How many years can one become president of Russia?

The soldier is bad that he does not dream of trying on general epaulettes. If you intend to take the post of head of state, admit yourself frankly in many things. Do you have one hundred percent sense of justice and the ability to bear enormous responsibility in any situation? Do you know how many years you can become president? Can you not hide from problems, but solve them? Can you think quickly and soberly? Are you able to really appreciate your strength? Can you respect people of different nations?

Are you a conscious person? Love people and your country? Loyal to them? Then you can think ... In this article we will tell how many years you can become president of our country, what is the procedure for applying for participation in the struggle for the "first post", who can become the head of our state and how things are in other countries.

a citizen of Russian Federation

Small dreams do not light the heart. If the desire to become the head of state is firmly entrenched in the heart of a child, you can prepare for the position already from a young age, in order to be savvy and sophisticated in all matters upon reaching the age acceptable for the president. Since December 2006, a virtual school of presidents has been operating in Russia - comprehensive information can be found on the expanses of the media space.


The President is the personification of the executive branch in the state, a colossal charismatic leader-guarantor of compliance with the laws of the country, subjugating a huge army in the status of Supreme Commander-in-Chief. If you are lucky enough to become the first person, you will be able to determine the development directions and policies of your state.

You will not become president of Russia in only four cases

  • You are not a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • You are under 35 years old.
  • The duration of your stay in Russia is less than 10 years.
  • If you previously held this post for two consecutive periods, you will no longer be able to stay in office for the third term following them.
who can become president

The rule of 35 years also applies in Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus, and 40 years in Kazakhstan. Having found out how many years you can become president in Russia, you involuntarily wonder if there is an upper age limit. No, it does not exist, - the basic law of the country answers us. A woman can also become president; the Russian Constitution guarantees every Russian citizen, regardless of gender, the right to vote and to be elected.

For the first time in Russia, the presidency was established in 1991.

how many years can you become president of Belarus

Election procedure

  • A candidate who has a clear program and plan that he will do good for the country, writes a statement of intention to run.
  • In support of the future president, an initiative group of more than 500 people is being created, they put their signatures on the application.
  • The application and the petition must be submitted to the CEC - the Central Election Commission, where these documents will be accepted. Within five days after this, the CEC either issues approval in the form of registration certificates or a decision to refuse to register documents with an explanation of the reasons.
  • In case of success, it is necessary to collect at least 2 million signatures from the population in support of their candidacy, while the collection from one subject of the Russian Federation should not exceed 50 thousand signatures. Have to ride around the country.
  • If a running citizen of the Russian Federation is nominated by a party, then she must, according to a similar procedure, collect as many signatures in support of her candidate.
  • Each candidate is required to create a financial fund to sponsor his campaign.
  • If everything worked out, the candidate can safely proceed to the campaign program: leaflets, advertising, speeches, broadcasts, meetings with the people - all popular methods are good.

How many years can one become president in the USA?

US citizen after 35 years can become president

The President of the United States can be a person who has been living for 14 years or more in the territory of America, a person who is at least 35 years old, who had US citizenship by birth or at the date of adoption of the fundamental law of the country. That is, the conditions are quite similar, only in Russia we are talking about ten years.


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