Bosch GMS 120 hidden wiring detector: description, specifications, instructions

In the process of carrying out construction work, it is often difficult to find safe, in terms of drilling, areas in walls and partitions. The presence of a laid cable or wooden structure in the wall niche becomes an obstacle to installation operations. Moreover, violation of the wiring entails problems of a different kind, among which we can single out the need for dismantling the structure in order to update the route. Special detectors, and in particular Bosch GMS 120 Professional, designed for a wide range of applications, help eliminate the risk of damage to internal communications.

Model Overview

The device is part of the general group of measuring equipment used in the construction industry. The case of the device is designed for operation in harsh conditions, as evidenced by the presence of durable plastic in the structure and protective coatings. The main advantages of the model are revealed by the technical filling, thanks to which the user can detect the presence of wiring made of different metals. In addition, the German wiring detector is able to detect and wooden materials that are inside a closed structure.

bosch gms 120

The device interacts with the operator through an ergonomic interface with a digital screen and modern controls. In normal mode, the instrument indicator lights up in green, and when a target is detected, a red backlight is activated. However, Bosch GMS 120 detector assistance is not limited to this. Since research activities are carried out for the subsequent marking of the area in which installation operations can be carried out, the developers of the device provided special devices for convenient marking of such areas.

Detector features

Since the model belongs to the category of a professional tool, it is distinguished by many functional and structural nuances. First of all, it is a well-thought-out ergonomics of the control system. In addition to the light indication, the metal detector also uses an acoustic signal to alert the user about the search results. Another feature of the Bosch GMS 120 is the wide range of materials that it detects. In addition to metal and wood, the detector scans structures for the content of magnetic and non-magnetic objects in them. In large-scale studies, equipment can be used for a long time. For such cases, the creators provided for a long-term battery charge, providing a 5-hour continuous operation of the device.

search for hidden wiring


Despite the fact that the detector is positioned as a professional apparatus, it can also be used by a home master for domestic purposes. Small size and ease of use remove restrictions on its operation. How appropriate the acquisition of the Bosch GMS 120 model for specific needs will help determine its technical indicators:

  • Depth of detection - from 38 to 120 mm depending on the material.
  • Automatic shutdown - provided after 5 minutes of inactivity.
  • Duration of work - 5 hours.
  • Battery - 1 x 9 V.
  • The temperature range favorable for operation is from -10 to +50 ° C.
  • The mass of the device is 270 g.

It should be noted that the characteristics of the detection of materials in depth may also vary depending on the parameters of the object itself, the properties of the investigated structure and external conditions. For example, if the electric cable is not under voltage at the time of examination, then the scanning depth may be lowered.

Modes of operation Bosch GMS 120

The device has three basic operating modes - “drywall”, “metal” and “conductive cable”.

The first mode allows you to search for several types of building material, including wood and metal. It does not matter if the object under investigation is magnetic or not. This mode is used specifically for working with drywall panels, that is, the device overcomes them in the process.

By setting the wiring detector to the “metal” mode, the user can purposefully search for magnetic and non-magnetic objects in walls made of any material. When an object is detected, the instrument display will display the corresponding symbol.

wiring detector

Perhaps the most responsible research of this kind involves the search for conductive cables. For such tasks, device developers have provided a special mode with the appropriate name. The detector allows you to detect wiring voltage from 110 to 230 V. When operating the device in this mode, it is recommended to conduct research in series - several sessions will help to more accurately determine the location of the wiring.

User's manual

When using the device, it is important to consider that environmental conditions can affect its effectiveness. For example, humidity, the proximity of other equipment that emits strong magnetic fields, building materials with a metal content, insulators with aluminum elements and other factors can interfere with the functioning of the detector. If the place of work is spared from such influences, then you can begin to research.

bosch gms 120 instruction

Actually, the search should result in two results - fixing the symbol on the display with marking of the detected material, as well as determining the boundaries free from the target object.

So, if the search for hidden wiring was successful, then through a special hole in the device, the user can mark the section of the communication path.

Maintenance Instructions

Like any measuring device, the detector needs careful maintenance and application of special maintenance measures. Only in this case will the optimum accuracy indicators be maintained. Each time before use, the condition of the device should be checked to identify external damage and unreliable sections of the connection of structural parts. Also, the tool should always be kept clean and dry, as its filling is sensitive to moisture and temperature fluctuations. After performing work operations, you should arm yourself with a dry rag with soft fibers - it will help to delicately clean the Bosch GMS 120 housing. The manual also recommends that you carefully protect the surface of the sensory area, since the accuracy of the research depends on its condition.

bosch gms 120 detector

Detector calibration

It happens that during the scanning process, the device indicates the presence of metal objects, which actually are not. You can check the false signals at visible objects and if the abnormalities are confirmed, you will have to calibrate the device. This operation is performed by pressing two buttons - "5" and "7". At the same time, at the time of pressing, the Bosch GMS 120 detector must be turned off, and within its radius there should not be objects that it could work on. A successful calibration will be indicated by the automatic start of the device.

bosch gms 120 professional

Device Reviews

The device as a whole is positive. Especially the functions of detecting metal objects and wiring have practically no criticism. The same applies to the implementation of the control system - the digital interface is convenient both in professional use and in solving everyday problems.

However, there are complaints about the cover for Bosch GMS 120. Reviews note that due to the special shape of the device, it would be more advisable to make a suspended holding device with a strap for it. And another disadvantage of the device, which can be called universally recognized, is the price tag - the model is available on the domestic market on average for 5-6 thousand rubles.


Accurate and easy-to-use measuring instruments not only facilitate repair and construction operations, but also eliminate the risk of errors. For example, the search for hidden wiring with the subsequent identification of the location of the communication path makes it possible to quickly and effortlessly correctly mark the free sections for walling in the wall.

bosch gms 120 reviews

Of course, for one-time events when installing equipment in a house, buying a device of this level may be unnecessary, but in regular work with walls, partitions and other enclosed structures, this device is simply irreplaceable. In addition to high accuracy, the detector from Bosch is also versatile in terms of the possibilities of working with different materials and ergonomics, which is important for a modern tool.


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