulate pipes on the street in winter

On sale it is presented in the form of a shell-shell with a mounting slot and with a foil side. It can be of different sizes. After installation on the pipeline, it is required to fix it with clamps, construction tape. Today, already insulated pipes are on sale. Their price is higher, but there is no difficulty in installation.

The sprayed polyurethane foam is sprayed onto the surface of the pipe with a special apparatus, it is necessary to prepare the surface. The work is carried out in several stages. The first layer dries, after which it is necessary to apply the next until the required thickness is reached. It is such a material for warming heating pipes on the street that is considered effective, but not everyone will cope with the application, since equipment and experience are required.

Foam Compounds

These include synthetic rubber. The cost is low, but the material is effective. Wizards highlight the main properties:

  • Good elasticity.
  • The specific gravity of the material is 40 kg / m 3 .
  • High protection rates.
  • During operation, there is no decrease in volume.
  • Provides protection against fire.
  • Water and steam do not pass.
  • Material resistant to chemical influences.

Rubber is sold in a variety of ways - rolls, plates, sleeves, and others. After fixing it, you should also create additional boxes, otherwise mechanical impact is not excluded. The price of thermal insulation material is different, the main focus is on the manufacturer.

Underground dive

How to insulate heating pipes on the street with your own hands, which material is better? Understanding this issue when installing heating in the ground, it is worth considering many aspects. The main effect on the surface is soil pressure. Not every design can withstand heavy loads.

how to insulate street heating in winter

Creating a trench is of great importance, you must not forget about the freezing of the soil. If the issue is taken seriously, the result will be high-quality protection.


Summing up, it is worth noting that the assortment is large and the choice must be approached with all seriousness. Thermal protective materials should fulfill the main function - not to allow the coolant to cool quickly. It is important to create a protective layer without gaps, using additional fixing elements - rims or construction tape. Rarely what kind of insulation for pipes can act as an independent element. They often need a casing.


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