How much money to take to Egypt and in what currency

Each traveler, traveling abroad for the first time, is interested in the question of how much cash he will need to take with him in order to feel completely free. This article will focus on Egypt - the most popular country for holidays with Russian tourists. We will try to answer the most common questions about local currency and tell you how much money to take to Egypt.

How much money to take to Egypt

We plan a future vacation

Most often, Russians buy tours, which include accommodation, meals and a transfer to the hotel. If you are only interested in beach vacations, then you can limit yourself to the minimum amount. If you plan to go shopping, visit several excursions and go diving, then plan your entertainment program in advance and calculate the costs. How much money to take to Egypt depends on various factors. For example, if children are traveling with you, then spending on their entertainment can be very significant. Consider the most frequent expenses that vacationers expect in this country.


Egypt is very loyal to the citizens of Russia and does not require them to draw up a large number of documents for entry. Visa processing takes place right at the host airport after arrival and costs 25 USD. In South Sinai and Sharm El Sheikh, you are not required to pay at all if you do not plan to stay here for more than 15 days.

Egypt money. The course to the ruble


You will learn the word bakshish immediately after you arrive in Egypt. It will be heard from the mouth of the hotel staff, porters, taxi drivers and waiters. Typically, Europeans encourage quick Egyptians coins and denominations of one to five Egyptian pounds. Remember, you are not required to tip anyone who asks for them, and you can choose the amount of this amount yourself.

There are unspoken β€œtariffs” at which staff work is paid. So, the waiter decided to leave 10% of the bill, the porter was given 5 pounds, and the maid - one or two pounds every other day. However, if you are not happy with the level of cleanliness in the room or the speed of the restaurant employee, then in no case do not tip. A deliberate charge for a negligent attitude will worsen the situation even further. If you are happy with everything and want to reward the employee, then try not to do it in a pointed manner. The fact is that the rules of some hotels are strict and forbid employees to take money from guests.

How to transfer money to Egypt


Even if you are satisfied with the lunches at your hotel, be sure to visit the local cafes and restaurants. You will remember the dishes of national cuisine for a long time and, most likely, you will highly appreciate the work of the chef. A romantic dinner for two will cost about 20-25 dollars. This means that $ 100 is enough for a few pleasant evenings that you spend outside the hotel.

How much money to take to Egypt if you want to enjoy local fruits? Five or ten dollars is enough for you to stock up on refreshments for a week in advance. If you come with children, then expect big expenses.

Where to change money in Egypt


Independent taxi travel in resort areas costs from 15 to 30 pounds during the day and 20 to 40 pounds at night. Traveling on the route will cost you only two Egyptian pounds. Do not rent a car, as the manner of behavior of local motorists on the road leaves much to be desired. Sitting in a taxi, arrange with the driver in advance and specify what pounds (English or Egyptian) he had in mind, voicing the price.

What kind of money to pay in Egypt? Experienced tourists are advised to always have at hand a few notes of local currency. Of course, taxi drivers will gladly accept dollars and euros, but they will set their own course, and not the fact that it will coincide with the real one.


How much money to take with you to Egypt if you are determined to get to know the ancient culture of the country? The average cost of one ticket ranges from 50 to 100 dollars. If you stayed in one of the hotels on the Red Sea coast, then you will have to get to Giza and Kornak by air. This means that the price of such an excursion will increase several times. You can get to these areas by bus, but such a trip is guaranteed to exhaust you and will not bring you much pleasure. Thus, three or four excursions for one will cost from 200 to 500 dollars.

Many Russians manage to save a significant amount by buying one-day tours not at the hotel, but on the street. However, no one can guarantee you the safety and fulfillment of all the conditions that are agreed upon before the transaction. Traveling independently is generally not recommended, as part of the population is very negative about visitors.

Transfer money to Egypt


A variety of souvenirs offered by local craftsmen amazes the imagination of inexperienced Russian tourists. How much money to take to Egypt to bring a piece of this wonderful country with you:

  • Papyrus, alabaster figurines of cats, scarabs - these are perhaps the most popular gifts that European tourists bring from Egypt. The average cost of such trifles varies from 10 to 15 pounds.
  • Jewelry. In local shops and stores you will be offered earrings, rings, bracelets and pendants for every taste. Costume jewelry is inexpensive, about 10-30 dollars, but the price of gold and silver is much higher.
  • Hookah - Egyptian "shisha" is a colorful gift that any male will appreciate. The cost of a classic hookah reaches $ 40.
  • Aromatic oils - it is difficult to indicate the real price of this gift, since its value depends on the composition of the product and on the place where it is sold. Walk around the local shops, ask the price, try to bargain and bring down the initial price.
    Where to store money in Egypt

Egypt money. The course to the ruble

The Egyptian pound is the national currency of the country, it is equal to 100 piastres and 1000 millimeters. The official name used by the international community to designate Egyptian money is EGP, but another abbreviation is often found in the country itself - LE (Egyptian lira). A feature of the appearance of banknotes is that they are all the same size. And given the fact that most of them are dirty and wrinkled, it is not surprising that Europeans often become victims of fraud by local scammers. If you use the services of exchange offices, then first carefully study what Egyptian money looks like. The rate to the ruble is estimated by employees of local banks, and often it does not correspond to reality. In order not to lose a large percentage during the exchange, come to relax with dollars or euros.

Where to change money in Egypt? You can make an exchange at any exchange office, bank or ATM. You can easily buy pounds at a hotel or airport. For security reasons, do not contact individuals and do not respond to offers received on the street.

How to transfer money to Egypt?

If you are in a difficult situation, then your relatives and friends will be able to help you rectify the situation. They can go the simplest way and take advantage of Western Union services. To do this, they just need to come to any service point with an identity document. The sender will tell the operator the amount, your personal data, and in a few minutes you can already receive money from Russia or any other country. Money can be transferred to Egypt at any time of the day, regardless of the difference in time zones.

What kind of money to pay in Egypt

Where to keep money while relaxing

Unfortunately, cases of theft in Egyptian hotels can not be called a rarity. For the convenience of tourists, hotels have safes for storing money and valuables. They are located either at the reception or directly in the rooms. However, this type of storage is not as safe as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that hotel employees always have spare keys or cards that are used in emergency cases. Where to store money in Egypt? First, never keep all your savings in one place. Secondly, carry credit cards with you that can be used in an emergency. Distribute cash among your belongings, daily check their safety and quantity. Some hotel employees have a habit at every opportunity to take a few bills from the guests of the room. Vacationers do not even notice that their wallet becomes easier every day and leave for home, remaining blissfully unaware of the true state of affairs.

How much money to take with you to Egypt, everyone decides for himself. But try to stock up with a sufficient amount so as not to deny yourself the pleasures that traditionally make holidays in this country unforgettable and full of vivid impressions.


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