Moscow five-story building: demolition. The demolition program of the dilapidated "Khrushchev" in Moscow

The demolition of five-story buildings began under the mayor of Luzhkov in 1995. Yuri Mikhailovich was the mayor for two years and, apparently, planned to remain in office for another 30 years, since his master plan for the reconstruction of Moscow was calculated until 2025.

five-story demolition

Moscow five-story building: demolition. The demolition program of the dilapidated "Khrushchev" in Moscow

Demolition of dilapidated five-story buildings back in 95, the authorities expected to finish before the end of 2010. But all the mayors following Luzhkov (there were few, in fact, only two: one current mayor, S.S. Sobyanin and his predecessor, Vladimir Resin, who held office for a little over a month) did not meet the deadlines and, starting in 2009, regularly postponed the end of the program for the next year. Today, the end of the demolition of the emergency housing is scheduled for 2017, and in the spring of 2015, Sobyanin said that the demolition program for the five-story buildings was 90% complete.

demolition of dilapidated housing

Relocation Conditions

Since 1999, the demolition of houses has finally become schematic, and 6.3 million square meters were "sentenced" to liquidation. m. At first, everything seemed beautiful: immigrants received 18 square meters per family member. m square and registered in their apartments all distant relatives. However, the prosecutor’s office quickly realized that something was wrong, and announced the identification of a corruption factor, suspending the current allocation of square meters. In addition to reducing the meters issued to one person, the conditions for territorial ranking were changed. Now, for the demolition of dilapidated housing, citizens got a chance to be outside the Moscow Ring Road. The opportunity to stay in the same habitable area, to which they are accustomed, where children go to kindergarten and a school where there is work, is now no longer shining for migrants.

house demolition

The struggle of Moscow immigrants

Since 2011, a public movement has been organized for the right of citizens to receive the same square meters in the same area. However, such an initiative did not receive support in the Duma, and the war of interests risked a drag on indefinitely, but the mayor of the capital intervened and the authorities agreed to return the previous order of housing distribution. In fact, the powers delegated to the Department of Housing Policy of Moscow are carried out with violations. Migrant activists are trying to return the influence of housing commissions to the distribution process so that the old five-story buildings, which are planned to be demolished by the authorities, are not subject to speculation, and the procedure itself has an understandable and public offer. With all this, the executive authorities of the Department of Urban Strategy vigorously report on the completion of the program in 2016 and the joy of all resettled citizens.

five-story demolition lists

Emergency five-story buildings: demolition and resettlement

Five-story panel houses built during the reign of Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev are named after their ideological creator. The Khrushchevs were supposed to be temporary housing, replacing infernal communal apartments and hostels with impossible living conditions. But, as American public critic Albert Jay Knock said: "There is nothing more permanent than anything temporary." And five-story buildings, the demolition of which was planned back in the last century, still stand in any Russian city. If in Moscow this is a question, albeit intermittently, albeit with conflicts, but is being resolved, then in the regions the demolition of dilapidated housing is not even considered.

demolition addresses of five-story buildings

Rights and obligations of immigrants

The demolition program has been going on for more than 15 years and is coming to an end, at least according to the reports of employees of the city construction department. As the deputy mayor of Moscow on urban development Marat Khusnullin told the press , in Moscow, demolition of houses has approached the border line, and the remaining 100 dilapidated five-story buildings will be eliminated in 2016. To date, the following standards for the resettlement of citizens falling under the program have been strictly implemented:

  • All guests are notified of the demolition of the five-story building within 14 days of the adoption of the decision. The authorities have a year for the legal implementation of all the rules accompanying the event.
  • After the delivery of the notice of demolition of dilapidated housing, the apartment owners are not entitled to dispose of the housing property at their discretion: the transaction of sale or exchange of an apartment will be invalidated.
  • Residents are required to vacate the premises within a month after signing the contract or accepting monetary compensation.
  • The city authorities are obliged to provide freight transport and several movers to the settlers free of charge.
  • Housing provided by city authorities should be located within the area where the five-story buildings were located, the demolition of which took place.
  • The program on the elimination of dilapidated housing does not cancel the queue for improving the quality of living conditions. During the resettlement, the needs of the family will be taken into account and additional square meters will be allocated.
  • If the apartment is not privatized, the area of ​​new housing will be calculated on the basis of the social standard. Instead of apartments owned by residents, an equivalent equipped room is issued.
  • Immigrants have a choice of 3 options.

South Medvedkovo demolition of five-story buildings

Signs of houses to be eliminated

Khrushchev’s were built for poor citizens, with a temporary period of operation. The main task of the authorities during the political thaw was the need to resettle people from communal apartments. The good intentions of urban planners to further move the population to more comfortable apartments were not destined to materialize. Designers, saving on materials and space, gave birth to three-five-story houses. At the very beginning of construction they were brick, but it turned out to be a luxury, and very soon they began to build housing from panels and blocks. Features of economy housing:

  • Walls with poor sound insulation.
  • The required meters per family, no matter how many people: in a one-room apartment - no more than 30 square meters. m, in the two-room apartment - 46 sq. m. m, very rare two-bedroom apartments had a total area of ​​60 square meters.
  • Balconies on the first floors were not provided.
  • Also in the project there was no elevator and garbage chute.
  • But all the citizens who survived the scoop recall with emotion the “winter refrigerator” - a cabinet under the windowsill in the kitchen, designed to store food.
  • The ceilings are necessarily low, no more than 2.5 meters.
  • All apartments are linear, with one-way windows. The rooms are adjoining.
  • There was no talk of a separate bathroom. The bath was combined with the toilet without fail.
  • Not uncommon in the Khrushchev gas columns.
  • The walls, built on the principle of saving materials, were thin and easily let through sounds and cold.
  • The kitchen area is 5.5 meters. The ability to squeeze a stove, sink, table, sideboard, chairs, refrigerator into these meters is some kind of balancing act of the brain.

five-story demolition program

List of addresses to be eliminated

The program is implemented according to the plan of the “wave method”, which provides for the first construction of a new house, where immigrants enter, and only then the demolition of the dilapidated fund. This method of program execution suits everyone. Citizens receive apartments in the same area without changing their school, clinic or place of work. Reconstruction of all microdistricts is scheduled for 2017. To date, 99 houses have been included in the demolition lists of five-story buildings. Basically, the cost of the construction of new housing, the demolition of the dilapidated and relocation of immigrants is borne by the Moscow City Hall - few investors are willing to pay for social projects.

Five-story buildings, the demolition of which remained in the capital has not yet been implemented. Location

  • In the administrative district of South-West.
  • In the Northern Administrative District.
  • In the administrative district of West.
  • In the administrative district Northeast.
  • In the administrative district North-West.
  • In the administrative district Vostochny.

Areas in which houses considered to be dilapidated are completely eliminated

  • Zelenograd administrative district.
  • Southern Administrative District
  • Administrative region Southeast.
  • Central administrative district.

By the end of this year, the authorities promise to complete the demolition of five-story buildings in the Eastern Administrative Okrug, North-Western Administrative Okrug, Northern Administrative Okrug and South-Western Administrative Okrug.

demolition of five-story buildings until 2020

What series of houses are considered dilapidated?

Not all five-story buildings built during the period of industrial housing construction are subject to liquidation according to the program of the Government of Moscow. By a resolution of April 8, 2015, No. 189-PP, a series of houses to be liquidated was determined:

  • K-7;
  • 1MG-300;
  • P-32;
  • P-35;
  • 1605-AM.

The program did not include houses from blocks of a series 1-151, from panels of a series 5-515 and from a brick of a series 1-447 and 1-511. They are intended for a longer service life.

Addresses of the 99 remaining five-story buildings

The complete elimination of dilapidated houses will end by the end of 2017. To date, the program has been implemented in three quarters. The project itself, in addition to the demolition of the five-story buildings, involves the construction of new housing, the arrangement of the district and the relocation of residents to a new residence. The exact demolition addresses of the five-story buildings, which are waiting for their turn, are located in ZAO, NEAD, SWAD, SZAO, SAO.

Decrepit five-story building in CJSC

The largest number of houses awaiting dismantling is located in the Western administrative district, there are 44 of them, which are located:

  • on Ak. Pavlova in houses No. 30, 28, 32, 34, 38, 36, 40, 54, 56, p. 1;
  • on Vernadsky Avenue, 74-50;
  • on Davydkovskaya street in house number 10, buildings 4, 3, 2, 1; in the house number 12 buildings 1, 4, 2, 5 °; in the house number 1, building. 2; in the house number 4 buildings number 3, 1, 2;
  • on Kastanaevskaya street in houses No. 61, building 1 and 2, and in house 63, building 1;
  • not Kstoyants street in houses No. 19, 27, 37 and 9;
  • on Kremenchugskaya street in house 5, building 1;
  • on Leninsky Prospekt in house 110, building 3 and building 4;
  • on the street Lobachevsky, house number 84;
  • on the street M. Filevskaya in house 24 in buildings 3, 1, 2;
  • Slavic Boulevard, in house 9, building 4 and building 3;
  • on the street Yartsevskaya house number 27, building four; house 31, building. 3, building 2, building 6.

Decrepit five-story buildings in NEAD

The next in terms of the number of projects not covered by the project is the Yuzhnoye Medvedkovo district, the demolition of five-story buildings in which is also scheduled for the end of 2017. In the administrative district of Northeast, 25 houses are waiting for their turn at the addresses:

  • Annenskaya street, 6;
  • Godovikova street, at number 10, building. 2 and case 1;
  • Dezhnev passage, in the house No. 12, in the first building; in house number 22, building. No. 1 and building No. 2; in house No. 26, building 3 and house 8;
  • Dobrolyubova street, house 17;
  • Milashenkova street, at number 7, building three;
  • Molodtsova street, in the house No. 17 to. No. 1; in the house No. 25 K. 1; at house 33, the first building;
  • on Polyarnaya street in house number 3, building 5; house 4, building 2;
  • Fonvizin street, house 11;
  • Sheremetyevskaya street, house 31, building 2 and building 1;
  • Yablochkova street, house 18, buildings 3 and 4; house number 20 second building; D. 22 first building, second building and third building;
  • Yasny passage, house number 16, the second building.

demolition of five-story buildings in wao

Decrepit five-story buildings in South-West Administrative Okrug

In the South-West administrative district, 17 dilapidated houses to be liquidated are located at the following addresses:

  • Dm street. Ulyanova, d. No. 27-12, the first, second, third and fourth buildings; No. 45 first building; No. 47 first building;
  • Profsoyuznaya street, house No. 96 of the first, second and third buildings; d. 98 of building 8, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2;
  • Sevastopol Avenue, building 22;
  • st. Shvernik, d. No. 6, the second building.

Decrepit five-story buildings in SZAO

In the North-West administrative district, only 7 houses remained to be demolished at the following addresses:

  • Marshal Zhukov Avenue, d. No. 35, the second building; house 51 building 4 and building 2;
  • st. People’s Militia, d. No. 13, the third and fourth corps;
  • Jan Rainis Blvd., No. 2, the second and third buildings.

Decrepit five-story buildings in the CAO

And only two houses in the Northern administrative district:

  • Festivalnaya street, house 17 and house 21.

Demolition of five-story buildings by 2020 will be fully implemented, now there is no doubt about that. Such an exchange of old housing for a new one is attractive for Muscovites. The Moscow government has planned not only the construction of new buildings on the site of old housing, but also the improvement of the area, which includes equipping the territory with clinics, schools, parks, playgrounds, shops, which led to an increase in the cost of housing in the five-story buildings intended for demolition.


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