What is the cadastral number of a property?

Cadastral number is a unique, individual, non-repeating set of numbers in the territory of the Russian Federation and in time. It is assigned in the inventory process. Translated from the French cadaster (cadaster) - this is updated information about the object, given in a single system. The specified set of numbers is stored and does not change during the entire period of registration of law in the administrative territorial boundaries. You can check the cadastral number by requesting an extract from the Unified State Register. The information shall indicate the individual assigned numbers of the land on which the structure or building is located. The information also contains the inventory number. In the information about the room in any building or structure, there is the number of the building or structure itself, as well as the inventory number of the room itself. Inventory is a process of technical accounting of elements located on a land plot or in a building / structure.

check cadastral number

What is this information for?

The cadastral number of the property is required for various transactions. In particular, in the absence of individual information, transactions on the sale, inheritance, donation are not possible. It is also impossible to draw up an agreement to carry out any activity, to draw up a document for submission to state bodies. The cadastral number of the property ensures the legitimacy of any transaction. Assigning an individual set of numbers is essentially a registration in the state register. According to the latest regulatory requirements, the registration of a land plot is valid when indicating information about the buildings, buildings, and construction in progress located on it.

cadastral number is

Can the cadastral number of a property change?

When changing the purpose or changing the owner, there is no reason to make adjustments to the individual information. This applies only to real estate. For land there are slightly different rules. In particular, adjustments can be made when dividing a site, merging, reassigning to another administrative-territorial zone. It should be said that in reality the regulations on the basis of which the cadastral number of the property is established do not contain a list of cases for making changes to the data.

cadastral number of the property

How an individual set of numbers is assigned

Cadastral numbers are entered into the electronic database without fail. This information belongs to the objects and is stored throughout the entire time of their existence (both legally and physically). The term for entering information into the state registry is no more than twenty business days. You can find out the cadastral number in Rosreestr (Federal Service for State Registration, Cartography and Cadastre). If the address is known, then information can be obtained using the Internet. The Rosreestra portal contains information about objects with all the characteristics that are located on the territory of the Russian Federation. A geographic map with location is also available.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F3457/

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