Maiden grapes triostrenny: a photo, description, planting and care

Three-pointed girl's grapes in landscape design have become very popular. He fell in love for high decorativeness. People like its bright and dense foliage, frost resistance, rapid growth. This perennial plant will be described in this article. You will learn how to plant girlish triangular grapes, how to care for it, with which plants it is best to combine it.

Grade description

This species is perennial, tree-like, grows in the form of vines, belongs to the group of ivy. Girl's grapes therefore do not curl, but clings with a small antennae to the surface of objects that are nearby. That is why it can be seen on the walls of houses. Creepers of maiden triangular grapes cannot be detached from the place, as for the second time they can no longer independently attach themselves.

decorative grape flowers

Fruits on the plant are formed without pollination. That is why the species was called maiden (virgin).

The foliage of the maiden triostrenny grapes of large sizes, has a three-part look. The leaves are brilliant, change their color according to the seasons. In the summer season, the foliage is bright green, and with the onset of autumn, it is repainted in carmine red. Outwardly, the leaves resemble ivy.

Girl's triangular grapes, whose creepers reach up to 20 meters in length, grow very quickly. In one year, the increase can be from 3 to 5 meters!

Inflorescences are corymbose. The three-pointed grape girl blooms plainly - the flowers are small, pale in color (green-yellow).

The fruits are small, have a blue color. Their surface is waxy. These berries do not eat. They are used only for decorative purposes! The weight of the fetus is about 7 grams. Few people pay attention to the fruits, because the main decoration of triangular grapes is its luxurious foliage.

Variety Subtypes

There are three subtypes of the triangular grape variety. We offer a brief description of each to consider further.

  1. Purple. This species has dark purple foliage.
  2. Golden - golden dots are interspersed in the foliage greens.
  3. Vichy tripartite grapes are the most popular type. In summer, its foliage is bright green, and in autumn it becomes fiery red.

Vich's type is used not only for vertical, but also for horizontal landscaping; it creates a soft and thick carpet. Its creepers are attached both with antennae, and with the help of adhesive fluid secreted by grapes. Therefore, this type holds well on absolutely any surface.

Vich's type is more sensitive to frost than other species; it requires more thorough shelter for the winter. It can also be planted in the city limits on balconies, since the variety perfectly transfers heavily polluted air.

Useful properties of girl's grapes

Foliage of a girl's grape

The described type of ornamental plant has a number of useful properties. This grape is hypoallergenic, so it can be planted for all people.

What is a plant useful for?

  1. The three-pointed girl’s grape is endowed with phytoncide and antimicrobial properties. It prevents the growth of bacteria, kills them, does not allow new ones to appear.
  2. The microclimate in the place of grape growth is clean, as the plant cleans the air of dust and gases. In the house where the girl’s grapes grow, there is little dust, it is easy and pleasant to breathe there!
  3. Grapes are also used for soundproofing purposes, as they tend to drown out noises.
  4. In hot time, the plant will protect the house from overheating, in the rainy season it will prevent the appearance of dampness and cold in the room.

Application in landscape design

Girl's grapes can be grown in both small and vast areas. The plant is used in the following cases:

  1. In the private sector, creepers decorate the walls of the house, arbors. Grapes easily hide the cosmetic defects of the structure, as it grows in the form of a thick carpet.
  2. If there is a personal plot that is not used for planting fruit crops, then it can be ennobled with girl's grapes. He will cover with himself all the weeds, spread out a soft carpet on which children will play with pleasure.
  3. Grapes grow very quickly. For several years, it can envelop a building up to 5 floors in height! Therefore, it can be used to decorate high-rises in the city.
  4. Tri-grape grapes grow well not only in open ground, but also in pots, since its horses are small, located close to the surface. Use the plant to decorate the balcony in the apartment of a multi-storey building.

Nuances in the design of grape walls of the house

decorative wineyard

Before planting a plant near the walls of your house, read some recommendations:

  1. It is undesirable to plant ivy-shaped grapes near the plastered walls. The fact is that the mass of vines is large, they can damage the plaster, as well as the insulation layer under it.
  2. Recommended girl's grapes for planting near the walls of brick, wood and concrete.
  3. If the roof is covered with tiles or slate, then do not allow grapes on it, since its weight can damage the coating.
  4. Grapes grow rapidly, can quietly penetrate into the ventilation holes. Watch for this, do not allow such overlap, cut the vines on time.
  5. Do not allow vines to entangle around wires, antennas and gutters.

To avoid problems with growth, adjust the direction of growth of vines, cut off excess ones.

What plants does girl's grape combine with?

a combination of grapes with other plants

Perfectly tripartite grapes are combined with all climbing plants. Here are some examples:

  1. Plant it with ivy. The composition will look especially spectacular in the autumn, when the foliage of the grapes becomes fiery red, and the ivy leaves will still be bright green.
  2. With a climbing rose, tripartite grapes look just amazing! Rose will use creepers as mounts. As a result, both plants will grow in one direction. This combination looks perfect during the flowering of a rose.
  3. With mountain clematis, the described plant also does not lose. The foliage of girl’s grapes is openwork, bright, it will be beautifully combined with white, pale pink and lilac flowers of clematis.

Landing place

foliage color of decorative grapes

Girl's tripartite grapes grow well both in open ground and in pots for indoor flowers.

It is not difficult to choose a wall for planting, as grapes well tolerate both sunny sides and shady ones. It is worth considering some points:

  1. If the darkened side is selected, then the foliage will not be as large as when planting from the south side.
  2. If you chose the northern wall, where there is little sun, then the plant will change the color of foliage in the fall later. If you live in the central or northern regions, then you can not wait for a color change, because frosts in these areas come earlier. Therefore, you need to choose the sunny side of the house for your grapes.

How to plant girl's grapes

For planting grapes, spring (April, May), and autumn (September, October) are suitable. In the summer, this process can also be carried out, but the growth of vines will not be so good.

decorative grape berries

Planting seedlings in the soil is best when return frosts have passed. The optimal time is before 11 am or after 6 pm.

Girl's grapes are unpretentious to the soil, the main thing is good drainage. Pour a layer of rubble or broken brick into the bottom of the pit or into the pot, and a layer of sand on top. Only then fill it with soil. Ideal composition for excellent growth: 2 parts of land and peat compost, 1 part of sand. The addition of 1 part of wood ash is also not prohibited.

The root neck when planting should remain at ground level. Distribute the roots evenly. The optimal distance between seedlings is 50 centimeters.

After planting, install wooden slats next to the sprouts. As soon as the first shoots appear, direct them in the right direction, help the vine to "grab" the wand. If some shoots do not obey, they can be neatly tied to a support.

Plant care

decorative grapes in landscape design

The first thing to do is to tie the young grapes to the supports. Ask him the direction, remove unnecessary shoots. So you will form a skeleton of a bush.

Once the girl’s grapes learn to cling on their own, it will no longer be necessary to tie it up.

Stably remove excess and diseased shoots. The cut should be made over a healthy kidney.

In the summer, loosen the soil, remove weeds. If the roots are exposed, then spud them, covering them with earth to the neck.

Watering grapes produced 3-4 times per season. If the rains are plentiful, then watering is not needed at all. In the first year, the young plant needs a lot of moisture. Therefore, you need to water it 2 times a month.

Young grapes need shelter for the winter. Thermal material, spruce branches, sawdust will do. When to open grapes after winter? It depends on the area of ​​growth. In the southern regions this is done in March-April, and in the central and northern regions in April-May. Grapes well tolerate small frosts. Thinking about when to open grapes after winter, it is better to hurry than to be late. If in doubt, open in April or May, it is better to do it early so that the grapes do not rot.

An adult plant can not be covered for the winter.

Grapes will not refuse fertilizers. Add compost, mulch, humus, peat to the soil once a year. in this case, you will get an unusually lush carpet of bright green leaves.


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