Is drama a substitute for tragedy?

Not without reason in the headline I posed the question this way - I was wondering if this is really so. Therefore, I read a lot of information and concluded that drama is a literary genre that replaced the tragedy and became one of the three main ones along with comedy.

The similarity to comedy is in the reflection of people's daily lives, in the reproduction of completely standard situations. But the goals of these two genres are diametrically opposed. A comedy is to make fun of these vital "troubles", a drama is to tell about a manโ€™s conflict with himself, his environment, society, but without showing the hopelessness of the situation.

It is believed that the drama dates back to the 18th century, when European playwrights organized the so-called "Petty Bourgeois drama", which for the most part narrated about family problems and described everyday situations.

This is probably why many of us, due to the reflection of everyday life ups and downs, are close to drama. The definition of this concept, as you already understood, is ambiguous. Let us turn to some of the most popular interpretations.

First of all, drama is, as was said above, a genre of literature, built most often in the form of dialogue, which differs from tragedy by the presence of resolved problems and more mundane relations between individuals , individuals and society.

Secondly, drama is a genre of cinematography, which in its essence is similar to a literary colleague. Here, in the first place is also a person who is keenly aware of the problems in his life, trying to resolve these problems, find a compromise and move away from conflicts.

In the process, the hero of the film experiences various emotions, his thoughts are reflected in the form of monologues, which are very important for drama. They help us better understand the feelings and inner anxiety of people in different situations.

As a rule, in the paintings there are no more than two or three storylines, the main characters are few, but each of them is experiencing an acute conflict, and it does not matter, internal or interpersonal.

One of the most popular varieties of this genre is psychological drama. Surely each of us saw at least one such film, however, as it turned out, there is a joke among the directors: โ€œif itโ€™s difficult to understand the style of the picture, then write that this is a psychological dramaโ€. The definition of this concept in this case plays a secondary role.

Thus, it is incorrect to believe that any movie with the corresponding mark belongs to the above genre. According to experts, the psychological drama is very exotic, and not every film can reach this title.

Often when viewing such paintings we feel some discomfort, we may not understand the actions of the characters, some of which we frankly attribute to the behavior of a madman. But what is most surprising, we will be fascinated by the psychological drama with each minute of viewing more and more, because only there events sometimes lose touch, the heroes break the rules, there may even be a note of unreality.

But all this, strangely enough, by the end of the film, from a vague mass turns into a picture with a clear outline, and all the events that occurred during the hour of viewing, line up in a logical chain. Surprisingly, it is very difficult to describe the emotions of such a movie, so I advise everyone who has not seen a single drama in this spirit, rather fix it.

Thus, drama is not only a literary genre known to us from the school for its features, but also a wonderful component of the film industry. It cannot but rejoice that there are directors who specialize specifically in this field and create wonderful films that are undoubtedly worth a look.


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