Demolition of nine-story buildings in Moscow. Demolition plan for dilapidated housing in Moscow

Only the lazy is not discussing a new program for the renovation of dilapidated housing in Moscow today. Moreover, even Muscovites who are not threatened with resettlement are hotly concerned about this topic. Not so long ago, the hype around the houses, doomed to "slaughter", gained new strength. As it turned out, in addition to the five-story buildings, it is also planned to demolish the nine-story buildings in Moscow. The attitude to the renewal program of the capital's housing stock among people is far ambiguous. Many regard it as an excellent opportunity to improve their living conditions, and some see it as a lot of dirty tricks.

demolition of nine-story buildings in Moscow

Previous Housing Renovation Program

The solution to the issue of renewing housing stock in Moscow began in 1995. The program was originally designed until 2010, but due to the periodic suspension of the dismantling of old houses, the completion date was repeatedly postponed. As part of the previous renovation program, the demolition of nine-story buildings in Moscow was not planned, since at that time almost all of them were in satisfactory operational condition.

Only in 2011, the dismantling rates of the old five-story buildings increased markedly, and by 2015 the authorities of the capital reported on the implementation of the planned work by 90%. By the way, in addition to the Khrushchev, the demolition of the dilapidated nine-story buildings in Moscow was carried out. By the end of 2016, of the 1722 houses that were supposed to be liquidated as part of the first phase of the program, only 128 remained to be demolished. Until the beginning of 2018, the remaining dilapidated and dilapidated housing will be completely dismantled. Thus, the demolition of nine-story buildings in Moscow in 2017 refers to the final stage of the previous renovation program.

demolition of nine-story buildings in Moscow 2015 2020 list

The new renovation program of the capital housing stock

Over the past years, of course, a huge amount of work has been done, but even now, many old residential buildings have remained in Moscow, the life of which has already expired or is nearing its end. First of all, this applies to houses of unbearable series, which were built another 100, or even 150 years ago. Such buildings do not meet modern requirements regarding the conditions for comfortable living of citizens, plus to this, many of them are in disrepair. Moreover, for the same reason, the demolition of nine-story buildings in Moscow from 2015 to 2020 is also planned. The list includes dilapidated houses, the repair of which is impractical from an economic point of view.

The new plan provides for the demolition of all old metropolitan residential buildings and the construction in their place of a new modern and comfortable housing. According to preliminary estimates, the total renovation program will cover approximately 8,000 houses, the total area of ​​which exceeds 25 million square meters. meters, and lives in them over 1.6 million people.

Demolition of nine-story buildings in Moscow in 2017

What nine-story building to be demolished in Moscow

According to the developed plan for the dismantling of old panel and block houses, there is a possibility of eliminating not only five-story housing, but also nine-story buildings. However, the new renovation program takes into account the mistakes of past years, when a large number of 9- and even 12-story high-rises were scrapped, although they were still in normal residential condition.

The demolition schedule of nine-story buildings in Moscow is designed for the next decade, during which no more than two hundred thousand square meters will be eliminated. meters of houses of this type. The authorities of the capital draw attention to the fact that the dismantling of residential buildings with a height of 9 floors is possible only in two cases: firstly, if they are located in the same area with Khrushchev or other houses that fall under the renovation program. Secondly, the demolition of nine-story buildings in Moscow can be carried out if they are in disrepair or dilapidated condition, and their residents will demand improvement of living conditions. The second option will be considered rather as an exception.

nine-story demolition schedule in Moscow

Conditions for the implementation of the renovation plan

The renovation program involves the elimination of houses built in the period from 1957 to 1968, as well as apartment buildings belonging to the first period of industrial housing construction, similar to Khrushchev in terms of construction characteristics. In addition, it provides for the partial demolition of nine-story buildings in Moscow.

The decision on participation or non-participation in the renovation program must be taken by homeowners by voting. An apartment building can be demolished only if at least 2/3 (67%) of residents vote in favor of this decision. To exit the program, 1/3 (33%) of the total number of votes plus one vote must be against.

what nine-story buildings are subject to demolition in Moscow

According to a similar principle, nine-story buildings will be demolished in Moscow. The list for 2015-2020 was formed earlier, but, according to the new program, it will be approved after the final decision of the residents of such houses.

Renovation Law

Each owner of an old apartment, regardless of its condition, has a natural question about the possible risks and guarantees when obtaining new housing. Many citizens are afraid of relocation to another area, fear that the quadrature of the new apartment will be less than the previous one or its cost will be lower than the cost of the old one.

The Law on Housing Renovation was adopted in May 2017. The demolition of nine-story buildings in Moscow, located next to the five-story buildings that fall into the program, will be carried out according to general rules. The guarantees of the program participants are fixed at the legislative level.

Basic guarantees provided by law

The law also states that new and old housing should be equal. This means that the number of rooms in the apartment will be the same as in the previous one. The total area of ​​the new apartment will increase, and the area of ​​living rooms will be similar or larger than the previous one.

In addition, it is assumed that the market value of new housing will be on average 35% higher than the cost of old apartments. Living quarters should also receive improved finishes, however, what exactly it will be, is not indicated in the current standards.

demolition of shabby nine-story buildings in Moscow


Many Muscovites are used to and love the areas in which they live. In addition, the local infrastructure plays an important role: kindergartens, schools, medical institutions, shops, a traffic intersection, etc. Relocation to another district is a lot of inconvenience associated with changing a educational or medical institution, a trip to work, etc. .

To make the resettlement as comfortable and painless as possible, legislative provisions provide for the issuance of new apartments in the same area where the old house was located. And with the appropriate capabilities, even the quarter will remain the same.


At the legislative level, it is possible to obtain not only equivalent housing, but also monetary compensation for an old apartment. The most interesting point is that its payment will be made before the demolition of the house. In case the owner decides to sell his real estate, a mandatory assessment is carried out to determine the current average market value at that time.

This option is suitable for families who want to exchange an apartment, move to another area or purchase cheaper or more expensive housing.

For certain categories of citizens, special benefits will also apply. For example, people standing in line to improve housing conditions will receive apartments of a larger area. At the same time, both the total footage and the number of rooms can increase.

In some cases, the provision of several apartments to members of the same family. A separate system of benefits has been developed for the poor categories of citizens, as well as for pensioners and single people.


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