Who is drag queen? Term, image, photo

Drag queen is a man who dresses in women's clothing and speaks to the public. Drag shows (usually held at nightclubs and Gay Pride festivals) are mainly a subcultural phenomenon. Despite the fact that it was never very popular, this term is quite common in pop culture, partly due to the artist RuPola, who in 1992 hit the charts with his hit Supermodel (You Better Work). Films such as Birdcage (1996) and the musicals Bohemia and Hairspray have made drag queen an iconic cultural symbol.


Drag quins are different from transvestites because the motivation for putting on clothes of the opposite sex is usually not sexual. Although these two types are often combined in a popular cultural representation, cross-dressing typically involves a high degree of secrecy and is associated with sexual or gender fetishes. Both drag queens and transvestites survived the history of persecution. This also applies to drag king - a woman in men's clothing, an imitator of a man. In contrast to the secrecy of cross-dressing, in which a man often tries to impersonate a woman, the drag includes a performance whose goal is to destroy gender norms by imitating the opposite sex (or dressing in it).

Drag quins on stage and in the movies

Since ancient times, men on stage dressed in women's clothing. In this sense, the dressing tradition is as old as Shakespeare’s romantic comedy “As You Like,” in which Rosalind disguises herself in Ganymede to charm Orlando, recognizing him as a “man” man.

"Only girls in jazz"

You can draw a direct line from the Shakespearean sex change to the comedy of 1959 "Only Girls in Jazz." In this film, Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis dress up as Daphne and Josephine and join a traveling jazz group of girls to hide from the mafia. Marilyn Monroe, an icon of femininity, which many artists of this genre imitate, along with Cher, Madonna, Aretha Franklin, Dolly Parton, Bette Midler and other show business stars, also took part in the film as a band singer. The fact that Lemmon and Curtis changed clothes on the screen hardly makes them drag quins. Although it must be admitted, the effect is the same. Gender norms are radically abolished when a drag occurs.

As in the film “Tootsie” (1982), there is a Hollywood theme that allowed popularizing drag queen - the idea that men only need to change into a woman in order to get a girl.

On the contrary, a film such as “In the Case of a Murder Type“ M ”” by Alfred Hitchcock (1954) reminds us that in many circles the drag doesn't cause laughter. The chief inspector in this film sends his subordinate from the apartment, Grace Kelly, with evidence (her handbag), only after he warns that he will be arrested if he goes outside in this form.

How to become a drag queen

Usually there are three main components of a dredge. First of all, artists of this genre choose a stage name. It can be:

  • satirical names based on a pun or similar sound;
  • a set of words that emphasizes the grotesque of its wearer;
  • slightly modified real male name drag queen.

This rethinking of personality through a change of name refers to the second part of the process - to enter the stage. Drag Queen selects one of the images:

  • Queen of the grotesque. Representation with elements of satire, often with foul language, etc.
  • Queen of parody. Imitation of famous women such as Madonna, Britney Spears, Cher, Celine Dion, Tina Turner and others.
  • Queen of beauty. Sometimes drag queens use their images to participate in beauty contests, after which they continue their careers on television or in various entertainment shows.
  • Queen of post-modernism. The key to this genre is performance with an unpredictable outcome. This image was most popular in the 1970s. Post-modernists blur the lines between the sexes, so that it becomes impossible for the viewer to determine who is in front of him, a woman or a man.
queen drag

In most cases, the drag queen make-up is heavy, deliberately vulgar, in clothes and accessories there are “royal” elements - large jewelry, elaborate outfits, high wigs. Authentic femininity is undermined by the roughness of the artist, which often includes vulgar behavior on stage and a desire to shock.

The third aspect of the dredge is based on a belief in gender fluidity. The goal of dragging is to make this fluid visible with a view.

Relations with LGBT

Historically, homosexuals in the United States treated this phenomenon with well-founded prejudices, accusing the representatives of the genre of being “too shocking” or creating a “bad name” for gays. However, it is recognized that homosexual and lesbian social movements in the United States can be traced back to the night of June 28, 1969, when the Stonewall riots began with the submission of drag queens to the Greenwich Village in Manhattan to counter police raids that entail the arrest of homosexuals. It is believed that it was these riots that gave rise to a massive movement to respect human rights regarding LGBT people in the United States and around the world.

Consider the most popular representatives of this genre.


Ru Paul out of image

Most of the famous drag queen gained popularity thanks to the reality show “Royal Racing of RuPol”, and, of course, almost the biggest celebrity of the genre is RuPol. His popularity began in the 90s with the single-hit Supermodel (You Better Work), and then the reality show mentioned above.

Jinx monsun

Jinx monsun

Jinx Monsun is one of the youngest show winners. She is only 23 years old, and this proves that she has the outstanding charisma, uniqueness, confidence and talent that applicants for the crown should have.

Alaska Thunderfac 5000

Alaska Thunderfac

Alaska Thunderfac 5000 has a pretty successful solo career, she releases albums and singles. But the audience is no less interested in the personal life of Alaska. Drag Queen got into the reality show only on the fifth attempt, while her partner, Sharon Needles, went in the first season and won. Alas, participation in the reality show was a difficult test for the relationship, this led the couple to a breakup.

Ador delano

Ador delano

Ador Delano, in addition to the RuPol show, also participated in American Idol as a singer. In addition to good vocal skills, Delano also has a great taste, she has a modern look and not much of the usual makeup for drag queen.

Bianca Del Rio

Bianca Del Rio

Bianca Del Rio is one of the funniest queens ever to compete for America's Next Drag Superstar title, but with all this sarcasm and audacity she has a real golden heart. She took Ador Delano under her wing, was her mentor throughout the season and even after the competition.

Conchita Wurst

Conchita Wurst

Conchita Wurst achieved fame in 2014 after winning the Eurovision Song Contest from Austria with the hit Rise Like A Phoenix. Since then, her name has been heard throughout Europe. It is impossible to forget her magnificent eyelashes and a well-groomed beard.

Drag quins in Russia and the CIS countries

Verka Serdiuchka

In Russia, such artists are often called travesty. Although the genre has nothing to do with sexuality, it is still treated negatively because of the prevailing patriarchal views or the criminal mentality inherent in some sections of society. The most famous travesty artists in Russia and the CIS are Alexander Peskov, Zaza Napoli (Vladim Kazantsev), Anatoly Evdokimov, Verka Serduchka (Andrei Danilko).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F34558/

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