Twink - what is it? How to create a twink?

Multiplayer games have gained immense popularity in recent years, when Internet access has become free and high-speed. Nothing now prevents gamers from playing online even in the most demanding projects, so the excitement around them is only growing. But along with the hype, various tricks and tricks that players go to appear to be better than others. It is in multiplayer games that the spirit of competition manifests itself most clearly. As a result, terms like alt or twink appear.

Twins and violas - who is it?

twink what is it
If everything is clear with the alt, because there is no mystery around this term, then the question is: โ€œTwink - what is it?โ€ - may occur in many. Alt is an alternative character that the player turns on to use it to transfer money, items, weapons, armor and other in-game objects to his main character. In most games, this is strictly forbidden, as it violates the rights of those participants who honestly play one character, they also earn money and find their equipment. However, if you ask yourself: โ€œTwink - what is it?โ€, You will quickly realize that this is a completely different concept that has little to do with alt.

Twink Details

how to create twink

Novice players of online RPGs and other genres often encounter twins and cannot understand why this is necessary and how it turns out. And if you are interested in the concept of "twink", what it is and why it is needed, then you will be interested to know the history of the origin of this word. Naturally, it does not exist in Russian, but it was invented long before the advent of computer games. It had different meanings at different times, but with the advent of computer games in the nineties, the word "twink" gained a special meaning, which is now spread throughout the world. It comes from the English word twin, which translates as "twin." In fact, the twin can hardly be called a twin, since this is a character who is conceived as ideal.

Why make twinks?

twinks what is it
Every experienced player in any game was once a beginner, and the mistakes of youth can no longer be corrected. That is why many begin to create twins. Therefore, if you need to give an exact answer to the question: โ€œTwink - what is it?โ€, Then it is best to describe this character as an ideal option for each gamer. You begin your adventure in a game, create a character, improve it, make mistakes, make the wrong decisions. And when all aspects of the game are already known to you, you create a new character that you will swing, possessing all the necessary knowledge for this. It is for this that most often a twink is created.

Features of creating a new character

When you find out the basic information about twins, what it is and why they are needed, then of course you will want to create your own ideal character. And in most cases, this is quite simple. Most often, creating a new hero does not require any investments - only the mailbox address is different from the one to which your main character is registered. Therefore, the question of how to create a twinkle should not cause you any difficulties - just register a new hero in a different mailbox, and then be careful, as in many games the use of second accounts is prohibited.

Ban on botting

twink in warface what is it

This is not to say that a twink is a completely forbidden character. Here, subtleties decide everything, because viola and twinka can be confused very simply, if you donโ€™t really delve into it. And server administrators usually do not delve into the issues much, since then they would have to spend a lot of time on debriefing. Therefore, twins often go to the ban along with dozens of violas, which can be very disappointing if a lot of effort was put into the new hero, and maybe even real financial resources. Therefore, if you want to use a tween, then use only it - forget that you have an old character. If only activity in relation to one game character is registered from your address, this will not cause the administration any suspicions. But if you enter the game periodically with one or another character, then this may already cause doubts. Well, if you transfer one thing or money to another hero, and this will be noticed by the administration, then the ban is provided to you. Therefore, either do everything very carefully, or do not take any chances and play only with a twinkle.

Twins in individual games

twink what is it wot
Everyone understands that the concept of "twink" is common to all games, however, depending on the specifics of a game product, the meaning of this term may vary. Naturally, there will not be much difference, but in some aspects there may be discrepancies, and if they are not known, then this can lead to unpleasant consequences. Therefore, it is always necessary to first learn about how twins on this or that server of a particular game relate. In some places this may even be encouraged, since usually the creation of such heroes leads to an influx of real money, because the player wants to equip his ideal character in the best possible way, but in some places it is punished in the same way as botting, that is, the administration does not see differences between alts and twins. For example, take a couple of the most famous multiplayer games, which are now very popular, and look, for example, at a twink in Warface. What it is? Is it legal?

Twins in Warface

warface twins what is it

Most often, in this game, twinkles are started to improve statistics and enter the TOP. Since all your games are kept here, those fights that you played in the initial stages can greatly affect your overall statistics, preventing you from breaking into the lead. From this we can conclude that twins are completely legal at Warface - if you learned to play on the same account and then switched to twink to earn statistics, no one will blame you for this. Naturally, itโ€™s worth remembering that it is not recommended to use the old account in parallel for any purpose, and if you are going to do business with your new account, then you better prepare for the ban, which nobody wants. Therefore, it is worth adhering to the established rules and not violating them. Thus, the question of the newcomers of the game Warface: "Twinks - what is it?" - no longer seems complicated. These are just the accounts that players start in order to reach new heights and not spoil their statistics with the mistakes of the early days in the game.

The difference between twins in WoT

warface twins
The most popular online game at the moment is World of Tanks, it has not lost its relevance for years. Millions of people play for hours in this exciting tank simulator. Therefore, of course, it is not possible to do without the use of twins. But at the same time they are used both in the classical sense, and in their own, special for this game. Therefore, to the question: "Twink - what is it?" - WoT gives his own answer. Twinkies are used here not only as a way to get into the TOP and clean up their unprofessional history. The fact is that on each account there is a limited number of slots for tanks, that is, you cannot have more than the allotted number of models. Moreover, the barracks are also limited, so you will also not see an infinite number of tankers. Many players are quite satisfied with such requirements, since they basically pump only one or two cars, and they donโ€™t need more. But some lovers prefer to have at their disposal the maximum number of tanks, and for this they start a few twins for themselves. And they are equal in rights - just on one develops Soviet armored vehicles, on the other - German and so on. As a result, the player can get the maximum experience from the game, developing in all directions at once, and not choosing only one of them. Therefore, for those who want to try out all aspects of the WoT game, twins are a vital necessity. Thanks to them, at the disposal of the player are immediately all possible types of equipment.


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