How to care for a thuja: some simple tips

Thuja is a beautiful evergreen plant adored by landscape designers and just lovers of beautiful plantings in the garden. This plant has a number of unique properties, without the knowledge of which it is very difficult to care for. It is interesting that thuja does not occur in Europe: it is brought from Asia and America. Nevertheless, the tree takes root well in our climatic conditions, and is also considered an unpretentious representative of the flora. This article will discuss how to care for a thuja, but first you need to say a few words about its features.

how to care for thuja
General information about thuja

Thuja is a representative of the cypress family. It may take the form of a tree or shrub. In the natural habitat of the thuja - an impressive tree that can reach a height of 20 meters! Imported trees under our climate, as a rule, grow up to 10 meters. Depending on the variety, thuja can be dwarf, stunted, spherical.

How to care for thuja: basic rules

In order for this evergreen tree to grow and develop correctly, a number of simple rules must be followed. A young thuja that has recently been planted in the soil needs peace. Around it is necessary to build a fence so that children or animals do not damage the plant. Note that cats and dogs must not be allowed to defecate near the thuja: this will kill the tree instantly.

Another danger from which you need to protect thuja is a fungus. A tree or shrub affected by a fungus will turn yellow and fall over time. For preventive purposes, the plant is treated with a solution of foundationazole several times a year.

growing thuja

Thuja is not demanding on the soil. It tolerates heat and drought. Plants can often be cut and shaped. If the thuja is planted in fertile garden soil in a good place, a very magnificent crown develops. If the soil is not moistened well enough, or the tree grows in a too shaded place, the thuja may lose its decorative effect: the needles fade, many cones appear, the crown thins.

How to care for thuja after landing and transplanting? Firstly, this plant can be planted both individually and in groups. It is often used to create hedges. Increasingly, you can see miniature plant varieties as decoration of paths in the garden.

Trees with a closed root system calmly tolerate a transplant, if the latter is done according to all the rules. It is necessary to ensure that the roots do not bother. The best option is to plant thuja in light fertile soil and do drainage.

How to care for the thuja so that it does not dry out? It is necessary to water it correctly. In drought, watering is carried out twice a week. In addition, you need to regularly irrigate, which will wash off the dust and give others a wonderful coniferous aroma. The topsoil is recommended from time to time to loosen. The cultivation of arborvitae also involves top dressing. You need to feed the plant during active vegetation.

thuja care cultivation

A lot has been written about how to care for thuja in autumn and winter. It is important to protect her crown from snowfall. To do this, the trees are connected. Sudden changes in temperature during the winter season can also damage the thaw: cracks may appear, the elimination of which is a difficult task. In summer, they advise you to shade the thaw, especially with too active sun.

If a tall, beautiful and fragrant thuja grows in your garden, care, cultivation and watering are carried out correctly. Keep up the good work, and the evergreen will delight you for more than one year.


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