Documents for applying for citizenship of the Russian Federation: list of documents, procedure, rules for filling out forms, conditions for filing, deadlines for consideration and procedure for obtaining

In life, situations are different, and there may even be a question about obtaining Russian citizenship. In the country, the procedure for obtaining citizenship is clearly regulated, and for citizens of the former Soviet republics there is even a simplified procedure.

Factors Affecting Facilitation Simplification

First of all, it is easier to obtain citizenship to persons who were previously citizens of the USSR. The second, no less important factor is the presence of relatives in Russia. It will also be easier for those people who are native speakers of the Russian language or speak it well, those who were born in the country or lived in it for a long time, arrived legally. In general, each situation is considered individually.

The simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship for people falling under the state program for resettlement of compatriots is even simpler - such applicants do not need to obtain a residence permit, they do not need to confirm their knowledge of the Russian language and the official source of income.

USSR passport

General requirements for paperwork

First of all, documents for applying for Russian citizenship are provided in the originals. Not a single document is seized, and a representative of the migration service or embassy simply checks them with the copies provided.

Copies must be certified by a notary public. If any of the documents is not in Russian, then it will have to be translated, and the signature of the translator must be certified by a notary.

If one or several documents were issued by foreign authorities, then they must be legalized by affixing an apostille.


The main component of the package of documents for applying for Russian citizenship is a statement. It expresses a request and contains information about the applicant. The application is drawn up on a special form, which can be obtained from the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The text of the document is filled in in Russian. Letters are better written in print. In the statement, the abbreviation must be decrypted, the text should not contain dashes, corrections and strikethroughs.

Particular attention should be paid to paragraph 15. This block contains information on the applicant's employment. Information has been recorded over the past five years. There are four columns in the block:

  • date of receipt;
  • date of dismissal;
  • position held and company name;
  • location of the employer.

If the applicant studied at an educational institution for the past five years, then information about this is entered. If the applicant did not work, then it is written down in the columns where the dates are the last five years, and it is written: "did not work."

Paragraph 16 is intended to be filled by retirees. It indicates not only the fact of the source of income - the pension, but also how it was received, by age or by length of service, disability, and so on.

Paragraph 26 indicates the availability of a criminal record. However, it is necessary to indicate it only if, at the time of filing the application, it has not yet been repaid.

Paragraphs 22 and 29 are in fact the applicant's autobiography.

Citizenship Application

Identity and Residence Documents

According to the list of documents for applying for citizenship of the Russian Federation, the applicant is required to submit a document that will confirm his identity.

Most often, such a document is a passport of another state. It can also be a residence permit, diplomatic passport or a sailor's passport, official.

If the residence address contains the address of residence, then no additional documents are required. If you are holding a passport of a foreign country, you will have to take a certificate of residence separately.

Photos and payment receipt

The list of documents for applying for citizenship of the Russian Federation also indicates that it is necessary to pay for the services of considering applications and submit a photo. You will need three 3 x 4 photos.

This year, the size of the consular fee is 3.5 thousand rubles. The following are exempted from payment of state duty:

  • if the applicant was previously a citizen of the Soviet Union;
  • if a person lives in the territory of the former USSR, but does not have citizenship.

If the applicant is exempted from paying the consular fee, but at the same time submits documents for his child or several children, then they will have to pay the state fee.

Russian flag

Change of surname

The list of documents for applying for citizenship of the Russian Federation also includes a document that must confirm the change of surname, name or patronymic.

Such a document may be a certificate of marriage or divorce, a court decision.

Refusal of existing citizenship

What documents are needed to apply for Russian citizenship? If the applicant has the citizenship of another country, then it will be necessary to draw up an application for refusal from him, or provide a document that will confirm the impossibility of compiling such a document.

The disclaimer is drawn up in any form. A future citizen of Russia has the right to send such a refusal to a foreign institution by mail. In this case, the applicant has the right to submit to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia a check on the sending of the document. It is recommended to compile an inventory of the attachment to the letter. It should also be remembered that when sending an application by mail, it must be certified by a notary.

By the way, such a simplified procedure for renouncing citizenship was adopted because of Ukrainian refugees. It was to such people that the Ukrainian authorities did not allow them to renounce citizenship, therefore, they also could not get Russian.


What documents for applying for Russian citizenship will be required yet?

The applicant will still have to confirm the existence of a legitimate source of income. This may be a work book or tax return, income statement.

A deposit account with a credit institution may be indicated as a source of income. In this case, you need to take a certificate from the bank, which will confirm the presence of the deposit.

The source of income may be a pension or child support.

Native speaker

A document for applying for citizenship of the Russian Federation, confirming knowledge of the language, may be a certificate of completion of courses and passing the test.

In addition to the certificate, knowledge of the Russian language can be confirmed by a diploma of education (not a school certificate). However, a diploma must be obtained no earlier than September 1, 1991, and must be in the territory of the former USSR.

Teaching the Russian language can take place outside of Russia, in this case it is necessary to provide a certified document from the institution in which the training took place.


This is another document that raises many questions from applicants. An autobiography is compiled on a plain A4 sheet that does not need to be lined. There are no clear requirements for the drafting of the document, so it is drawn up at the discretion of the applicant.

An autobiography should describe your life. First of all, the chronology should be observed. It is necessary to start with the applicant's full name, place and date of birth. Then, data on parents and immediate relatives are indicated.

The following should describe the period when the applicant studied, including school and higher, special educational institutions. The following indicates the place of work, marital status.

It is allowed to enter all the events that, according to the applicant, are important for the speedy resolution of the issue of citizenship. This may be receiving awards, additional education. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the compilation of an autobiography.

Autobiography form

Documents giving the right to undergo a simplified procedure

The documents for applying for citizenship of the Russian Federation, which give the right to undergo a simplified procedure, may be the birth certificate and a copy of the internal passport of one of the parents who lives in the territory of the Russian Federation. The passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation must contain a note on the registration of the place of residence.

If the applicant does not have citizenship, but he previously resided in the territory of one of the republics of the Soviet Union, then he has the right to provide a USSR passport of 1974 type. A confirmation of birth may also be a birth certificate issued by the registry offices of the USSR.

If filing documents for citizenship of the Russian Federation by marriage, the applicant must provide a copy of the document proving the identity of the spouse as a citizen of Russia. However, the couple must be married for at least 3 years.

For citizens who have lost their ability to work, but who have a legally capable and adult child in the country, you must submit a copy of your passport and child’s birth certificate and one of the following documents:

  • certificate confirming disability;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • certificate of a disabled person.

Today, the retirement age is considered for women 60 years old, for men - 65 years.

If the applicant is subject to a government program to facilitate voluntary resettlement, an appropriate decision must be provided. In this case, obtaining a residence permit is not necessary.

The applicant will also need to go through a medical commission and provide documents confirming the absence of HIV infection.


Document Filing Conditions

The procedure for submitting documents for citizenship of the Russian Federation requires mandatory personal appeal to the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The sending of documents by mail is not allowed. The only alternative option for filing documents is through an authorized person. In this case, the representative of the applicant must have a notarized power of attorney in his hands.

You can submit documents not only in Russia, but also in other countries. In this case, you must contact the consular mission, another diplomatic institution.

Passport issuance

The timing

How much to wait for Russian citizenship after submitting documents? If the applicant follows the standard procedure, then you can rely on citizenship after one year from the date of filing a full package of documents.

For persons who fall under the simplified procedure, a period of 6 months is provided. The following applicants can apply for a passport in three months:

  • native speakers of the Russian language;
  • Good knowledge of the Russian language and participating in the program for the resettlement of compatriots;
  • persons who move from countries with which there is an agreement with Russia, namely, citizens of Belarus and Kazakhstan.

After submitting documents for citizenship of the Russian Federation, these people can count on even shorter terms, that is, literally within a week they can issue a new passport if all the documents are in full order.

If a person has a residence permit, in some cases he may not adhere to a five-year period in the following cases:

  • an applicant who was born in the territory of the former RSFSR;
  • wealthy individuals whose company turnover is at least 10 million rubles;
  • investors who have invested in the country's economy at least 100 million rubles;
  • highly qualified specialists, persons, professionals with unique professions;
  • spouse of a citizen of Russia.

In general, the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance, but it requires the applicant’s attention, patience and, of course, compliance with all requirements of the current legislation. Although practicing lawyers still recommend finding reasons for accepting citizenship under the simplified program, especially those who previously lived in the USSR.


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